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����� <br /> ������'�������.�''��� ��'�'���� � <br /> proceed in its o�vn name by suit or sui�ts at lat� for the recovery thereof in euch manner as i� <br /> , <br /> �shali deem f it. I <br /> �� - <br /> IThis assignment of rent is bei�n� made for the express pur��o�e of having the rent collected <br /> i <br /> �Ihereunder applied �o payments of principal, interest and fines on the Ioan of �2,2�0.00 abo�€e <br /> N <br /> ��described, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to As�ociation in the su <br /> �lof �2,200.00 and the real es�ate mortg�,ge on �he property above described securing said bond. <br /> ( Said Associat.ion may, in its discretion, use the ren�s so far as ne�essary for the purpo�e of <br /> i�making such repairs upon the r�remises as , in its judgment , ma.y be proper and may use said rent <br /> �� s�o far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon eaid premises , ox any <br /> other payments to be made by us under the t erms of the bond and mortgage above mentioned,the <br /> i�balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines an �aid certificatel <br /> Ii <br /> � and loan. <br /> , <br /> IThis assignment and tran�fer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the tota� of <br /> ,, the payments above mentioned from and after this date. i <br /> lDated th�s 2� day of June A.D. 1932. . <br /> � William H.Ehrsam <br /> IWitnesaes: Marian Ehrsam <br /> !i Mary Ransom _ <br /> ISTATE OF ATEBRASKA ) On this 2� day of June, A.D. 1932, bef ore me , the sub�criber, a : i <br /> �S. I <br /> �� HALL GOUNTY Notary Public, duly commissioned and qu�.lified for ar?d residing in� <br /> said County, personally a�peared GPilliam H.Ehrsam and Marian Ehrsam, husband and wif e, to me <br /> i . <br /> iknown to be the identical persons de�eribed in and who execu�ed the foregoing instrument as i <br /> , <br /> grantor and they severally acknov�I.ed.ged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and d eed <br /> iIN �GITNESS WH�'REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island,Nebr. in sai <br /> � <br /> i (?ounty, the day and year Iast written. ' <br /> �I�.ry Ra.nsom � <br />� �I (�EAL) Notary Public � <br /> � My commission expires �ept. �, 1936. � <br /> � ! <br /> � Filed for record this 6 day of Ju;3�r, 1932 , at 9:34 ��clock A.A2. _ <br /> �� ����.-�, E <br /> � . <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> ! o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-ao-ao-c-o-o-o-�-o-o-ao-o-o-a-o-c�-o-o-o-�-o-o-� <br /> NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS ' <br /> � In the Di�triet Court of Ha11 Oounty, Nebraska. � <br /> � Occidental Building .and Loan Association, ) � <br /> � Plaintiff , f� <br /> � I <br /> 1 V8. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS � <br /> � <br /> Edna Doty, Cassius M.Doty, Delmer 0. � <br /> Draper , Bertram W.Jones , and Gla.dys <br /> M.Jones, and �d.A.Jones,Jr. , <br /> Def endant s. <br /> TO �►HOM IT MAY �ONCERN: I <br /> Notice is hereby �iven that the Oce�.dental Building and Loan Association has filed its petitio <br /> in the District Court of Hall (7ounty, Nebraska, against the def endants Edna Doty, Cassius M. � <br /> Doty, Delmer O.Drap�r, Bertram W.Jones and Gladys M.Jones, and �d.A.Jones,Jr. , the ob�ect and <br /> prayer of which petition is to foreclose a mortgage a.gainst the following described premises <br /> � <br /> situate in the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, to-wit; Al1 of Fractional Block Twelv� � <br /> (12) Wallich� � Addition, together with its complement, bein� fractional Lots Nine (9) and Ten <br /> (10) in Block One (1) in Bonnie Brae .Ad.dition, both additions to the City of Grand Island, �e <br /> braska, according to the recorded plat':�thereaf, to�ether with all the appur�en�,nces thereunto <br /> belon�ing; �hat said mor�ga�e was executed by Bertram W.Jones and Gladys M.Jones in favor of e <br /> I <br /> Occidental Building and Loan Association, conveying said premises above de�cribed as security ' <br /> for the ayment of a pxomissory note; th�,t said mort�age was dated the 2nd day of September, <br />