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�. <br /> �'�� <br /> �['�`��������������� ��'����� � <br /> ized �gents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described premises or any part the e- <br /> of , and in our place collect and receipt for said rent , either monthly, quarterly or yearly, a � <br /> they may see fit , and in default of the payment of s�,id rent or any part thereof to proceed in <br /> its own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereof in such manner as it shall deem <br /> fit. <br /> This assi�nment of rent is being m�,de for the express purpo�e of having the rent collected her - <br /> under ap�nlied to payments of principal, interest and fines on the loan of $1,600.00 above dea- <br /> cribed, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to said Aesociation in the sum <br /> of �1,600.00 and the real estate mort�age on the property above described eecuring said bond. <br /> Said Association may, in its discretion, use the r ents so far as necessary for the purpose of <br /> making �uch repairs upon the premises as , in i�s jucigment, may be proper and may use said rent <br /> so far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises, or any <br /> other payments to be made by us under the terms of the bond and mort�age above mentioned, the <br /> . balanc� to be applied upon the �ayment of monthly dues , interest and fines on said certi�ic�.te <br /> , and loan. � <br /> This assignm� .and tr�.nsfer of rents and revenue to be ab�olute to the extent of the total of <br /> the payments above mentioned from and after this date. <br /> Dated this let day of July, A.D. 1932. � <br /> Witnesses; <br /> H�C.Schoening Anna Martin <br /> - Howard C.Martin � <br /> STATE OF NEBR.ASRA ) On th�s lst day o� July A.D. 193� � bef ore me, the subscriber, a <br /> ss. <br /> �10UGLA8 COUNTY � Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> eaid Gounty, personally appeared Anna Martin & Howard C.Martin to me knovvn to be the identica <br /> pereons described in �,nd who executed the foregoin� instrument as grantor and they severally <br /> acknowled�ed the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN WTTN?�'SS 11�HERE�F, I have hereunto se't my hand and Notarial Seal at Omaha, Nebr. in said <br /> County, the day and year last written. . <br /> Hubert C.Schoening <br /> I Aotar Public <br /> (SEAL) y <br /> My commission expires January 1�, 1933. <br /> � Filed for record this 6th day of July, 1932, at 93�30 o 'clock A.M. �l�,�� <br /> � <br /> Ri�gister of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> ABSIGNDQ�"NT OF RENTS . <br /> K�TO�P ALL M�N BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned Wi3liam H.Ehream and Ma.rian Ehraam, � <br /> husband and wife, of Grand Isla.nd Qounty of Hall State of Nebraska, for and in consideration <br /> of Twenty Tvao Hundred and no/100 DOLLARS, to us as a: loar� in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUIL <br /> ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of David City , Butler Oounty, 8tate of Nebraska, and other good and � � <br /> valuable consideration, the receipt v�hereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assign, transfe , � <br /> and set over to the DAVID CST� BUILDING AND L�AN ASS�CIATIOId, as collateral security f or said <br /> Ioan, for sa long as said loan or any p�.rt thereof remains unpaid, the rents and revenue accr - �' <br /> � <br /> ing for the x�eriod of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the following descri.bed � <br /> property situated in Oounty of Hall, 9tate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot 9even (7) ,Block Nine (9) �schimmer' s Addition to the Oity of Grand Island,Nebraska. : �' <br /> And �e hereby auth�ize and empower the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, its author- <br /> ized agents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described premises or any paxt <br /> thereof , and in our place collect and receipt for said rent, either monthly, quarterly or <br /> yearly, as they m�.y see fit, and in default of the payment of said rent or any part thereof t <br />