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�� -a � <br /> ���� <br /> ��.Ur���L�J�JJ�I���`���j w.�J�� '-���j��J�'-=� '�`' <br /> ------ <br /> __ ---. _.� _ <br /> --- --_ _ . __ _----------- _ � , <br /> for the period of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the following described prope ty <br /> iIs�_tu�,ted in County of Ha,l.l, State of Nebr�.ska, to-wit; <br />� E1Lot One (1) , in Blc�ck Tv�enty-one (21) , in 8chimmer� s Addition to Grand I�land,N�braska. � <br /> !; � <br /> jAnd we hereby authorize and empower the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIQ�', its authoriz d <br /> f� <br /> �' agents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described premises or any part thereof, , <br /> � and in our place col7.ect and receipt for eaid rent, either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as <br /> I <br /> �! the ma see fit , and in def�,ult of the aym�nt of said ren� or an �,rt thereof �o roceed in� <br /> „ <br /> Y Y P Y P P <br /> ,� <br /> jits own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereof in such manner as it shall deem <br /> , <br /> �I <br /> � fit, <br /> � <br /> � This assignmen� of r�nt is being rnade for �he express pu�pos� of havin� the rent collected her - <br /> � <br /> �� under a,pplied to payments of principal, interest and fines on the loan of �3�00.00 above des- ' <br /> II <br /> �, cribed, as a�reed by us to be p�.id in the bond executed by us to said Association in the surn � <br /> �� <br /> iiof �3500.00 and �he real estat� mor�g�,ge on the property above described securin� eaid bond. <br /> iSaid Association may, in its discre�ion, use �he ren�s so far as necessary for the purpose of <br /> ,` <br /> jmakin� such repairs upon the premises as, in its jud�ment , may be proper and may use said rent <br /> � so far as necessary for �he payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said pr�miseG, or any, <br /> Iother paymen�s to be made by us under the terms of the bond and mort�age above mentioned, the <br /> � <br /> � balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and fines on said certificate <br /> I � <br /> � and loan. <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> ; This assignment and tr�.nsfer of rents and revenue to be a,bsolute to the extent of the total of� <br /> � the payments abov� mentioned from and after this date. � <br /> i <br /> f <br /> ; Dated �his 29 day of June, A.D. Z932. <br /> � Lucy H.`�'huere <br /> i Witnesses: 8amuel Fhuere � <br /> �� J. C.Lewis . . <br /> � <br /> 1 STATE OF IVEBRASKA ) On this 29 day of June, A.D. 1932, before me , the subscriber, a <br /> ; ss. <br /> � Dou�las County � Notary Public, duly commissic�ned and qualified for and residing i <br /> � � <br /> i said County, person�.11y appeared Lucy H.Fhuere and Samual Fhuere, wife and husband, to me kno <br /> ' to be the identical persons described in and who executed. the foregqing inatrumen� as grantor <br /> i <br /> � and they severally ackno�ledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> j IN '�ITN�SS WHEREOF, Z have hereunto set my hand an.d �Totarial Seal at Omaha, Nebraska, in said , <br /> i <br /> County, tne day and year last written. J. C. Lewis, � <br /> (SEAL) Not�,ry Public � <br /> �y Commission expires February 5th, 1937. i <br /> Filed for record this 6th day of July, 1932, at 9i30 o'elock A.M. . �j � <br /> v� <br /> ��' Register of Deeds <br /> + o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ao—o—o—o—ac�—a—ac�—c�—o—c�—a—c�—o—cro—c�—o—c�—o—o—o—o <br /> ( ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS - '' <br /> KN0�1 ALL M'EN BY THESE PRES�'�?TS: That we, the undersigned,. Anna l�artin and Howard C.Martin, wi e <br /> "' Huadred <br /> � and husband of County of Douglas , state of Nebraska, for and in cansideration of 9i�teen^and ' <br /> � <br /> � no/l00 DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, <br /> Iof David City, Butler County, State of Nebraska, and other good and valuable consideration, t e <br /> � � ,I <br /> I � r f r owl ed do hereb ass� n transfer and set over to the DAVTD <br /> ry recei�t �ahe eo is he eby ackn edg , y � , , <br /> C�'TY BUILDING AND LOAN ABSOCIATION, as collateral secuxity for said Soan, for so lon� as said <br /> , <br />�I (� � loan or any part thereof xemains unpaid, the rents �,nd revenue accruing for the period of the � <br /> \ <br /> . � dur�.tion of the loan above mentioned, upon �he followin� described pronexty si_�uated in Count <br /> of xall, Sta�e of Nebras?:a, to-wit; � <br /> � � <br /> I Lots Nine (9) , and Ten (10) , in Hlock Seven (7) , of Bog�s & Hi3.].�s Addition to Grand Island, , <br /> (� f N�braska. <br /> v I <br /> And we hereby authorize and empower -�he DAVID CITY BUZLDIPIG AND LOAN A�SOCIATION, its author- <br /> I�— I __ _ <br />