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���� <br /> ���IrG��L�J�J�I����j��J� �L����J��� W <br /> —_ _ __. __.._________ .__ . _ __.. --- <br /> __ _ __ --- -- <br /> __` L . . __.�.__ -._ <br /> any necessary purpoBes. The lessee further agreee that he will in all respeets comply with <br /> Ithe city ordinance and requirements of the health authorities and particularly as to keeping <br /> I <br /> �I said premises and the stre�ts and al2eys adjacent thereto, free and cl�ar from all filth, , <br /> li <br /> �i refuse and obstruction and the steps and sidewalks free from snow and ice; that he v�ill keep <br /> �i <br /> i' the buildings, glass , gates, fences, etc. , in good repair as the same :no� are or may be plac ; _. _ <br /> , <br /> �� at any time by the lessor, or �as aften as �he same may require it, damage by superior force, � <br /> ,, . <br /> �� inevitable necess � ty or fire from any other cause than carelessnese of the lessee, or persons <br /> � <br /> � of his family, or in his employ excepted, and at �he expiration of �his lease, or upon a breac, <br /> � � <br /> iby said l�ssee of any of �he covenants herein contained he will wit�.out further notice of any <br /> . <br /> i <br /> � kind, quit and surrender the possession and oecupancy of said premises in as �ood cc�ndition as; <br /> � � <br /> ireasonable use and natural wear and decay thereof will permit, damage by fire as aforesaid, <br /> i <br /> ; superior force or inevitable necessity excepted. � <br /> i <br /> ,; And the said party of the second part hereby gives the said party of the first part a lien I <br /> ; upon any and all property of the said second party kep� in use upon said premises, to be en- <br /> �I <br /> i forced in like manner as a chattel mortga�e, whe�Gher exempt from eaecutian or not , for a13. re �t <br /> , i <br /> ( due or to bec�ome due by virtue of this lease. <br /> i <br /> !; Il� �ITNESS �11HEREOF, the said parties have hereunto subseribed their names on the date above i <br /> ; wri�ten. � _ _ � . <br /> � In Presence of John E.Mader (�EAL) <br /> 1 �Pitnesses as to John �.Mader's signature � <br /> ! V.J.�iicallef � � <br /> '� Mildred '�aycott. Alfred L.Mader (SEAL) � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) �n this 9th day of June, A.D, 1�32, before me, the undersi�ned <br /> ; )se. _ ' <br /> �, SAN BERI�TARDIN� COUNTY ) a l�otary Public, dulp aammissioned and qu�,lified for and resid • <br /> � ing in said County, personally came John E.Mader the said lessor and -------------- the <br /> i <br /> � said lessee, to me known to be �he identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing in <br /> Istrument as lESSOr and lessee a,nd ackno�led.ged �aid instrument to be his voluntary act and <br /> � deed. � � <br /> �(itn�ss my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. I <br /> � _ Alma 8nyder <br /> � (SEAL) Notary Pub2ic <br /> � My commission expires the 5th day of Ma.rch 1933• � <br /> � Filed f or reeord this 30th da,y of June, 1932, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. <br /> � �,�.�� � <br /> °� Regieter of Deeds � <br /> i 4-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-C-C-C-O-�-C-0-C-0-�-0-C-O-C�-�-f�-0-�- <br /> _ � <br /> I ABSIGNMENT OF' REN'TS. � , <br /> i <br /> � <br /> j KNOYP ALL I�EN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we, �he undex�igned Oscar 'tT.B�eQracken and Elnora McCrac en <br /> � <br /> husband and wife of Lancaster County, State of Nebr. and Erne�t W.A�cCracken and Anna �[ef�racke <br /> husband and wife , of County of -------- 3tate o#' ------------ , for and in consideration of � <br /> Thirty Four Hundred and no/l00 DOLLARB, to us as a loan in hand p�.id by the DAVID CITY BUILD- <br /> � ING AND LOAN A9SOCIATION, of David City, Butler County, 9tate of Nebraska, and other good a,nd <br /> rv <br /> valuable coneideration, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�cled�ed, do hereby as�ign, transge , <br /> �' and set over to the DAVID CITY HUZLDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as ec�llateral securit for said <br /> � Y <br /> Nloan, f or so long as eaid loan or any part thereof remains unp�.id, the rents and revenue aecr - <br />' � ing for the period of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the followin� described <br /> � ' <br /> � property situated in (7ounty of Hall, S'�ate of Nebraska, to-�vit: i <br /> I <br /> �asterly Thirty-Three f eet (33) of Fractional Lot Seven (7) , in Block one hundred t�venty six <br /> (126) , Union Pacific Railway Company� s �econd Addition to Grand Island,Nebraeka. _ <br /> � � <br /> And eve hereby authorize and empower the DAVID CITY BUILDING AI�tD LOAN ASSOCIATION, its suthor- <br /> � ized agents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the above described premises or any part <br /> thereof, and in our place collect and receipt for said rent , either monthly, qua.rterly or <br /> � � <br />