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�� �� � <br /> ����i�����!�������� �������� � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2� day of June, A.D. 1932 , before me , the subscriber, a <br /> )ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and resiring <br /> in said County of Hall personally Li11ie S.Pulver to me kno�tn to be the identical <br /> person described in and who executed the fore�oing instrument as grantor and she severally <br /> acknowledged the said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITNESS ti'YHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand a,nd Notarial Seal at Grand Zs1�,nd,TJebr. in s�.i <br /> County, the day and ,year last above wri.tten. <br /> C. T.Flower <br /> (SEAL) Notary P�blic <br /> M commission ex ires Se t . th, 1 37. <br /> , Y P P 9 9 <br /> Filed fc�r record this 2�tr day of June � 1932 , at 2; 30 0� clock P.r��. <br /> ��=�-�-�- �,�"�- <br /> '�, Register of Deeds <br /> o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—a—a—c—o—c—o—o—a—c—o—o—c�—o—c—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—n— <br /> CITY LEASE <br /> THI� AGREEMENT, l�ade and entered into this 28th day of May, A.D. ,1932, by and between John E. <br /> Mader of the County of Hall and 8tate of Nebraska of the first part; and Alf red L.Mader of the <br /> second part, <br /> WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part has �his day leased unto the party of the <br /> second part the following described premises, to-wit: <br /> Lots 2hree (3) & Four (�) in B1ock S�ven (7) , Arnold & Abbott� s Addition to Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, which includes the buildings on the U.P.Right-of-way and ali equipment in the <br /> buildings. <br /> To�ether with all the buildin�s and improvements on the same for the term of five years from <br /> the lst day of July 1932 to the lst day of July 1937, for the sum of Thirty-five and 00/100 <br /> ° DOLLARS, p er month, payable on the first da,y of eaeh month, in advance, at the office of ----- <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED, 3'hat if any rent shall be due and unpaid or if default be made in an <br /> of the covenants herein contained, it shall then be lawful for any of the said paxty of the <br />, first par-� to re-enter the said premises, and the party of the second part agrees to vaoate sa d <br /> premises without no�ic�, and if it becomes necessary to bring action at law to recover possess on, <br /> to pay a reasonable attorney' s fee therefor. <br /> Party of the seeond part agrees to keep up all the repairs , insurance and pay the taxes, in <br /> addition to the �35.00 per month rent. <br /> _ <br /> Party of the first part giveB the party of the second part the option of buying the above <br /> described property at any time for the sum of �10,�000, terms to .be agreed upon at the time of <br /> the sale. <br /> And the said party of the second part further agrees to pay the party of �he first part the <br /> rent as above specified, except when said premises are untenantable by reason of fire, from <br /> any other cause then carelessness of the part- of the second part , or persons of his family, <br /> or in his employ, or by superior force or inevitable necessity. <br /> ; <br /> And ths said party of the second part eovenants that he will use said premises as a cem�nt wor $ ', <br /> and f or no o�her purpose whatever, and that he especially will not let said premises or permit i <br /> to be used for any unlawful business or purpose whatsoever; that he will not sell, assi�n <br /> underlet or relinquish said premises �ithout the written consent of the lessor, under penalty f <br /> forf eiture of all his right� under this lease, at th� election of the party of the first part <br /> and that he will use all due care and diligence in guarding said property, with buildings, ga.� s, <br /> fenees , vines, shrubbery etc. , from dama�e by fire and the depredations of animala, will pay <br /> all water rent and charges f or �as or electri.c light that shall become due thereon during this <br /> lease; that he will not permit any noise or nuisance wha�ever on eaid premises to the disturb- <br /> ance of o�her �enanta or do or permi� anything on or about said premises which will increase <br /> the rate of insuranc:l�• that the l�s�or and its a ents ma enter at an time to vieR same or fo <br />