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�.�� <br /> ���r���J��!!�}U��j � ���\�//11`\,WIJ'//'�1�' w <br /> � �..�C:J�J � ��� ���/ SJ �..J� <br /> � �...- ._' ._'_`__-___"""_ �' "' <br /> the follotving �escribed aremises situate in the County of Hall and State of N�braska, to��it ; <br /> ILot T�velve (12) in �oss and Ashton Park, located on and being a sub�ivision of a part of Lots <br /> �Fourteen (l�-) and EiShteen (1�) of County Subdivision of VGest H�,lf of South�re�t Qu�.rter ('�� SVP ) <br /> iand �, part of �he East Ha1£ of Southwest Quar�er (E; SS��) of Section Fifteen (l�) in To��nshi� <br /> �Eleven (11) ,North , Range Nine (a) t�est of the Sixth Princi.pal Meridian, together with all the <br /> I <br /> i <br /> �a��urtenances thereunto belonging; that said mortg�,�e �as execu�ed by Thomas W.Phelan �.nd Let� <br /> IMay Phelan in favor of the Occidental� and Loan Association, conveying said premises <br /> i <br /> �above described as security for the payment of a �romissory note; that s�,id mortg�,ge v�as dated <br /> i <br /> the 12th day of Se�tember , 1931, �.nd v�as duly filed for record in the office of the Re�ister o <br /> Deeds of Hall County, Nebr�,ska, on the 12th day of September, 1931, and recorded in Book 67 of � <br /> Mortga.ges at Page 3�3. <br /> I OCCID�'NTAL BUILDING A11TD LOAN ASSOCIATION, <br /> Ij Plaintiff , <br /> !� Hy El.lery H.Westerfield <br /> Its Atiorney. <br /> Filed for record this 2��h ciay of June , 1932 , at I1:00 0� clock A.�1. ��� ���� <br /> f`4, Re�ister of Deed <br /> j0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�J-C-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0- - <br /> , <br /> � ASSIGNPdENT OF R�'NTS <br /> - � <br /> � <br /> KNOi3� .4LL M�N BY THESE PRESENTS: Th�:t t�e, tne undersigned Lillie S.Pu�.ver , �ido�, of Grand <br /> Island,County of Ha11 , Sta.te of Nebraska� for and in consid.eration of Fifteen Hun�.red �nd No/1 0 <br /> � DOLLA�RS, to us as a loan in han� p�,id by the UN�ON LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, o�' the City o <br /> Lincoln, Lancaster Coun�y, State of Nebr�,ska, �,nd other good anc� valuable consideration, the <br /> receipt 1n�ereof is hereby acknoJ ledged, do hereby a�sign, transfer , �,nd set aver to the UN'ION <br /> LOAN AT`TD SAVINGS AS�OCIATION, as collateral security for s�.id loan, for so long as said loan <br /> � <br /> or aY�y �art tnereof rernair.s unp-�.id, the ren-�s and. revenue accruing for the �aeriod of the dura- <br /> � <br /> � tion of the loan above mentioned, upon the folloeving d.escribed property situated. in County of <br /> IHa11, State of Nebr. , to-�it ; <br /> The southerl,y t��renty-nine and one-ha1� (292) feet of Lot One (1) in Block Fifty-nine (59) of <br /> ' the or��inal �oc�n of Gr�nc� Isl�,nd, Nebraska, s �.r.�e being a rectangul�.r tr�,ct of land having <br /> � <br /> t�enty-nine �.nd one-h;�lf (?9�) feet front on Cedar Street and a depth of sixty-six (6�) feet. <br /> And we hereby authorize and empov�er the UNION LOAN A11TD SAVIRTGS AS�OCIATIQId, its authorized <br /> a�ents and attorneys to act for us, and. rent the above d�scribed premises or any p�,rt thereof, <br /> � and in our p3;ace collect �,nd receipt for s�.id rent , eithEr mon-th1y, quarterly or yea.rly, as <br /> they m��,y sEe fit , and in default of �he payment of said rent or any part thereof ta proceed in <br /> � its o�an name b� suit or suits at 1a�v for the recovery of said rent or for the r�covery of the <br /> I <br /> � possession of said pr emises in such manner as i� shall deem fit. <br /> � ; <br /> � This assignment of rent is being made for the express puxpose of ha,vin� the rent collected <br /> � ��� <br /> � hereunder applied to p�yments of principal, interest and fines on th e loan of �1500.00 above <br /> Id.escribed, as agreed by us to be paid in �he bond exeeuted bV us to s �.id Association in the <br /> sum of �1500.00 and trie r eal estate mort�a�e on the property above descrzbed sec�arin� s�.id bon . <br /> Said Association may, in its discretion, use the rents so far �,s necess�.ry for the purpose of <br /> � makin� such repairs upon the premises as , in its judgment , may be pro�er and m�,y use said rent <br /> I I <br /> ( so far a.s necessary for +he paymen� of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises , or any !, <br /> other payments to be made by us .under the terrr�s of the bond and mort��,ge above mentioned, the <br /> balance to be applied u�on the paymen� of monthly dues , inter�st �.nd fines on said certifica.te <br /> and loan. <br />, <br /> This assignment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent af the total of <br /> Ithe payments above mentioned from and after this date. <br /> Dated this 2�th day of June, A.D. 193�. Lillie S.Pulver <br /> Witnesses; C. T.Flower <br />�'�_ � _ <br />