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��c) <br /> ����������������� �������� r� <br /> buildin�s , �ates , fences , vines, shrubbery, etc. from dama�e by fire and the depredations of <br /> animals , �ill p�.y all v�ater rent an� charges for g�.s or electric light that shall become due <br /> thereon durin�, this lease; that he will not permit any noise or nuisance a�hatever on sa,id prem <br /> ises to the disturbance of ather tenants or do or permit anything on or about said premises , <br /> which will increase the rate of insurance; that the les�or and its a�ents may er.ter at any tim <br /> t� vieav �ame or for any necessary puraoses. The lESSee further agrees that he v�ill in all res <br /> pects comply x�ith the city ordinance and requirements of tre health authorities and p�,rticular <br /> �.s to keepin� said premises and the stree�s and. allevs adjacent thereto, free and clea.r from a 1 <br /> filth, refuse and obstruction �.nd. the steps and sidetiv�,lks free from sno��v and ice; that he will <br /> keep the buildin�;s , glass, �ates, fences , etc. , in good rer��ir as the s�.me now are or may be <br /> placed at any time by the lessor or as ofte: n as the s�,me may require it , dam�.�e by superior <br /> force� inevitable necessity or fire from any other cause than carelessness of the lessee, or <br /> persons oi his �amily or in l�is embloy, exce�ted, and at the expiration of this lease , or upon <br /> a breach by said lessee of ar.y of the covenan�s herein contained he �i11 v�ithout further notic <br /> oz any kin�., qui� and surrender the possEScion �.nd occupancy of said premises in aG �^od con- <br /> dition as reasonable use anc� natural �cear an� d.ecay thereof v�ill permit, damage by fire as afo e- <br /> s�,id, superior for ce or inevitable necessity excepted. <br /> And the sa3.d party of �;he second part hereby gives the party of the first part a lien upo <br /> any and all �roperty af the said second party kept in use upon premise;� , to be enforced i <br /> like manner as a chat-L-el mortga�e, �vhether exempt from execution or not , for all rent due or t <br /> become due by virtue o� this lease. <br /> IN V6ITNESS r'PH�REOr, the said pa.rties h�.ve hereun�o subscribed their names on the date above <br /> written, <br /> In Presence of William A.Davidson Seal) <br /> P.J.Gates F. C.Keller 8ea1) <br /> S.H.Housley <br /> STATE OF NEBR.ASKA ) On this 22d day of June, A.D. 1g32 , before rne, the undersi�ned, <br /> ss. <br /> BUFFALO COUNTY � E`�znice Shields a No��.ry Public duly commissioned and qualified for <br /> and residinrf in said County, person�,lly came b'Gilliam A.?lavidson the said lesQor and Fr�.nk C. <br /> Keller the s�,id lessee , to me kno�.+�n to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the <br /> foregoin� instrument as lessor and lessee and ackno�ledged said instrument to be their velun- <br /> tary act and deed. • <br /> Witness my hand �,nd Natarial Seal the d�,y a,nd year last above �ritten. <br /> Eunice 9hields <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expir�::s the 7th �ay of Dec. i935. <br /> Filed for record this 23 day of June, 19�? , at 10:�5 o � clock A.r1i. . � <br /> ,�. �'�' <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-Q-G-0-0-0-C-Q-n-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-G-�-0-0-0-Q-0-�-0- <br /> , <br /> LIS PEIJD�NS <br /> In the District Court of Hall Co�unty, Nebraska. <br /> Oc�idental Building and Lo�.n Association, ) <br /> Plaintiff , ) <br /> vs. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. <br /> Thornas ?16.Phelan and Letta May Phelan, ) <br /> Defendants. ) <br /> TO i�Fi0�4 IT M4Y CONCERN; . <br /> Notice is herEby �iven that the Occidental Building and Loan Association has filed its p�titi <br /> in the District Caurt �' Hall County, Nebras�a, a�ainst the defendants Thomas �P.Phel�.n �.nd <br /> Letta May Phel�,n, ��e object a,nd pra.ver of whi-ch �etition i�s to foxec].r�se a mortg�.ge against <br />