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— 1 <br /> _�� � <br /> �)a�� <br /> ��t��j�������������� ���'����� � <br />__.______ _������:�:�:� ._ ____ __ ___________ _. <br /> � <br /> ( In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my ha.nd ans seal this 22d day of June, 1932. <br /> � ( SEAL) Eunice Shields <br /> � My Cotnmission E�pires Dec. 7, 1935. Not�.ry Public i <br /> , <br /> 1 ACC�PTARTCE OF ASSIGNMENT � <br /> i� , <br />. �, I , Frank C.KeI].er , the assignee , in the above and foregoing assi�nment , of lease, hereby accep <br /> �I this�ssignment , �nd he-reby bind myself , my heirs , administr�.tors a.nd assi�n� to f�.ithfully <br /> ! <br /> � �erform and dischar�e all of the terrr:s and conditians, on the part of the lessee, contained in. <br /> ; <br /> f said lease, dated December lst , 1930. <br /> Ii <br /> `; VGITN�S� <br /> ��� F. C.Ke11er � <br /> Euna.ce Shields <br /> ,� � <br /> � CONSENT � TO ASSIGNMEAIT ° i <br /> � i <br /> ; I , �filliam A. Davidson, hereby consent to the above and fore�oing assi�nment of 1.ease. ; <br /> �; i <br /> � �itness : _ W:�11iam A.Davidson � <br /> . <br /> � Euni.ce Sh3.elds. <br /> I, <br /> ;� <br /> �+ Filed for record this 23 day of June, 1Q32 , at 10:30 o� clock A,1�. (J(�^��� I <br /> I <br /> �� �- R��ister of Deeds � <br /> � <br /> � o-c-o-a-o-o-o-c-c-c-o-c-o-o-�-c-o-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-�-o-�:-o-o-o-o-o-c�-c;-�-o-�-o-o-c�-o-o-a-; <br /> � <br /> � CITY L�ASE. _ � <br /> i <br /> '' mHIS AGREE1LZEhzT, Made and �ntered into this 22nd da.y of June A.D. ,lg32, by �.nd between William t <br /> f, <br /> ! A. Davidson, of the County of Hall and State of Nebras'_�a, of the first pa.rt; anc� Frank C.Kelle j <br /> ; i <br /> � of the second p�.rt , . � <br /> WITN;�SSETH, That the said party of the first p�,rty has this day leased unto t�e part- of the � <br /> i second part the follor�rin� �escribed premises, to-ta�it : Lots Z3 , l�- and 15 , Block 5 , Bro�:ms <br /> i <br /> i Addition to the villa�e of Alda, Nebraska, <br /> i <br /> � Together �vith all the buildin�s anc? improvements on the same for the term of � years , 5 month <br /> '� ,_. <br /> � from the 22d day of June, 19�2 , to the ls� day of December 19�+0, for the sum of Forty Dollars � <br /> f �40.00) per year pay�.ble �20.00 on the f irst day, in adv�,r_ce, of S�pterr:ber and March of each <br /> year. <br /> � AND IT IS FURTH�R AGREED, That if any rent �ha11 be due and unp�,id or if default be made in a y <br /> i ' i� of the covenants herein eontained, it sh�,ll then be la�vful for any of the said p�,rt- of the <br /> � first p�,rt to re-enter the Qaid �remises, and the part- o� the seccnd part agree- to vacate i <br /> � <br /> � ! <br /> said �remises t�ithout notice and if it necess��.ry to brin� �.ction at law to recover <br /> � �osses�ion, to pay a reasonable a�torney� s f�e therefor. ; <br /> th re 1 estate taxes on these lots d.urin�r the term of <br /> � <br /> Party of the 5econd p�.rt agrees to pay e a � � <br /> � <br /> this lease. Par�y of the second part is not to sublet this �ro�ert,y ti�vi 1out vhe consent of the <br /> i <br /> � part,y of the f irst. P�,rty of the f ir�t part agrees wi�h the party of �he second part th�,t the, <br /> I� ' riTht to remove all the e ui ment laced on the lots <br /> party of the second part re�erves the � q P P = <br /> during the term of this lease. <br /> And the said pa.rt- of the second pa.rt furtner agree- to pay the nart- of the first part the <br /> � rent as above s�ecified, except �,�hen said premises are unten�,ntable by reason of fire , from (I <br /> � a=-y oth�r c�.use than carlessness os the pa.rt- of the second pa.rt , or r�ersons of --- family, o <br /> I in --- employ, or by superior force or inevi�able neces�i.ty. <br /> And the said p�.rty of the s e cond part caven�.nt- tY1�.t he v�i11 use s�.id premise.s as a ------- , <br /> an^ r'or no o�her purYc�ose ti�rh�,tever , �.nd that he especi�,lly �ill not let 5aid �remis�s or per- <br /> mit s�.me to be used for a,ny unlawful business or pur�ose �aha��oever , -�hat -- he �i11 not sel , <br /> assi�n, underle� or relinauish said premises without the written consent of the les=�or, uncle <br /> peralty of forfeiture of all his ri�hts unc�er this lease , at the election of the p�,rt- of th ' <br /> ; fir,�t part �.nd t'r.�.���Ut he uvi11 use �.11 due care and diligence in �uardin� said property, �vith <br />