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g�a,� ,� <br /> r <br /> L.�'=/� <br /> �����1��'������1����1� ��'���� t� <br /> �AIVER AS �TO 'PRIORITY OF MORTGAGE LIEN. <br /> KNOV6 ALL M.�'N BY THFSE PRFSENTS: <br /> That I , Ernest G.Kroeer , in consider�,tion of the release by The Equitable Building and Loan <br /> Association, of Grand Island.,Nebraska, of a �ertain mort��,�e in the sum of �2000.00, d.ated <br /> Sept. 14, 1923 , on the property hereinafte�r described , do hereby agree that the mortgage �ive f <br /> by Anna Bo�vser and Rufus Bot�ser , husband a.nd wife, to me , dated Sept. 1�, 192j , w�hich mort�agel <br /> was recorded August 6 , 19�4, in Baok 57, of Mort�ages , at Page 2�7, of the records of Hall <br /> County, Nebraeka, �hich s�.id mortgage covered the follov�ing described property, to-wit : <br /> , ��Lot Number Faur (4) in Block Number Four (4) , in VPiebe' s Addition to Grand. Island,Nebraska, I <br /> as surveyed, pla,tted and recorded," <br /> shall be �unior and inf erior to the mort�age given by the said. Anna Bowser and Rufus Bov�ser , � <br /> husb�,ne? �.nd wife, to The Equitable Building and Loan Association, of Grand Island,Nebraska, <br /> dated June l�, 1932 , in the sum of �1700.00, coverin�; the above described propert,y, which mor <br /> gage is recorded in Book 6� , of Rea1 Estate Mortgages , at Page 193 , of the record.s of Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, reserving, ho�ever , the 13.en of said mortgage to me as to any other person <br /> or persons v�homsoever; th�,t is to say, that by this agreement , the said mort��.ge to The Equit <br /> able Building and Loan Association, in the sum of �1700.00, shall be a first lien a.gainst sai <br /> pr�mises , and that the n�ort�age given to me, as hereinbefore set forth, shall be a second <br /> mortrrage upon said premises, junior only to the rights of Tre Equitable Building and Loan <br /> Association. <br /> Dated at Grand Island,Nebr. this 21st da.y of June, 1932. <br /> �Yitness; Ernest G.Kroger <br /> W.B.Hilbert <br /> 8tate of Nebras'_�a, ) On this 21st day of June, 1932 , before me , the undersigned, a Notary <br /> )ss. <br /> Hall County. ) Public, duly commissi�ned and qualified for and residin� in Count, , <br /> persan�lly caxne Ernest G.Kro�er, to me known to be the identical �erson who executed the fore <br /> � �oing agreement , �a,nd aekno�,v2edged the exec�ation thereof to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Florence V.Myers � <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> a2y commission expires Aug. 27, 1937. <br /> Filed for recorc� this 22 day of June, 1932, at 4:15 o� clock P.M. I <br /> � ��� ����� <br /> Regi�ter of Deeds <br /> 0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-v-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�'-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-(�-Q-0-0-(`-�-0� <br /> ASSIGNT�IENT Or LEASE - � <br /> FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I Samuel H.Housley, of the County of Hall , State of Nebraska, do hereby <br /> sell , assi�n, transfer and set over unto Fr�.nk C.Ke11er of Hall County, �'ebraska,_ all my righ <br /> title , interest , and demand �thatsoever �in and to one certain lease dated December lst , <br /> 1930, by and bett,veen �tillia.m A. Davidson of Hall County, Nebraska, party of the first part and <br /> Samuel H.HousZey of Hall County, Nebraska, party of the second part, coverin� Lots Eleven (11 , <br /> and Twelve (12) Block Five (5) Brovm� s Addition to the Village of Alda, Nebraska, according t <br /> the recorded plat thereof. <br /> This assignment i� attached to anc� made a part of said lease. � <br /> In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and sea7. this 22d day of June, 1932. <br /> ti'�ITATESS <br /> E`unice Shields Samuel H.Nousley <br /> STAmE OF NEBRASKA ) On �his 2�d day of June,1��2 , before me , Eunice Shields , a notary <br /> )ss. <br /> BUFFALO COUNTY ) public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said <br /> county, personally came Samuel H.Housley, <br /> to me �kno�n to be the identical person who signed <br /> the �oregoin�� instrument as �,ssignor , �.nd acknowled�ed the same to be his voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br />