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� ���� <br /> ��������� ���� � ��' � ��� � <br /> � �� � ������ <br /> — �a�xY_�Raaus:�sa _ -- _�__� _ <br /> _.. _._. _.._ -------_____—. � <br /> �ASSIGNMENT OF Ft�'NTS. <br /> � <br /> �KNOW ALL M�N BY THESE PRESENTS: That �e, �he undersigned James C. Cook and Sarah E. Cook, hu4ban , <br /> �jand wife , of County of Hall State of Nebra.ska, for and. ir� oonsid.eration of Ei�ht Hundred and <br /> +no/100 DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING AI�TD LOAhT ASS�CIATI4PT, <br /> i <br /> iof David City, Butler County, State of Nebraska, and other .good and ,valuable consideration, th <br /> � receipt v�hereof is hereby acknot�ledg�d, do hereby assi�n , transfer, and set over to the DAVID ` <br /> _ <br /> � <br /> { CITY BUILDING AIvD LOAN ASSOCIATIOIJ, as collateral security for s�,id 1oan, for so lon� as said � <br /> i <br /> + loan or any part tr,ereof remains, the ren�s and revenue accruin� for the period of the <br /> ; <br /> ,! duratian of the lo�,n above mentioned , upon the follo�vin� described property situated. in County <br /> � <br /> ; of Hall , State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> I � <br /> �INoxth Half (N2) of Lot Thirteen (13) , �.nd all of Lot Fourteen (14) , in Block Three (3) , in � <br /> �, <br /> lPleasant Hill Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska. i <br /> � ; And we hereby authorize and empov�er the DAVID CITY BUTLDING AT�1D LOAN ASS4CIATION, its azzthor- <br /> ; ; <br /> � <br /> \9 ; i.zed agents and attorneys to a. ct for us , a,nd rent the above descr�.bed premises or any p�.rt the e- . <br /> � of , and in our place collect and. receipt f or said rent , either monthly, auarterly or ,yearly, a <br /> � ! they may see fit , and in d.efault of the payment of said xent or any p�,rt thereof to proceed in <br /> � <br /> �` ; it� o?vn n�,me by suit or suits at l�,w for the recovery thereof in such m�.nner as it shall deem <br /> � I <br /> ' f�t. � �`� <br /> � This assignment of ren� is bein� made for the expres� purpose of having the rent collected <br /> , <br /> � herEUnder apalied to payments of principal, interest an� fines on the loan of ��00.00 above <br /> ' f <br /> - �' � described, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed b,y us to said Association in �he � <br /> � sum of ��00.00 an�. the xeal est�.te mortga�e an the property above described securing said bond. <br /> � <br /> � Said Association may, in its discre�ion, use the rents so far �,s ne:�essary for the purpose of <br /> I <br /> � making such repairs upon the premises as in its judgment, may be pro�er and may use sazd rents� <br /> so far as necess�,ry for the p�.yment of insurance premiums and t�.xes upon s�.id pr emises , or� an <br /> iother payments to be made b,y us under the terms of the bond �,nd mort�age above mentiar� d, the <br /> 'I balance to be ap�lied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and. fines on said certificat <br /> � and loan. � <br /> This assignment and tr�.nsfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total o <br /> 1 <br /> � the payrnents above mentioned fram and after this date. <br /> �I Da-�ed this 22 day of June , A.D. �932. � <br /> � <br /> `� VPitnesses: James C. Cook <br /> P�Rary Ransom Sarah E.Cook <br /> STATF OF NEBRASKA ) On this 22 day of June , A.D. 1932 , �aefore mLe, the subscriber, a I <br /> )ss. � I <br /> �' HALL COUNTY ) Notary Public , duly commi5sioned and qualified. for and residin�; in � II <br /> � said Coun�y, person�.11y �,ppeared Ja.mes C. Cook a.nd Sarah E.Oook , husband and��ife , to me knou�n <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> to be th� identical persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor <br /> and they severally ackno��ledged the said instrument to be their volunt�,ry act and deed. <br /> � IN �ITI�ESS "I�HEREOF, I have hereunto set my h�.nd a.nd. Not�,rial 3ea.1 at Grand Island,Nebr. in <br />�I <br /> said County, the day �.nd ye�.r last w�itten. <br /> Mary Ransom <br /> � (SEAL) No�ary Public <br /> My commission expires Sept. � , 1930. <br /> , . ��j � <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of June , 193� , at 2: 30 o clock P.M. �,���-��../J-L�-� <br /> �` Re�ister of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-Q-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-O-0-C-O-0-0-0-O-G�-O-�-O-�-l�-O-�-Q-O-O-0-�-0-0-0-0-O-0-Q-0-�-0�0 <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> ! � i <br /> � - � <br /> _ � <br />