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��� <br /> ������������������� �������� � <br /> � <br /> and they severally ackno�rledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and. deed. <br /> IN ��'�ITNES� 'NHEREOF, I h�.ve hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, Nebr. in sai�. <br /> County, the day and year last �vrit�en. <br /> Mary Ransom <br />' ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My ccmmission expires Se��. � , 1936. <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of June, 1�32 , at 2:�0 o� clock P.M. � • ��� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-c-a-c-o-o-o-c-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS: <br />' KNO� ALL MEN B�' THESE PRES�NTS: Th�-�t we, the undersigned Lillian Ladwig and Frank Ladwig, wif e <br /> and husband, of Coun�y of Hall State of Nebraska, for a.nd in consideration of One Thousand and <br /> no/100 DOLLARS, to us as a loan in han�? paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING AA1D LOAN A SSOCIATION, <br /> David City, Butler County, State of Nebraska, and other good and valuable consideration, the r <br /> ceipt ti�hereof is hereby ackno���ledged, do hereby assi�n, trans�'er , and set over to the DAVID CI <br /> BUILDING AAlD LOAN ASSOCIATION, as collateral security for said loan, for so long as said loan r <br /> any �a.rt thereof remains, the rents and revenue accruing for the period of the duration <br /> of �he loan above mentioned, upon the follo�vin� described property situated in County of Hall , <br /> State of Nebraska, to-v�it: � <br /> Lot Tvao (2) , Block Thirty Trvo (32) ,Packer & Barr� s Second_ Add.ition to Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> And we hereby authorize and empov�er the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, its author- <br /> �. <br /> ized a,�ents and attorneys to act for us, �nd rent the above described premises or any part the e- � <br /> of , and in our place collect and receipt for said rent, either monthly, qua�terly or yearly, a � <br /> they may see fit, and in default of the payment of said rent or any part thereof to proceed in � <br /> its ov�n name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereof in such m�,nner as it shall deem � <br /> fit. <br /> This assignment of rent is being made for the express purpose of having the rent collected her - � <br /> � <br /> under applied to payments of princip�.l, interest and fines on the loan of �1,000.00 above des- <br /> cribed, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed bv us to said Association in the sum o <br /> �1,000.00 and the real estate mortgage on the property above described securing said bond. <br /> 9aid Associa�ion may , in its discretion, use the rents so far as neeessary for the purpose of <br /> makin� such repairs u�on the premises as, in its jud.�ment , may be proper and may use said rent <br /> so far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums a,nd taxes upon said. premises, or any <br /> other p�,yments to be made by us under the terrns of the bond and mortgage above mentioned, the <br /> balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and fines on said certificate <br /> and loan. <br /> This assi�nment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to tne extent of the total of <br /> the payments above mentianed from and after this date. !� <br /> Dated �his 21 day of June, A. D. 1932. . �, <br /> Witnesses: <br /> Mary Ransom Lillian Ladwig <br /> Frank Ladwig <br /> sTATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 21 day of June , A. D. 1932 , before me � the subscriber , a Notar <br /> )ss. - <br /> HALL COUNTY ) public , duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said Coun y, <br /> per�on�,lly �,ppeared Lillian Ladwig and Frank Ladwig, v�ife and 'husband, to me knov�n to be the <br /> identical persons described in �,nd who executed. thef ore�oing instrument as grantor and they <br /> severally acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN �VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Se�.l at Grand Island,Nebr. in sai <br /> County, the day and year last �ritten. (SEAL) Mary Ransom, Notary Public <br /> l�y aa�nmission expires Sept. ,� , 193�• , <br /> ._� _ �_-�__.__------ --- - <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of June, 193z , at 2:30 o� clock P.?�R. ,�-�L`L`°� <br /> n, egis er o ee s <br />