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� � � � �� `L' . <br /> � <br /> ������������������� �������� � <br /> � <br /> GOi�TRACT AT�TD AGREEPI�ENT. � <br /> THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT �2ade and entered into this lOth day of May, 1932, by and between <br /> Geor�,� MeMillen, a single man , of Hall County, Nebraska, of the first paxt , and Ray VG.Hutton, <br /> of Hall Count,y, Nebra,slca, af the second part; <br /> WITNESSETH: That for and in conGideration of the covenants and agreements as hereinafter set <br /> forth, the parties herEto agree as fcllows;- <br /> That the first party hereto ha,s this day sold to tne second party, �;nd the second party has <br /> y�urchased from the first party �he follo�vin� descr�ibed real estate in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> to-�vit:- <br /> Lots 5 ,b ,7,� ,9 ,10,11,12 ,13 and 14 in Block 13 of Meth� s Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska, and <br /> Lots 1 , � , 3 , �.nd 4 in Block � of Loan� s Subdivi.sion to the City of Grand Island,Nebrasl;a. <br /> for which the second party a�rees to pay the sum of �2600.00 in manner and form as fallows:- <br /> .�1 ,000.00 of said consideration to be in the nature of a �1,000.00 first �hich the <br /> said R�,y Hutton assumes a.nd agrees to pay; <br /> �400.00 �ash on the si�nin� of the within agreement, and the remainin� �120�.00 in paVments o <br /> �25.Q0 �er rnonth commencing June the lst , 1932 , all de�"exred p�.yments drav�ing interest at the <br /> rate of six per cent per annum, said. interest payable semi-annually commencing December the <br /> lst, 1932. <br /> It is further understood and agreed that possession of said premises will be delivered to <br /> purchaser on the signin� of the v�ithin a.greement. That tne premises shall be free and clear <br /> of taxes for the year 1g31 and a11 prior years , purchaser to pay 1932 and all subsequent taxe . <br /> It is under�tood that tne first party shall sv.bmit to second. party an abstract of title shooa- <br /> ing s�,id premises free and clear of all liens and incumbrances s�.ve and except �1,000.00 firs <br /> rr:ortgage, such abstr�,ct to sho�� merchantable title, s�abj ect to said mortgage, to be in the <br /> name of f irst party. S�,id abstract to be s�zbmitted to purchaser �ithin thirty daVs f x^m date <br /> hereof and second. party to return the same to first ?�arty with any objections thereon within <br /> two ��aeeks �,fter the s�xne is �ubmitted to him. <br /> First par.ty undertakes that in the event is he unable to .supply merchantable title second <br /> party sha11 h�,ve the �400.00 payment �,bove mentioned returned to him, with in�ere�t thereon <br /> at 6�o from date of payment , and he shall be privileged to retain posGession of said premises <br /> until said return pa.yment is made'. Return of. the �own �a,yment to second party shall req�aire <br /> him to surrender nosaession of the z�remises. <br /> On completion of all payr�ents required of second. party v�arranty deed of the first na.rty, tfihi�c <br /> i� to be executed as of tnis date and placed in escrow, shall be delivered to purchaser. It <br /> is understood th�,t first pa.rty will this day make said deed and deliver same in e�crotr, to <br /> Ameriean Securities Company, where the same, v�ith copy of this a�reement , shall be held until <br /> delivery shall be made to �urchaser as by the terms of this agreement provided. <br /> �econd pZrty ia required by this agreement to maintain �2500.00 fire, tornado and wind storm <br /> insura�c�ce on the buildin�s conveyed b,y this a�reement, said insurance policy to carry the <br /> ' usual endorsement � �howin� loss , i� any, payable �o first party as hie interests may avpear. <br /> IN WITN�;SS ��IER�'OF the p�.rties hereto have this day set their hands on the day first above <br /> written. <br /> F.J.Cleary Geo l�cM�llen <br /> First Party <br /> Martha Vodehnal R.VO.Hutton <br /> Second Party. <br />