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��� <br /> ��(`���j�j�����1J�JJ W.�✓J�.WJ ,�� LSI�������� �' <br /> —�____. — <br /> -�______ _ __ ,Lt,��,� ___ _ __- -- <br /> ASSTGN�QENT OF RENTS <br /> � <br /> I 'KNOW ALL M�'N BY TH^SE PR�'ST±�'NTS: That v�e , the undersi�ned Loren R.Popejoy and Nelle L.PopejoY, 'I <br /> husband and wif� of Gra.nd Island, County of Hall , State of Nebraska, for and in consideration � <br /> �of Nine Hundred and no/100 DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING AN <br /> i LOAN ASSOCIATION, of David_ City, Bu�tler County, State of Nebr�.ska, �.nd other �ood and valua,ble <br /> 'iconsideration, the receipt �vhereof is hereby acknowled.ged, do hereby as�i�n, transfer, and setj <br /> f <br /> fiover to the DAVTD CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCZATION, as collateral security for loan, fo <br /> I <br /> +� so lon� as said loan or �,ny part thereof remains unpa,id, the rents and xevenue accruin� for th <br /> �j �eriod of the duration of the lo�,n above mentioned, upon -the follot+ring described pro�erty situ <br /> ; <br /> � ated in County of Hall , State of Nebraska, to-�it : <br /> ; <br /> � Fractional Lo� Three (3) in Block Forty Nine {49) , in Russell UP'heeler�s Addition to the city o <br /> � Grand Island,Nebraaka; also Fractional Lot Three (3) in Block Six (6) , in Gilbert�s Addztion t � <br /> ,lCity af Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> �I And we hereby �.uthorize and em�o�er the �AVID CITY BUIL,'�ING AND LOAN AS�OCIATION, its a�zthor- <br /> ized agents and attorneys to act for us, �.nd rent the above described premises or any p�,'rt the e- <br /> of , and in our place c�llect and. receipt for sai� rent, either monthly, quarterly or yea,rly, a <br /> they may see fit , and in defa.ult of the payment of s�.ic? rent or any part ther.eof to proceed in� <br /> its oj�n name by suit or suits at la�r for the recouery thereof in such manner as it �hall deem � <br /> i fit. <br /> a � This assignmen� of rent is beinJ made for the express purpose of havin� the rent collected <br /> y � hereunder a��lied to payments of �.rincipa,l , interest and fines on the loan of �900.00 above i <br /> � <br /> described, as a�reed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to said. Association in the <br /> � sum of �900.00 and the real estate mort�age on the pronerty above deseribed securing .said bond� <br /> � � Said Associatian may, in its c�iscretion, use the rents so far as necessary for the purpose of � <br /> ( � <br /> imakin� such rep�.irs upon the premi�ea as, in zts jud�ment , may be ?aroper and may u�e Qai� rent <br /> � + �o far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premise� , or an <br /> ; <br /> , � � other p�.ymen�s to be mad.e by us under the terms of the bon�. and mort�a�e above mentioned, the <br /> � E <br /> i b�.lance to be ap�lied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest an�. fines on s�,id certif ic�.t ' <br /> � <br /> I and loan. � <br /> This assignment and trans�er of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total o I <br /> � � <br /> the payments above mentionea from �,nd after this date. I <br /> Dated this 17th �ay of June , A. D. 1932. f <br /> Loren R.Popejoy <br /> Witnesses: Nelle L.Popejoy. � <br /> i b2a.ry Ransom. _ i <br /> � <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 17 day of June, A. D. 1932, before me, �he subscriber , a � I <br /> 7S• I <br /> HALL COUNTY �� Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified f or and residin� in I <br /> j <br /> said Coun�y, �ersonally appeared Loren R.Popejoy and Nelle L.Popejoy, husband an� �zf e, to me �': ' <br /> kno�n to be the identica.l persons described in and who executed the f oregoing instrument as I <br /> �rantor and they severally ackno�ledged the said instrument to be their voluntary act and de� �. I <br /> � � <br /> IN V�ITNFSS E�fHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ana Notarial Seal at Grand Isl�.n�,Neb�. in , � I <br /> said County, tne day and year last v�ritten. <br /> Mary R�,nsom � <br />�� SEAL) Notary Public ' <br /> My commission expires Sept. £� , 1�?3�. ! <br /> Filed for recorc? this 17th clay of June, 193?� at 2:�0 o � clock P.rr?. �`��� ��,t�,� I <br /> � <br /> f� Register of Deeds <br />'� o-o-o-c-�-o-o-o-c-o-o-c-o-c,-�-c-o-c-c-c-c-o .a-o-o--o-a-�-�-�-�-o-c-c-o-o-a-c�-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-� <br /> � <br /> ; <br />�I i <br /> �� (I <br />; � I <br />