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�as <br /> ��� <br /> ��LyIrG���JL�JJ..���JC��VJ�j `��/.J�f� L.���j����� " <br /> --_ m�omnv�c _._._,gv.. rncotx;�vse -- — <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RHNTS <br /> �KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That �rP, the undersigned James C.Cook and Sarah E.Cook, husban <br /> �j and avife, of Grand Island, County of Hall, 8tate of Nebraska, for and in eonsid.eration of Seve <br /> �jHundred and no/100 DOLLAR.S, ta u� as a loan in hand paid by the DAVTD CI?'Y BUILpING AND LOAN <br /> !� <br /> i� ASSOCTATION, of David City, Butler Coun�y, State of �ebr�.ska, and other good �,nd valuable con- � <br /> �isideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, da hereby assign, transfer, and set ov r <br /> � <br /> '; to the David City Buildin� and Loan Association, as collateral securi�y f or said. 1oan, for so <br /> ( <br /> ilon�; as said loan or any par� thereof remains unpaid, the rents and revenue accruin� for the <br /> ;, __ <br /> period of the dura�ion of the loan �.bove mentioned, upon the fallowin� described property situ <br /> � <br /> �� ated in County of Hall, S�ate of Ptebras�a, to-wit ; � <br /> , <br /> � North Half ( 1�) of Lot Thirteen (13) , and all of Lot Fourteen (14) in �lock Three (3) �.n i <br /> ; � � I <br /> ,� <br /> Pleasant Hi11 Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska. <br /> � And we hereby authorize �.nd empo�ver the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATI(�N, its au�Ghoriz d <br /> � agents and at�orneys to aet for us, and rent the above described premises or-a.ny part thereof, " <br /> i � <br /> iand in our place collect �.nd receipt for said rent, either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as � <br /> � <br /> '' they may see fit , and in default of �he payment of said rent or any part thereof to proceed in <br /> i � <br /> � <br /> ; its own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery ther�of in such manner as it shall deem � <br /> � � fit. � . � <br /> � <br /> � , <br /> ' This assi�rnnent of rent is being made for the express purpose of having the rent eollected , <br /> { � <br /> � hereunder applied to payments of principal, interest and fines on the loan of �700.04 above <br /> I <br /> ' described, as agreed by us to be paid in �he bond executed by us to said Associa�ion in the <br /> I <br /> ` sum of �700.00 and the real estate mortga�e on the property above described securin� said bon <br /> i � <br /> � 9aid Association may, in its discretion, . use the rents so far as necessary for the purpose of <br /> i <br /> � makin� such repairs upon the premises as , in it� jud�ment , may be proper and may use rent <br /> iso far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises, or an <br /> ± other payments to be ma,de by us under the terms of the bond and mort�a�e above mentioned, the � <br />, I <br /> id rtificat <br /> i balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines on sa ce <br /> �' <br /> and loan. <br /> ; <br /> This assignment and �ransfer of rents and revenue to be absolu�e to the extent of the total ofl <br />'� � the payments above mentioned f rom and after this date. <br /> � <br /> 1 Dated this 9th day of June, 1932. I <br /> iV�itnesses; James C. Cook <br /> � Mary Ranaom �arah E. Cook <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 9th day of June A.D. 1g32, before me, the subscriber, a <br /> )ss. <br /> I HALL COUNTY ) Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualifia�d for and residin� in <br /> said County, personally a?�peared J�.mes C. Cook and Sarah E. Uook, husband �,nd wife, to me .knownl <br /> to be the identical persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor <br /> and they severally acknowled�ed the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN �iITNFSS q9'HFr�EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarii�.l Sea1 at Grand Island,Nebr. in <br /> I <br /> � said (3ounty, the d�,y and year Iast written. Mary Ransom � <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public � <br /> My commission expires Sept. � , 1q36. <br /> Filed for record this 10th day of June, 1932, at 3:00 o� clock P.M. � <br /> ���-���Z'�' <br /> �` Re�ister of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(�-Q-O-J-�-0-0-C)-0-0-t�-0-0-C}-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0 � <br /> I: <br /> � <br /> � <br />