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���� <br /> ' ���> >>�'��� ��i � � ��'�'���� � <br /> �_,.������J ����.� � � <br /> ____ ___ __ _ _ . _ __ __ . _ _ _ _ _________ _ ___ _ ____ _ <br /> '__.._— � —'_._ __.. ....._.'__.. r§Sd.T'1L131B�AL.L'IILd�'. . - _—.....__. . .. _`__ _'_,.._. _ __'__" _.._____._.- ,— .'-----'_---� <br /> ' ASSIGNMENT OF R�'NTS <br /> � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES�NTS: Th�.t we, the undersigned Sterlin� C.L�.then and E.Grace La�hen, <br /> ' Husband and wife, of Grand Island County of Ha11 $t�,te of Nebraska, for and in consideration o <br /> ', Thirty Three Hundred and no/100 DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILD- <br /> ' ING AND LOAN A;3SOCIATION, of David City, Butler C?ounty, State of Nebraska, and other good and <br /> �aluable consideration, �he receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledged, do hereby assign, transfer <br /> ' and se� over to the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as collateral security f or �aid ( <br /> ' loan, for so long as said loan or any part thereof remains unp�,id, the rents and revenue accru <br /> ', ing for the period of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the following described <br /> ' property situated in County of Ha.11, state of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> Lot One Hundred Ei�hty-�wo (1�2) West Lawn Addition to Grand Island,Hal1 County, Nebraska. <br /> ' And we hereby authorize and empov�er the DAVID CITY BUILDING A?��D LOAN ASSOCIATION, its authoriz <br /> , agents and attorneys. to act for us , and rent the above described premises or any pa rt thereof , � <br /> ', and in our place collect and receipt for aaid rent , either monthly, quarterly or yearly, ae <br /> ' they may see fit , and in def ault of the payment of said rent or any part thereof to proceed in <br /> ' its own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereof in such manner as it shall deem � ' <br /> fit. <br /> Thie assignment of rent is being made for the express purnoge of havin� the rent collected <br /> . N <br /> hereund�r applied �o payments of principa.l, interest and fines on the loan of �3,300.00 above v <br /> ' described, as agreed by us to be paic� in the bond executed by us to said As�ociation in the � <br /> ' sum of �3 ,300.00 and the real estate mortga�e on the property above described securing said <br /> �v <br /> bond. v <br /> Said Association may, in its discretion, use the rents so f ar as necessary for the purpose of <br /> � <br /> ', rnakin� such rep�.irs upon the premises as, in its judgment, may be proper and may use said ren <br /> so far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises , or an <br /> other payments�to be made by us under the �erms of the bond and mortgage above mentioned, the <br /> ' balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and. fines on said eertificat <br /> and loan. � <br /> This assignment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total o <br /> the payments above mentioned f rom and after this date. <br /> ' Dated this 6th day of June, A.D. 19'�2. � � - <br /> . sterlin� C. Lathe� <br /> Witnesses: ` , � E.Grace Lathen <br /> -'��.ry Ransom �� .. <br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 6 day of June A.D. 1932 , before me, the subsc�iber, a No- <br /> ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY � tary Pu�1.ic, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> said County, personally appeared Sterling C.Lathen and E.Grace �atl�en, husband and wife, to <br /> me known to be the identical pereons described in and who executed. the foregoing instrument <br /> , <br /> as grantor and they severa,lly ackno�aled�ed the said instrument to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. I <br /> IN WITVESS WFi�tEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and No�arial Seal at Grand Island, in said <br /> Oounty, the day and year last v�ritten. '�I <br /> ' Mary Ransom <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires Sept. � � 1936. <br /> Filed for record this 14th day of June , Z93z � at 3:00 o' clock P.M. ��� � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> � <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-�-o-o <br />