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���� <br /> ��J�I Zllr���J��I'����J ��J�� L.51��j��/'-y�i�� '•. <br /> ----- �n�iw�'�'p'ndPgtiC�L1A� Afi9 ____.�.,�_ _..,T_. _._ <br /> "__`_. �Cl".�T. ' "._.___.......________.�...___..__�__��. _� <br /> LIS PENDENS <br /> �± IN THE DI�TRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY N�BRASKA. , <br /> i! <br /> '�Albe-rt B.Newe31 & Anna M.Newell , ) _ i <br />� ' Plaintiffs. � <br /> � � i <br /> �'�; N�'��x�� U I <br /> V$• �'" i�l� ��or.ler of the l�i� <br /> � tzict ri <br /> Co <, <br /> ,�rt o T�'. I <br /> i f s.._It <br />, i � Co�tnty 1`7ebc��ka, mnc� :r! eniered i <br /> �William Stanle & Minnie Marie Stanle .� Ff �3 �n�� 1����rtn� - --- ��Jo,�=�a,aj � <br /> I i: � y �" �r,�,.'.;.i of I�. ,'�,;; .„ ,f1-�J �e��c�f 3�a:�,a 7 F'tve CEY't; t';g i <br /> I ,z , _. <br /> , , " �Y t'al�-z:�a3c1 a ct c�ne�i 3. � I <br /> I �� Def endant s. ��y t�Z����::� � . <br /> ..___ a�.y.-- <br /> .... ... -- -..zs_._.% � I <br /> I� , ..,. ._. � - <br /> i ....._.- - <br /> � in the <br /> � Notice is hereby given that on the £�th o� June, 1932, tl��°����.�'r� f�fs 1 ��C�j�4,i;�g� - - r_ <br /> ,� District Caurt of Hall County, Nebraska. The object and pra�er of urhich is the canceliation of <br /> ,� _ � <br /> ; a eertain contract ta sell lot (l�) fif'teen, Helmont Adc�.ition to the city of Grand Island, Ha1 <br /> � <br /> ! County, Nebraska, made and entered into by the P1ain�iffs mentioned herein as parties of the <br /> �� first part and the Defendants named her�in as parties of the second part. � <br /> � Paul B.Newell <br /> � <br /> ! Attorneytfor Plaintiffs. � <br /> ; <br /> iFiled for record this 9th day of June,- 1932, at 3: 30 o � clock P.M. ( <br /> � � � v����v�,�c �����. � <br /> � ' Re�ister of Deeds <br /> ! o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o��-o�o�-o�-o�+-o o-o-�o- o-o�o-�-��g9 0-�0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ` ,�.�-��i�c�iiti/�y S..�L/�3 0 0'cfiuCt� <br /> j ASSIGNMENT OF RTNTS. �1 y� ,�. ���y� � . . �''�',�.G�..�.�.,.�� <br /> � �j��,��G'.�:.-�,-�/,9� �� ��,�,�. <br /> � KN0�1 ALL MEN BY THES�' PRFS�'+NTS: - That we, the undersigne Geor� na Ka11os and John Ka11os, <br /> ! wit'e and hu�band of the County of Hall, state of Nebraska, for and in consideration of Forty- <br /> Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars, as a loan in hand paid �o Georgena Kallos b,y The Equi�Gable <br /> ; Building and Loan Association, of Grand Island,NEbraska, a corpor�.tion, �,nd other good and val <br /> I <br /> � uable consideration, the rec�ipt wherFOf is hereby acknowled.ged, do hereby assi�n, transfer an <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> � se� over to said Association, as collatera2 security for� the d.uration of �hs ioan, all the <br /> , <br /> irents , income and profits accruir� upon the following deseribed property, situated in �he � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wits <br /> � Lot Numbered Two (2) in Hlock Numbered Fifteen (15) , in Fairview Park Addition to the City of <br /> i Grand Island,Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> I <br /> � And we hereby authorize and empower The Equitable Building and Loan As�ociation, of Grand Ts- <br /> 1and, Nebraska, i�s authorized agen�s and attorneys, to aet for us, and rent the above descri d <br /> premises , and in our place collect and receipt for said rent, at such pricea and upon sueh <br /> � <br /> terms as they may see fit. <br /> � <br /> This assi�nment of r ent being made for the express purpose of having said revenue applied to <br /> � the repayment of the above mentioned loan. <br />, I <br /> � Said Association may, in its di.scretion, use the rents so far as they may c�eem neceseary, for � 'I <br /> , <br /> i the purpose of making such repairs upon the premisea as , in its judgment , may be proper and ma , <br /> � I <br /> � use said rents so far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said �, <br /> premises. It sha1l also have authvrity to deduc� from said rents a faix compensation, to be ,, <br />� payable to said Association's a�ents, for services rendered in the colleetion of said r ents; � ', <br /> the balance ta be ap?�lied u�on the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines upon said loan <br /> Dated at Grand Island,Nebraska this 9�h day of June, 1932. <br /> ' Georgena Ka11os <br /> S�i.tness : John Kallo_$ <br /> Florence V.Myers <br /> I8tate of Nebraska ) On this 9�h day of June, i93z, before me, the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> )ss. <br />� u � t am n K l lo s and � <br /> Hall Co n y ) Pubiic, in and for said County, personally c e George a a <br /> _ I <br /> John Kallos who are personally known to me to be the identical persons �hose names are affixe <br /> , <br /> to tne above instrument as grantors and they acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act <br /> and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial seal the date aforesaid. <br /> Florenee V.My ers <br />� My commission expires Au�ust 27, 1937. (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> , . ,. . ' Y�. 'f� <br /> • Regis�er o Dee s <br />