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��� <br /> ��������������'��� ��'����� � <br /> __ _ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _________________ .____ __ _ <br /> _..-----� _. _._.__�...._ =SS.3Tc.�ffi�IAL�tISEAtvY�[Iqracx:�iH_`_":_ : . ----- -- ---- --,_� �._ _-_ <br /> hereunder ap�lied to payments of principal, interest and fines on the loan of �3600.00 above <br /> described, as agreed by u� to be paid in �he bond executed b,y us to said Association in the <br /> aum of �3600.00 and thG real estate mortgage on the property above described; securing said bon <br /> 9aid Association may, in its discretion, use the rents so fa.r as necessary for the purpose of <br /> making such repairs upon the premises as , in its jud�ment , may be proper and may use said <br /> rents so far as neces�ary for the paymen� of insurance premiums and taxe� upon said premises, <br /> or any payrpents to be made by us under the terms of the bond and mortgage above mentioned, th e <br /> balan�e to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines on said certificate <br /> and loan. , <br /> This assignment and transfer of r ents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total of <br /> the payments above men�ioned from and after this date. <br /> Dated this 7 day of June, A.D. 1932. <br /> 9Pitnesses: <br /> John McLellan Charles X.Turner <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7 day of June, A.D. 1932, before me, the �ubscriber, a <br /> ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY � Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing <br /> in said County, personally appeared Charles X.Turner, single, to me knovan to be the identical <br /> person described in and who executed the fore�oin� ins�rument as grantor and he severally ack- <br /> nowled�ed the said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITN�'SS T�HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island,Nebr. in <br /> said County, the day and year last written. <br /> John McLellan <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expir�s 9ept. 27, 1933. <br /> Filed for record this 7th da,y of June, 1932 , at 3:00 0' clock P.r�R. ��_�.-� �-�-�-� <br /> ' � Register of Deeds <br /> o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—cr o—o—o—o—o—o—o—n—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o <br /> NOTICE OF LIS 'PENDENS ' <br /> In the District Court of the -----Judicial District of the State of Nebraska within and for <br /> N COR4PLIki`CE with the o��de�o`!l�e i:=yt�=°�t�"�,urE of H�cll <br /> 'tYl� County of Hall. , � County, Nebreaka, made and enier��.�i/ iys�- <br /> . i- •-----.;n.7c�rr,ai <br /> .,�y..Pago.313.and on receipt of my fee uf;`v:<�:.,±::--i'•i�,A Cet�;:� i}� <br /> THE MUTUAL BENEF IT LIFE INSURANCE � �!►�;,d�in n�tic9 of��»Pendena ia hereby released an�?�:ancellec?.' <br /> ��l' �m�b�pd this...._.�..__._day--.�=��`=e__._19�� <br /> C�R1IrPANY, a corporation, �J/G�� Q�� <br /> Pla int i f f , .--..--_......_....__..--•-----.._. , <br /> �a,�i�Ler o!Deed� �M Cjerk Dietrict Coart <br /> vs. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. <br /> FRANKLIN B.�HAF�'R, et al. , <br /> Def endant s. <br /> TO WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN: <br /> Notice is hereby given that on the �th day of June, 1932 � an ac�ion was commenced in the Dis- , <br /> BENEFI_;. <br /> trict Court of the 9tate of N�braska, within and for the County of Hall, wherein THE It?UTUAL: ,� �'� � �S 1 <br /> LIFE INSURANCE COMPAIVY, a corporation, was Plaintiff and Frar�klin B.9hafer and Delia, C.3hafer, I <br /> husband and �aife, Joseph H. Stager , Admifitrator o,f the Estate of Ada Bell Elwick, deceased, � <br /> � <br /> were Defendants, the object and prayer of which petition is forecldsure of mortga�e and equit- I <br /> able relief. <br /> The following is a description of the real estate sought to be affected by said action: <br /> The Southeast Quarter (SE�) of 8eetion 3�-, Township 9 North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.I�. <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Dated at Hastings , Ptebraska� this �th day of June,1932. <br /> Herman G. Schroeder <br /> By Attorney for Plaintiff. <br /> � <br /> C���� �� <br /> Filed. for rFCOrd this £��h day of June, 1932� at 9: 15 o' clock A.M. Re�ister of Deeds <br /> � . <br />