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i <br /> ���� <br /> �����1��������j���'�,�J// � ��'�'J �� � <br /> _�J �!!�+ �/�� _.�J�C�J��.l-� <br /> � - . . � __. _ NFtiRCOLFI:'iCSH�...�._`_��_.'_-� <br /> said premises h�ve been rendered untenantable as aforesaid. <br /> 'It is further understood and agreed that a11 notices given under this lease c�hall be deemed to <br />, e properly served if delivered in writing personally, or sent by registered mail to the lessor' <br /> 'i <br /> 'at the last address where rent was paid, or to the lessee at its m�,in office in Bartlesville, <br /> Oklahoma. Date of service of a notice served by mail sha11 be the date on v�hich such notice is � <br /> � Ideposited in a post-office of the United States Post Office Department. <br /> �In S�itness Whereof, the s�,id parties o�' the first part have hereunto set their hands and �eals <br /> , <br /> !and the said party of the second part has cuased this instrumen� to be executed the day and <br /> � <br /> jyear first above v�ritten. <br /> I William Sielaff (SEAL) <br /> �PSTNESS: Fir�t Party <br /> i V.E.t�arren <br /> ' Henry Hohmann (SEAL)I <br /> Firs� Party <br /> Frank J.Hurza <br /> PHILLIPS PETROL�tTM COr�PA.NY <br /> ' � By R.H.D�,ngErf i eld <br /> i Divieion Manag <br /> iSTATE OF NEBRASKA ) � Personally appeared before me, V.E.Warren, a IQotary Public 3n and for <br /> � ss. <br /> (COUNTY OF HALL � said county and state, Williarn 8ielaff and Henry Hohmann, personally <br /> knot,�n to me to be the pa.rties voho executed the foregoing instrument , and acknoevledged that the <br /> �executed the sam� as their f ree and voluntary act , for the uses and pur�oses therein set forth, <br /> including the release and vaaiver of the righ� of homestead. <br /> (�iven under my hand and not�,rial seal �his 31 day of May, A.D. ,1932. <br /> � V.E.Warren, <br /> � (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> �My eommission expires 3-13-37 - <br /> As the owner of �he fee title to the prernises described in .:Ghe v�ithin lease, I hereby consent <br /> th� s�.me and a�ree to �.11 of the terms and conditions thereof. - <br /> �Pi�liam Sielaff <br /> i H�nry Hohmann. <br /> Approved R.H.Dan�erfield <br /> �� For General 8�,1es Manager. - <br /> �'Filed for record this 7th day of June, 1q32, at 10:30 o� clock A.M. <br /> ��.���t <br /> �' Register of Deeds <br /> o-o=o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-cro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF R ENTS. � <br /> � KNOV� ALL r1l�'1J BY THr±'SE PRES�'NTSt That �ve, the undersl.gned, Charles X.Turner, sin�le, of County <br /> of Hall, State of Nebras?sa, for and in consideration of Thirty Six Hundred and no/100 DOLLARS, <br /> � to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVTD CITY BUILDING A�ID LC?AN ASSOCIATION, of David City, ', <br /> Butler County, S�ate of Nebraska, and other �ood and valu�,ble consideration, the receipt where f <br /> � is hereby acknowledged, do hexeby assign, transfer, a,nd set over to the DAVID CITY BL�I,DING AN , <br /> LOAN AS�OCIATION, as collateral security f or said 1oan, f'or so lon� as said loan or any part ' <br /> � thereof remains unpaid, the rents and revenue accruin� for the period o� the duration of the ` <br /> � <br /> loan above mentioned, upon the following described property situated in Count,y of Hall, �tate <br /> � of Nebraska, �o-wit: Lot Eight (�) in Block t�o (2) , of John Voitle's Addi.tion to Grand Isl�.n , <br /> � Nebraska. � <br /> c� <br /> � And we hereby authorize and empower the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATI4N, its authoriz d <br /> agents and attorneys to act for u�, and rent the above described premises or any part thereof, <br /> and in our place collect and receipt f or said rent , either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as � <br /> � <br /> j � they may see fit , and in default of the payment of said rent or any p�,rt thereof to proceed i <br /> in its own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereo�' in sueh manner as it shall + <br /> ,i <br /> deem fit. <br /> Thig as�ignment of r�nt is bein� made for the express purpose of having the rent collected <br /> _� <br /> I <br />