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<br /> LEASE. _
<br /> THIS INDENTUR�', made this 31st day of May, 1932 , by and between William Sielaff and xenry
<br /> Hohmann of Grand Island,Nebraska, first party and PHILLIPS PETROLEUDQ COMPANY, a Oorporation,
<br /> of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, second party, WITNF9SETH:
<br /> That in consideration of the covenants and agreements of the second party hereinafter set fort ,
<br /> said first party hereby_ leases to said second party the following described premises, situated
<br /> in the County of Hall , and state of Nebraska, to-�vit:
<br /> (7ommencing at the South 9Pest Corner of Lot 17, thence North Fifty-two Feet 52 and Eight Inchee
<br /> (�) , then East One Hundred Thirty Two (132) Feet , then South Fifty-two (52) Feet and Ei�ht
<br /> Inches (�) , then West 132 f eet One Hundred Two Feet to the point of beginnir�, a11 in Lot 17 ,
<br /> Home Addition to the City of Grand Island,Nebragka.
<br /> to�ether with all equipment thereon or connected therewith, and no�v owned and operated by said
<br /> first party as a filling etation, f rom �he lst day of June, 193�� to the lst day of June,1933.
<br /> at the rate of One # Dollars (�1.00) per annum, payable in equal monthly installments, payment
<br /> for each month to be mad.e on or before the Fifteenth of the succeedin� month, by cheek delive d
<br /> or mailed to first party, his personal representa,tive or assigns at No. ---- Street , Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska. And a further rental of an amount equal to � Cent per gallon for each gal-
<br /> lon of Gasoline that said second party shall sell through said serviee station. Said amount
<br /> to be paid to said first party, or credited to his account with said first party on or before
<br /> the Fifteenth of the suceeding month, unless and until first party shall have notified second
<br /> party in writin� to pay said rent at a different address; said secand party reservin� the rig
<br /> to terminate this lease at any �ime by giving to first party ten da,ys written notice of its
<br /> intention to so terminate said lease. . .
<br /> �
<br /> And said first party further covenants and agrees as. followa;
<br /> 1. That durin� the term of said Iease he will pay a11 general and special taxes , and any v�ate , �
<br /> light or he�.t� taxes or ex�enses that may be levied and assessed against said premises or prop
<br /> erty owned by him, located thereon, and will keep said premises at all times in good repair. ;
<br /> 2. That at the expiration of this lease by lapse of time or otherw�se, said second pa.rty shal
<br /> have and is hereby given the right at any time, within thirty (30) days after such terminatio ,
<br /> to enter upon and remove from s�.id premises , any equipment by i� at any time placed thereon.
<br /> 3. The first party agrees to replace at his o�vn ex��nse any equipment which becomes c�orn out
<br /> through ordinary use, or is broken or otherwise�; damaged or destroyed throu�h no fault of
<br /> second party. . , . -
<br /> 4. That second party ehall h�,ve, and is hereby �iven, the privilege of extending thia 1ea.se
<br /> for a period of Two (�) years f rom the date of its expiration, under the same terms and con-
<br /> ditions as herein specif ied, at the rate of One � Dollars (�1.00) per annum payable as above
<br /> specified.
<br /> In consideration of the covenants and agreements by said first party to be kept and performed
<br /> said second party covenants and agrees as follows:
<br /> r mises as above s ecified. � � '�
<br /> l. To pay rental for said p e P
<br /> 2. To pay all taxes levied or assessed upon property belon�in� to it upon said premises.
<br /> 3. Th�,t at the expiration of said lease said second party will return to said first party the
<br /> premises and equipment thereon, other than equipment pla.ced thereon by it, in as good con-
<br /> dition as at �he date hereo�, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
<br /> It is mutually a.greed that in the event of the above premises being rendered unfit for occu-
<br /> pancy by fire, storm or from any other cause, the rental named in this lease to be paid shall
<br /> cease unti2 such time as the said property is again put into satisfactory condition for occu-
<br /> pancy, at the expen�e of the first party, e�hich the first party agrees to do forthwith after
<br />