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<br /> monthly dues on my shares , Certificate No. 252�g , ar?d interest and fines on a loan of Tvaenty-
<br /> two Hundred (�2200.00) DOLLARS, made to us on the above described property by the said NEBRAS
<br /> Said Association may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as necessary f or the purpose of
<br /> makin� such repairs upon the premises as , in its judgment, m�y be proper and may use said rent
<br /> so far as necessary for the payll:ent of insurance premiurns and taxes upon said premises , the
<br /> b�.lance to be applied upon the �ayment of monthly c�ues , interest and fines on sa,id certif?.cate
<br /> and loan.
<br /> This assi�nment and transfer of ren�s and revenue to be absolute to the exter.t of the monthly
<br /> dues. �.nterest and f ines on said. loan until the tirr:e when said 1oa,n sh�.11 be fully p�.id or thi
<br /> in.strument canceled by the Association.
<br /> Dated tnis 2nd day of April A.D. 1�32.
<br /> Paul C.Huston Elma V.Kent Tilley (Seal)
<br /> George A. Tilley (Seal)
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 2rd. day of April A. D. 1932 , before me , thE Bubscriber, a
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL � Notary Public , duly commissioned and qualified for and residing
<br /> in said County of Hall per�onally appeared Elma V.Kent Tilley (formerly Elma V.Kent ) and
<br /> Geor�e A.T211ey Wife and Husband to me knov�m to be the identic�l persons described in a.nd who
<br /> executEd the fore�oin� instrament �.s �rantor and they severally acknowledged the said instru-
<br /> ment to be tneir volun��ary act and deed. �
<br /> IN WITNE�S �HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, in said
<br /> County, the day and yEar last above voritten.
<br /> Paul C.Huston
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commission expires June 21, ��35.
<br /> Filed for record this 2 day of Arril , 193�, at 3:00 o � clock P.�J�. ����-� �
<br /> �"+, �:���,�i'
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
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<br /> KNOw ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: - That we , the undersi�ned, Frank Awe a.nd Ruth I.Awe, each in
<br /> their o�rn ri�ht , and as husband and �vife of the County of Bia.ffalo, State of Nebraska� for and
<br /> in consideration of Twenty-Four Hundred and 00/I00 Dollars , as a loan in hand paid to Frank
<br /> Awe by The Equit�.ble Building and Loan Association, of Grand Island, Ptebraska, a corporation,
<br /> and other �ood and valuable consideration the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do here-
<br /> by assign, transfer and set over tn said Aesociation, as collateral Eecurity for the duration
<br /> of the loan , all the rents , income and profits accruing upon the follo�ing described property,
<br /> situated in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wit ;
<br /> Lots Numbered Nine and Ten (9&10) in Block Number Ten (10) , in Gilbert �s Second Addition �o
<br /> Grand Island,Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. .
<br /> And we hereby authorize and empo�ver The Equitable Bullding and Loan Association, of Grand
<br /> Isla,nd, Nebraska, its authorized agents and attorneys, to act for us ,` and rent the above de-
<br /> scribed premises , and in our place collect and receipt f or sai� rent , at such prices and upon
<br /> such terms as they may see fit. ,
<br /> This assignment of rent being made for the express purpose of having said revenue applied to
<br /> �he repayment of the above mentioned loan.
<br /> 5aid Association may� in its discretion , use the rents so far as they may deem necessar,y, fo�c I
<br /> the pur�ose of makin� such repairs upon the premises as , in its judc�ment , ma,y be proper and
<br /> may use said rents so far as necess�.ry for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon
<br /> � _
<br />