. . . .. . . j
<br /> �� .�._. __:-� � ... ' : .. � . ... . . , __ .. . _ � -
<br /> J :M •l.'.
<br /> ' 1 � r�
<br /> : � ��-1��99� DEED OF TRUST 97�O.�a'�,t P���
<br /> � ' �.o� No (Continued) -�
<br /> � �i �--�� _ -- _ - - -� ;
<br /> Landlr, togMhsr wilh�II r�rwwals,�xlanslons,rnadiNcatlons, refirwr�clnys,cr+d 6ubstltu+Jn�s ior llw NotY. Tiw miltudty dYto N lhl9 D�d ol � . �
<br /> Trusth Fohr�ary 19,tEi90, �
<br /> .�
<br /> PN�pnal Prpp�Ry. Ths worda"Pereonal Properfy'msan ati equlpment,Hxtura,�nd oth�r trtkNs o7 p�nonal propsrty now a h�nwfhr �-
<br /> ownW by Trusta, tnd now ar heralle► attach�d or atHxed to tM RMI Property;top�thK wlth�M acdsalan�, puta,tnd�ddtdon�to, Q ;
<br /> ro�!�m!nh of,and �ll subetlfuHone(or, �ny ol such pruperty; ond topNhsr Wlh eA proco�d� (InCiudlnp wllhout Ilmllallon ell��8u��r+o� `
<br /> proC!!Ce end nNrrd�of pnmlums)kom any sib a olher disposlHon of th�Propwty. �` -
<br /> ��:
<br /> Ct�;.;.:7�',�.Ttt�e:ord'Prop�rtY'm=zns co'::ct)vcty ths R��i Pro�Grty end th�Persnn�l Property. �''
<br /> iiNl Proplrty, Th�words'FIe�U Prop�rty'rtwin ths proMriy,Inbnsb and riphb dacAb�d�bow In tM'Conv�yana rnd Onnt'��oNOn.
<br /> f�INM DoCUrtlMts. 7he words"Rekted Docurrmnb" mean and Include w11hoN limlGtlon pll promfssory npte�,crsdit�p�Mmsnb, Idn ' -
<br /> . �M�nb,QnvkonmentU ap�s�msnb,puuantbs,security agre�ments,matpa�,d�eds of trus�and all d:h�r Insdum�nb,ayrart�nts and I�
<br /> • documMb,whdha now or here�tt�►axlsHnp,exacuted in connacdon with th�Ind�bl�dnsss.
<br /> q�nt1. TM word'RSnts'means e!1 present and tuture renb,revenues,income,fuuss,royaltWe,protfts,and othsr b�nefib derlwd hom tM �
<br /> PYC1plrty. 1
<br /> T�u�. Ths wad'Truste�'mwns FIRST NATiONAI BANK OF MAR�UETTE and tny substltula a suCC�c�or tru=iN�. '�' "
<br /> Truelor. Th�wad'rrustor'means eny and eN persans end entft�execuHriy Ihis 6�sd of Tru3t,lnctudinp wHhout WmRatlon vl Tnntors nam�d '.
<br /> � �bove. Any Trusta who sipns this Deed of Tnut,hut does not sipn the Nots,b sfpnlnp thb O�sd o!Ttusl aMy to prant ans conwy thd +�r'`-'•°"-°A�'
<br /> Tnnia's Inbnsl In ttw Rul Property tnd ta prant a sacu�ity interest In Trustor's Interest In tM Renb�nd WrsorW Prap�rty to l.snder and Is nd
<br /> per_on�My N!hb undK the Note except as othe�wise prmided by contract or law. � :t� •�-�-
<br /> IEN -''`�
<br /> �. �rdF3Ydi IRi�i TFic FA'Ie�TCc ii3ATEiD 6�1t'�I.'tTS.A�'fl TF!!9 Q�'..ED Qf TT�UBT. TF!!8 Qc��TR!!ST IS GIV�N AIiD ACCEP7m �,�'•�-°-
<br /> � a11 TF�FOi.LOWINQ 7E61MS: w `•,' '
<br /> t•:�i�i
<br /> � Tp(lSTOR'B FiEPf3E8EMTATiONS AMt1 WAAIiIi1�1TIES. Trustor wertanls thah (e)thh De�d d Trust b sxacul�d at Borrovwr'e requKt and not It .!„-.__
<br /> tE�e rsryuesl ot La��t4a, (b)Tn►stor has the full power,�ht,and aulhortty to enter Into thls Deed of Trust and to hypothecats the Properry: (o) the .',�' '-
<br /> pro+hs!an:a!tMs W�d of Tnist do not conNct with,or rosutt in e def�Wt undK any ayro�ment a oth�r instrurswnt Wndirg�upon Tnntor and do noi •.;�`�.�.'�
<br /> rosulf In a uloktlon M any law,repuktlon.court decree or order eppHcabk to Trustor, (dlTnnta hes esttbMshed adpww m�ans of obWninp iran �'�;`. �,
<br /> Barowe�on a conHnWnp basis Utormaflon about Borrower's flnandal condidon;and (e)Le�det hits made no reprosintaUon to Trost+or obout 'i;y�•
<br /> ' ( BartowK Qndudinp wfthouf Mm�tdion lhe aeditwcxtMness of�ortower)• � -
<br /> �''� 7'RUBTpR�S WAIVFiiB. Trusta walves aG rlphb a defenses arlsJnp by reason of any'one actlon•a anU-dellclenoy'law.or�ny other faw whlch ' � �'
<br /> � may prewent Lender 6om brinpinp any actlon apelnst Trustor,IndudinQ a daim tor detk�ency to the extent Lendx b otherwise enUtled to�delm ta � �
<br /> �� � dsdcierwy,bolas a attor lender's commencement a compleUan of any foredosure actlon,either judciaNy or by exads�of a powar of 5afs. `�
<br /> � � PAYIEMT IIMP PERFORM�ANCE. Ex�pt as otherwise provlded tn this 6eed of Trust�orrawer shall pay to I.and�r WI Ind�btedness sacund by ,
<br /> [�ie D�ed of Trust as R becomss due,and Borrower and 7rustor shaN strletfy perform e1 theM resPecHve obMpatlons under ths No1s,lhis De�d of ;. •
<br />— . - '('aot,oi1'�=tw�w.�.�w.SS:`.^w1�. ::•:•. •! •=� . ...-
<br /> • . p�►ae�un iuwi wA1tiYENANCE QF Y�i IE�ROPEHTY. Trustar nnd Bortowar agree that Trustor's Possesslon and use ot L`t;,Fica�fi;:h;�6: :."�"� _�r�-� ..
<br /> ppyarnsd by HN folfowinp prOVlsions: �.
<br /> � PoMwWon�nd UM. Until the occurrenee ot an Evanl at Oefault,Trustor may (a)rem�Jn In posseulnn and control 04 9h�PropKly. (b)uk, ° .
<br /> ' � �
<br /> o�t�or maMpe the P►operly,and (c)cdfeCt any Ren1s hom ihe Propatty. �,f x•- �l
<br /> iiu'ry io i�M�Wn. Trusta shaH mdnfaln the Property in tenantebie cor�dHion and prompty perfortn�11 ropdrs,ropleae+nmis,and mnlnlenance f 'i� (
<br /> r�ecesssry b preservs tts wlue. - },
<br /> . '•' FManOou�8ub�tne�s. Ths terms"h�nardous waste'"twmrdoua substanca,"•dbpos�l�"'YWws�,'and'thnaMrwcl nMas�'as us�d In tNS '-� , " �
<br /> ( f;.
<br /> • " Dwd o1 Trust,sh�B haw the same meaninps ts set forth in ihe Comprehenslve EnWtonrtantat Resporu�,Comp�nsatlon,and Wbflity Aet ot �� ,i� '
<br /> . u
<br /> �,'..� . 1960,as amsndacl,�2 U.S.C.Seallon 9601.et seq.("CERCLA'�.tha Supertund Amendmonts and Reaulhorlutlon Act of 1998,Pub.L. No. :,..�' .�,r -
<br /> . .".; {;. pg-4g9('SAFiA',ttw Hamrdous Matxiats T�ansportaUon Act.49 U.S.C.Section 1801,et seq.,the Rasourt�Cansatvatlon and R�covory/1d, •=��,�
<br /> ` �'� •�;`, 42 U.�_C.Ssctlon 6901,et seq.,or other applicable state or FeJFx�i laws,rutes,a repuiadans adoptad pursunnt to any of ttN torpdnp. TIN , .,���"��
<br /> .��'��,': �i � � te�rms T�urudous weste"and"h9�srdous substence'shall etso Irw9ude.wfthout qmiktlon,petrdeum and petrdwm by-prodtwls a any incUan i���,•3-�
<br /> • �'• thsnaf and esbsstos. Trustor represenfs and warranis to Lender that (a)Durinp the pedod ot Trustora ownusNp of tM PropKty.th�n Ns I"��•:`
<br /> • been no use.Qeneration,manufacture,storage,hsatmont,disposal,refease a threetened release of any hwrdotn wasie ot substu�by�ny �.<+��->
<br /> " person on,under,about a Bom the Property; (b)Trustor has no knowiedpe of,a nason to bM�v�that 1Mn has bMe,�xapt�s pnviousN -''�-`�*�
<br /> : '�; disclas�d to and ecknowbdfled by l.ender in writing, p)pny use,qer�aUon,manuhtcture.stora9��troatrt�ant,dfsposaL r�asa.or tt�D�d =��"-
<br />