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��� <br /> ���������������� ��� ' ��� � <br /> �� � ���� � <br /> _� _ _._ .._ ______________ __ <br /> - — - =-.�iYz]8➢12FIAC C66dPAN4,LIHC6GN.Nh'g <br />'' ASSIGNM�'NT OF R:�NTS _ <br /> ( KN0�1 ALL �N BY TH�;SE PR�SE�ITS: That �re, the undersigned Harold Phelan and Charlott� Phelan, <br /> � husband and wife, of County of Hal1 Sta,te of Nebra�ka, f.or and in consideratf.on of T�enty One <br /> Hundred & No/100 DOLLARS, to us- as a Ioan in ha,n�. �aid by the DAVID CITY HUILDING AND LOAN <br /> aSSOCIATION, of David City, Butler County, State of Nebraska, and other good and valuable con- <br /> �� eideration, the receipt rovhereof is hereby acknowledged; do hereby assi�n, transfer, and set o r <br /> � <br /> to the DAVID CITY BUILDiNG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as coll�.teral security for said loan, for �o <br /> jlong as said lo�.n or �.ny part thereof remains unpaid., the rent.s , and xevenue accruin�; for the <br /> Iperiod of the duration of the loan above mentioned, upon the following deacribed property situ� : <br /> � ated in_County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wit: - I <br /> � The 8outherly Forty-four feet (So.ZI-4� ) of Lots One (I) and Two (2) , in Franctional Hlock Two <br /> , (2) , of Gilbert� s Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska. - ; <br /> , <br /> � And we hereby authorize and empov�er the DAVID CITY BUILiJING AND LOAN AsSOGIATION, its �.uthor- ' <br /> � iized a�ents and attorneys to act for us, and re�!t the above described premises or any part <br /> N <br /> �! thereof, �,nd i.n our p2�.ce colZect and receipt for said rent, either monthly, quaxterl.yor yearl , <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> .� as they may see fit , and in default of the payment of said rent or any part thereof to procee <br /> ;� <br /> � � in its own name by suit or suits at law for the recovery thereof in euch ma.nner as it sh�ll <br /> � � <br /> N �� deem fit. . - . ' <br /> i, � <br /> �IThis assignment of rent is being made for the express purpose of having the rent collected <br /> �� <br /> � �' hereunder apglied to payr�lents of principal, interest and fin�es on the 1oa.n of �2100.Q0 above <br /> �� described, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to said Association in �he <br /> , � 'i <br /> �� sum o� �2100.00 and the real estate mort�age on the praperty above described securing said ( <br /> I bor�d. � <br /> (� <br /> Said�As�ociation ma.y, in its discretion, use the rente so f�.r as necessary for the purpose of <br /> � <br /> Imaking �uch repaire upon the premises as, in its �udgment, may be proper and ma.y use said ren s <br /> � <br /> so far as necessary for the p�.yment of insurance premiums and taxes upon said premises , or an <br /> other payments to be made by us under the terme of the bond and mortgage above mentioned, the <br /> ,� <br /> balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines on s�.id certificat <br /> � and lo�,n. <br /> �; This aesignment and transf er of rente and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the total o <br /> � the payments �.bove mentioned from �,nd after thia date. <br /> I Dated this 27 day of Febr. A.D. 1932. � <br /> Harold Phelan � <br /> Witnesses; Charlotte Phelan � ' <br /> � <br /> Mary Ransom. _ � I <br /> � BTATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 27th day of F'ebruary, .A.D. 1932, before me, the subscribe�, ' <br /> I $�. <br /> HALL COUNTY � Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> eaid County, pereonally a�peared Harold Phel�.n and Charlotte Phelan, husband and wif e, to me <br /> k nown to be the identical persons described in and who executed the foregofng instrument as <br /> grantor$ and they sever�.11y acknowledged the said instxument to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> , IN �IITN�S� 'ANE�.EOF, I have hexeunto set my hand and Aotaxial Seal a� Gra.nd Ieland,Nebr. in s�, d <br /> County, the day and year last written. <br /> Mary Ransom <br />! (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My cornmission expires Sept. E� , �936. <br />� <br /> ; Filed for reeoxd the 27th day of February, 1932, at 3:45 0� cloek P.�i. ����d � <br />�� <br /> ,�, Re�ister of Dee s <br /> ii <br /> � o-o-c�-c-o-o-o-c3-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-�e-c-�-o-c-o-o-o�o-o-o-o-a-o-o-c-o-c;-o-c-�-c�- <br /> �.__ <br /> I <br /> , r <br />