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eJ� �� <br /> ��r�������1�1������ �������� � <br /> Name of Town Grand Island Neb. <br /> Name of Line Exchange <br /> Pole Numbers ------------- <br /> 9ecured by �.E.LaHounty <br /> P.t}.a.ddr�ss of Owner 1905 �Y,lOth <br /> Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> Filed for record this 23 day of February, 1932, at 10:00 o� clock A.�. ���� <br /> � <br /> � eg ster of ee s <br /> o-o-o-o-o-ao-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--ao-o-o-o-o-a-ao-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTB. _ <br /> KNOV� ALL �EN BY THEBE PR�SENTS: That we the undersigned ATancy Swanberg and Emil F.SWanberg <br /> of Hall Coun-�y, of Grand Island 3tate of IJebraska� for and in consideration of 9lxteen Hundred <br /> DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the UNION LOAN AND SAVIIVGS ASSOCIATION of t he City of <br /> Lincoln, Lancaster County, State _of Nebraska, and other good and valuable consideration, the <br /> receipt whereof is hereby ackno�rledged, do .hereby assign, transf er, and set over to the UNION <br /> LOAN AND SAVIAIGS AS50f1IATI0N, aa collateral security f or said loan, f or eo lon� as said loan <br /> or any part thereof remains unpaid, the rents �.nd revenue accruing for the period of the durat on <br /> of the loan above mentioned, upon the fol2owing described property situated in County of Hall <br /> �tate of Nebr. , to-wit; Lot Four (4) Blk. 17 Bonnie Brae Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> And �e hereby authorize and empo�ex the UNION LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, �.ts authorized <br /> agents and attorneys to act for us, and rent the a bove described premises or any pa,rt thereof , <br /> and in our place collect and receipt for said rent, either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as <br /> they may see fit , and in default of the paqment of said rent or any part thereof to proceed <br /> in its own name by suit or suits at law for the reco very thereof in such manner as it shall <br /> deem fit. <br /> This aasi�nment of rent is bein� made for the express purpose of ha.ving the rent callected <br /> hereunder applied to paym�en�s of principal, interest �,nd fines on the loan of �1600. above <br /> described, as agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to said Association in the <br /> sum of �1600 and �be �eal estate mortgage on the property above described securir� said bond. <br /> Said Association may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as necessaxy for the purpose of <br /> making such repairs upon the premises as, in its judgment, may be proper and may use said ren s <br /> so far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiwns and ta.xes upon sa,id premises, or an <br /> other payments to be made by ue under the terms of the bond and mortga�e above mentioned, the <br /> balance to be ap�>lied upon the payment of monthly dues, interest and fines on said certificat <br /> i <br /> and loan. ' <br /> This assignment and �ransfer of rents and revenue to be �,bsolute to the e�ten� of the total o <br /> the payments above mentioned from and after this d.ate. <br /> Dated this lE� day of F�b. A.D. 1932. <br /> Witnesses: <br /> C.T.Flower Nancy ��va,nberg <br /> Emil F.Swa.nberg <br /> STATE OF NffiF�ASI{A ) On this l�" day of Feb. A.D. 1932, before me, the subscriber, a <br /> ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY Notary Public, duly commis�ioned and qualified for and reeiding in <br /> said County of Hall, personally a.�peared Nancy Swanberg � Emil F.Swanber� to me known to be <br /> the i.dentical persona described in and who executed the foregoing instrument �s grantor and <br /> they severally acknowleds�ed the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN �iITNESS WHER^OF, I have hereunto set my ha,nd and Notarial 3ea1 at Grand Island, in s�.id <br /> County, the day and year last abone written. (�E,�L) C.T.Flo��r Notary Publio <br /> Ady commission ex�aires 9ept. 9, 1937 - <br /> F'il d for record thi 26th da of Febru�.r 9 2 at 10:1 0� clock A.M. <br /> ,�, egeero ees <br />� <br />