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e�D�� . <br />', ��lalrG�1�l�J�j�����j�/�� ��J��.J�=v�iJJ • � <br /> LIS PENAEN3 <br /> � <br /> � IN THE DIST�?ICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRA.SKA. <br /> , <br /> IThe Prudent��.l Insurance Company ) <br /> i f Am�erica�a� corporation, ) <br /> ) <br /> ' ' Plaintiff, <br /> NOT-ICE OF LIS PENDENS. <br /> � vs. <br /> ' <br /> Zelma L.Rockr�ell, � - <br /> oy G. Ro.�kwell and <br /> National Surety Company <br /> �of New York, a carpor�.ti�n, <br /> i Def endant s. <br /> � <br /> ITO 4VH0� IT MAY CONCERN: _ _ . , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i�lotice is hereby given th�zt on the 20th day of Febru�ry, I931, The Prudenti�,l�� Ineurance Compa <br /> of America, a corporation, oommenced an action f:n the District Court of Hall �'ounty, Nebraska, <br /> �.gainst Zelma L.Rock�ve21, �oy G.Rockwell and National Surety Company of l�ew York, a corporatio , <br /> ; <br /> the object and prayer of which is to Poreclosure a certain contract eaecuted by Zelma L.Rockwe I <br /> I . <br /> nd Roy G.Rockwell with the plaintiff, providing for the pu�rchase by said Zelma L.Rockwell and <br /> oy G.Rockt�ell, upon the terms an� conditions therein set fbrth of the following real estate, <br /> ��to-wi t: <br /> � The Northerly Fifty-four (N.S�+) feet of Lat 9ix (6) , Block 9ia (6) , Russel �Pheeler�e <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 Qounty, Nebraska. <br /> ��'laintiff alleges th�,t there is due it upon said contr�ct on th is "da�e the sum of Three Thousa d <br /> `�'our Hundred Eighty-one �nd 10/10� Dollars (�3,4�1.10) , together with interest thereon at th� <br /> rate of eight per cent per annum from F�bruary 20th, 1932, �,nd asks that the eame may b�e de- <br /> Clared a first lien on the above described premises, and plaintiff asks that said premises may <br /> ibe sold to satisfy the same. <br /> � THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE C0�1'AI�Y dF AA�ERICA. <br /> a corporation, Plaintiff. <br /> . By C.L.Clark. <br /> Its Attorney. <br /> I iled for record this 20th day of February, 1932, at 9:30 o��lock A.�. . <br /> � � <br /> � �egister of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-�?-n-�-c�-o-o- <br /> PERA�ANENT RiGHT Q8' 1qAY P'~R�IT. Divis3.on No.-------- <br /> I, �teve Williams, in consideratian of the s��m of Five no/100 Doll�rs (��.00) receipt whereoY ' <br /> is hereby acknowledged, do hereby �rant to the North�►estern Bell Tel�phone Company, a corpora- ', <br /> tion, its successors ard asaigns, the perpetual right to conetruct, operate, and maintain its , <br /> �elephone and telegraph lines consieting of poles, wires, cables, fiatures, and anchors, to- I <br /> � gether �vith the power to extend to any electric or power company the right to use, jointly wit ' <br /> the �rantee, any pole placed pursuant to the provisions hereof, upon or adjacent to that cer- <br /> tain piece of re�,l estate hereinaPter described, in the follo�ing manner: f <br />, To place anchor adjacent to and north of the south property line. I <br /> toge�her with the right to trim any trees along s�.id lines �h��re necessary to secure a clearan e <br /> of at least four �eet for the wires. <br /> The foregoing right is �ranted upon the express condition that the Telephone Company will ass e <br /> liability for a11 d�,ma�e to the hereinafter deseribed propertq caused by said Oompany�s failur <br /> to use due care in its exercise of the granted ri�ht. <br /> The real estate above referred to is specifically described as f ollows: <br /> Lot I Bloek 14 Bo��s and Hill Adc�ition, Grand Island,Nebr. � <br /> �itness my hand and seal this 22nd day of Feb. 1932• <br /> Witnesees: _ Owner <br /> M.�.LaBounty 8igned steve Williams <br /> . <br />� <br />