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����� <br /> �'����������������� ��'�C���.� � <br /> J <br /> --�-, =���ACC�AftY;LlflL'aL7�7i�B . _--- . � _��__� _ <br /> bout s�id �remises i*�hich ��ill increa�e ti�.e rate of insurance; that the lessor and its a�erts <br /> �nay enter at any �ime to view same or for any necessary nur�oses. The lessee further agrees <br /> �that he ti�ill in alI respects comply �?th the city ordinance and rec�uirements of the health <br /> ;� <br /> �.u�;horities :�n� par�icula-rly as to keepin� s tiid premises and the streets a-nd alleys adjacent <br /> itheleto , free �,nd clear from all filth, refuse a.nd obstruction and the ste�s and side�aalks fre � <br /> i <br /> "�'rom sno�v and. ice; that they ti�ill keep the•s , glass , �ates , fences , etc. , in good re- <br /> YV <br /> i <br /> �air as the same no� are or may be placed at any tzme �y the lessor , or a.s often as tre same <br /> �na,y require : it , �a.rna�e by .superior force, inevi�able necessity or fire f.rom any other cause th n <br /> �carelessness o�' the lessee , or persons of �heir fa.mily, or in their employ excepted, �.nd. a.t th <br /> i <br /> jexpiration of this lease, or upon a breach by said lessee of any of the covenants herein con- <br /> I <br /> tained they will t�ithout f�irther notice of any kind, Quit and surrender the possession and <br /> i <br /> �occupancy of s�.id premises in as �ood condition as re�,sonable use and natural �vear and decay <br /> �thereo� will �ermit , d�.�i��.�e by �ire aE aforesaid, superior Torce or inevitable necessity ex- <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> icept ed. <br /> jAnd tne said party of the second part hereby gives the said party of the first part a lien upo � <br /> ; <br /> ��,ny and alI property oi' the sai� second party kept in use upon sa,id premises , to be enforced i <br /> � <br /> ilike :n�.nner �.s a cha,�te1 mortva�e, v�Tret' exempt *rom execution or not , for a11 rent due or t <br /> ;become due by vir�;ae of this lease. <br /> � <br /> �IN �NITN�S� '�HE�EOF, the s�,id p�,rties h�,ve hereunto subscribed their names on the date above <br /> �written. <br /> �In Presence of � <br /> J.H. Nitzel U.Harrison (SEAL) <br /> F.L.Darlin� ( S�AL) <br /> ( � � <br /> STATE OF NrBRASKA ) On this 16th day of Apri�. , A. D. 1930, be�'ore rne�J.��u�tzel , �. No�ary <br /> �SS. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Pub.lic, c�uly commissioned a.nd qualified for ar.d. re�idin� in s�id cc�unt , <br /> person�.11y c�.me F. L.Darling & U.Harrison the said lessor and the said lessee to me kno��n �o <br /> be the irentical persons �vho;e names aT�ixed to the foregoin� instrument as lessor and lessee <br /> and ackno�a7_edged s�.ic� instrurrient to be �heir voluntary act and deed. <br /> � <br /> Witness my hand a,r.d Notarial Seal the day and. year l�.�t �.bove written. <br /> J.H.Nitzel, <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires the ?�th day of February 1934. <br /> Filed for record this 2d da.,y of January, 1932, at 11: 50 o� clock A.r�. ���"��� <br /> v[ ,`-��f <br /> ^ Re�ister of Deeds <br /> 0-�-0-0-0-0-o-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0=0-0-C-0-o-o-r,-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-�-n-n-�-a-p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> AF��IDAVIT <br /> STAT� OF NEBRA�KA ) Jos. A.Livin�ston, bein� first duly sv�orn on his o�th de�oses a,nd <br /> )ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) s�,ys triat he is an undertaker by profession, a.nd is a resident �,nd <br /> inhabitant of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebra.slTa, �,nd has been for more than twenty years las <br /> past. �i <br /> Af��ia.nt y�arther sta,tes th�a.t he �vas acquainted. ti��th Magdalena Ahrens , a re�icient of Hall Count , <br /> . <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> . I <br /> d r n her llfe�lme ��vho , died seized of an annuity of �200.00 per year, for and: du - <br /> Nebraska, u i � � <br /> i.n� the term or her natural life, in �.nd to the folloc�in� �escribed real estate situated in i <br /> H�.11 County, Nebraska, t0-4Vlt; I <br /> The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE�NE�) and the East Half of the Southwest II, <br /> Qua,rter (E2SW�) ; the tNest Forty five (45) rods oz the 1�est Half of the $outheast Quarter (W2 <br /> SE�) , �nd the South Hali of the South�est Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ( S2S'��-NE�) , all in <br /> Section Three (3 ) in To��nship Tt�elve (12) North , Range Nine (9) �test of the 9ixth P.�.. as <br /> shotR�n by Warranty Deed recorded in BOGk 49 at Page 361 of the Deed Records of Hall County, <br /> Nebraska. <br />