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_- <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> ���31�rG�����!C�LUV��j��� Z51��J����� � <br /> �..�_.._.._�____. _�_ <br /> _ __._.. _ _BT:XT'c Iff[]RNAC CDMPANY.LINCOLN:NEB _ _._. _ _ ____.—_� —�__. .... ._—-_— — - <br /> eem fit. <br /> �Phi� assignment of rent is bein; made for the express purpose of havin� the rent collected here <br />', , <br /> nder applied to paymer_ts of princinal, interest and fines on the loan of �------- above d_e-� <br /> � <br /> ��cribed, as a�reed by us to be naid in the bond executed by us to said Association in �he sum <br /> � <br /> f �1 ,000. ��nd the real e st�.te mort�age on the property above described securin� said bond. <br /> � <br /> aid Associ�.tion may, in its discretion, use the rents sc� far a.s necessary for the purpose of <br /> ( � <br /> � aking such repairs upon the premises as , in its jud�ment , ma.y be �roper and rriay use ren�Ls <br /> �o far as necessary for the payment of insurance premiums and tax�s upon s�,id premises , or any <br /> ,�ther payments to be made by us under the terms of the bond and mortga�e above mentioned., the <br /> �alance to be aPPlied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and fines on said certific�.te <br /> � <br /> � nd loan. <br /> ti'his assignment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolu�e to the extent of the total of <br /> � - <br /> fthe payments above mentioned from an� after this date. <br /> �ated this 22nd day of December, A. D. 1931. <br /> � , <br /> �Pitnesses: � <br /> Mary R�.nsom Ray E.Reisen i <br /> ��STATE OF NEBr'�A�KA ) On this 22 day of December , A.D. 1�31 , before me, the subscriber, a <br /> )ss. <br /> �iALL COUNTY ) Notary Public, duly conlmissioned a,nd oualif.ied for and r esiding in sai <br /> i <br /> ounty of Hall, personally appe�red Ray E.Reisen and Melva M.Reisen to me kno�an to be the iden <br /> ical persons described in �,nd who executed the f oregoing instrument as �rantor and they sever- <br /> 'I ( <br /> I�,1Iy acknowledJed the said instru.ment to be their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> ; <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rr.y hand and Notarial 9ea1 at Grand Island,Nebr. in sai <br />' County, the day and year last written. <br /> � Mary R�,nsom <br /> (SEAL) Not�ry Public <br /> �y commission expires Sept. � , Zg36. <br /> I ( <br /> �'iled for record this �£�th day of Decembex , 1931, at 2;15 o ' clock P.M. • �,�� ! <br /> � Re�ister of Deeds ; <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-aa-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> iAF�IDAVIT <br /> � i <br /> ! State of Nebraska ) C.R.He�,ly, bein�� first duly si�orn on oath, deposes and s�,ys tha,t he <br /> �` )ss. <br /> CounLy of Hall ) is one and the same nerson ��ho purchased Lot Number Ten (10) in Fra,n <br /> P.Bark� s aub-division of �, part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E2NE,�) of Section <br /> Ten (10) Township Eleven (11) North, Ra,nge Nine (9) �est of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Ne- , <br /> � braska from Alice Anna Thomas .(formerly Alice Gordon) and Gordon Themas , tivife and husband on <br /> Ild�.te of June � , 1922, v�hich property was conveyed to him by warranty �.eed dated June � , 1922 , <br /> and �rohich erroneously spelled his name as Healey when it should have been spelled Hea1y. Tha. <br /> said instrumer_t tim�.s filed for record in the o�fice of tne Register of Deeds office on the 16t i <br /> day of June 1922 in Book 6z of Deeds on page 3�j. , <br /> Affiant further deposes and s�,ys that he is one and the same person evho sold said property <br /> above described to Jennie I.Jury by warranty deed dated May 20, 1929 , v�hich deed was filed fo <br /> � <br /> record on date of June l , 1929 and recorded in book 6g of deeds on pa�e �27, <br /> Witness : <br /> Bess P�,rli C.R.Healy <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this l�th day of December , 1931. <br />� Wm.P.Mullen <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public � <br /> ( N�y commission expires May 4, Z937. <br />'� � Filed. for record this 2�th day of December , 1g31, at 3:�-5 o � clock P.M. �/� <br /> ' \_J�c��nt-� ��..r.t'y�� r <br /> �� Register of Deeds I <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-b-C?-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> L � <br />