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�55 � <br /> ����������������� �������� � <br /> they ma.y see fit , and in default of the payment of said. rent or any part thereof to proceed in <br /> its ovJn name by suit or suits at law for the recovery of said rent or for the recovery of the <br /> possession of said premises in such manner as it sh�.11 deem fit. <br /> This assi�nment oi rert is bein:; made for the exnress purpose of h�.vin� the rent collected <br /> applied to the paymen�s o�` principal, interest a.nd. fines on the loan of �j�j00.00 <br /> a,bove described, as a,greed by us to be paid in the bond executed by u.s to said. Associa.tion in <br /> the sum of �3500.00 �.nd the real estate mortgage on tne property above described securing said <br /> bond. <br /> 5aid Association may, in its d.iscretion, use the rents so f ar as necessary f or the purpose of <br /> making such repaixs upon the premises as , in its judgrnent , may be �roper and may use rent <br /> so f ar a� necessary for the payment of insura,nce premiums and t�,xes upon premises , or any <br /> other payments to be made by us under the term�s of the bond and rnortgage above mentioned, the <br /> balance to be ap�lied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and fines on said certificate <br /> and loan. <br /> This as�ignment an�. tra.nsfer of rents and_ revenu.e to be absolute to the extent of the total of <br /> the payments a.bove mentioned from �,nd after this date. <br /> Dated this 19 day of December, A.D. 1931. <br /> Witnesses: <br /> Elga Barton Leo E.Eggert <br /> Ida A.E�gert <br /> ST�TE OF NEBRASKA ) On tnis 19 day of December, A.D. 1931, before me, the subscriber, a <br /> )ss. <br /> HA�ILTON COJNTY ) ° Not�,ry Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and. residin� in <br /> s�,id County of Hamilton, persor�.11y a�peared Leo E. Eg��ert ard Ida A.E�;�ert ,husband and wife <br /> to me Ynov�n to be the identical persor�s described in �.n� who executed the foregoin� instrument <br /> a� �ra,ntor and tney severally acknov�led�ed the said instrument to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> IN WITNFSS ?'�:EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Aurora, Nebr. zn said <br /> Ct�iznty, the day and year la�t above �vritten. <br /> - Elga Barton <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My comrnission expires May 7 1936. <br /> File�. for record this 26tr. �_a�y of Decerr.ber , 1931, �.t 10;45 0� clock A.M. . � <br /> ,�� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-c-o-o- <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> �, <br /> KNOW ALL �SEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we , the undersigned Ray E.Reisen and Melva M.Reisen, of � <br /> Hall County of ----- State of Nebraska for and in concid_eration of One Thousand & No,�100 DOL- <br /> LARS, to us as a loan in hand paid by the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAi� ASSOCIATION, of David <br /> City, Butler County, State of Nebraska, and o�her good and valuable consideration, the receipt � • <br /> whereof is hereby acknov�ledged, do hereby assign , transfer, and set over to the DAVID CITY ' <br /> BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as collateral securi�y for said loan, for so long as sa,id loan <br /> N <br /> or any part thereof rernains unpa,id, the rents and revenue accruing for the period of the dura- � <br /> tion of the loan above mentioned, upon the follotiving described propexty situated in County of � <br /> Hall , 5tate of Nebrask�., to-tivit : Lot Six (6 ) ,Block Four (4) Gilbert� s �e�ond Add,ition to Grand <br /> 0 <br /> Island Nebraska. r� <br /> An� we hereby authorize and empower the DAVID CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, its author� <br /> ized agents and attorneys to act for us , and rent tne above - described premises or any p�.rt the e- <br /> of , and in our place coilect and receipt for said rent , ezther monthly, quarterly or yearly, <br /> : as they may see fit, and in default of the payment of said rent or any part thereof to proceed <br />' in its o�n name by sui't or sui•ts �.t �:�,w fnr the recovery ther. eof in such ma,nner as it shall <br />� _ - <br />