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--.._..— <br /> ��� <br />� � L1,�/�31�r��J�J'=�1�!�����1J'��.�J� ��1�J ��� .`' <br /> � �� <br /> , And the said pa.rty o:f the secand part hereby �ives the x�arty of the first part a lien upon any <br /> � <br /> and. all pro;�erty of the second r�ar�y kept in use upon said t�remises , to be enforced in like <br /> '� <br /> Imanner as a chattel mort�a�e, v�hether exempt f rom execution or not , for alI ren� �ue or to be- <br /> �; <br /> f <br /> +Icome due by virtue o� this lease. <br /> �I <br /> � The Ieasor agrees to heat said premises and to pay for the li�htin� of the rnarquee �,s <br /> I � <br /> ; herein beiore set forth and for all �vater that may be used upon s�,id premises , the lessee a�re s . <br /> I <br /> ' th�w�L it tvill not use water unneces:�arily and will not suffer or permit the same to be wasted. <br /> 1 <br /> ; The lessor agrees to keep the roof of �aid building and the outsid.e of the same in repair. <br /> �� In vaitness �ahereof the said parties have hereunto subscribed their n�.mes on the date above <br /> � <br /> , <br /> Iwritten. <br /> j John Knickrehm <br /> ,! Witness: � R amah P.Kni krehm <br /> lj H�.rold A.Prince <br /> �`Parties of the Fir�� Pa t <br /> ' Food Centers , Inc. <br /> � jAttest : <br /> i Frank L. Cushin� (CORP) By; D�an Gray <br /> i Secre�'ary (SFAL) President <br /> (� <br /> !; State of Nebraska ) On this 23rd day of December , A.D. 1��1, before me , the undersigned, <br /> � �57. <br /> ; H�.11 County, ) a Not�,ry Pu�lic, duly commissioned �,nd qualified for and residin� i <br /> � <br /> � said County, persona7_Iy came Jonr� Knickrehm and Raamah Knickrehm, to me known to be the iden- <br /> i <br /> I tical ?�er�ons v��hose natn�s �re affixed to the foregoinsT instrument a.s lessors an� ackno�ledged <br /> ,i <br /> ; instrument to be their voluntary act and �eed. <br /> I <br /> ` W� tness my han�? and No�ari=�,1 Sea.l the day and year last above v�ri.tten. <br /> i <br /> � My commission exnires 1�2arch 15 , 1932. Ha.rold A.Przn � <br /> � (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> i State of Nebra,ska ) On this 23rc? day of Decernber , A. D. 1�31, bef'ore me the undersigned, <br /> � � SS. <br /> iHall County ) a Notary Public , duly commissioned and qu�.lified far and residing <br /> Iin said County, ;�ersonally came Dean Gray, to me knoi�il to be the Presicient of the Food C$nter <br /> � Inc. the lessee an� acknowledged the execution of said lease to be his volunt�,ry act and deed <br /> 1 as President and the voluntary act and deed of said corporation and tha.t the corpor�.te seal o <br /> �� said corpora-L-ion has been thereto af=ixed by ris author�ty and the authority of said. corporati c�n. <br /> � <br /> ; Witness r�y hand. and Notarial Sea1 �he day and year last above written. <br /> {; <br /> � My commission expires Ma-rch 15 , 193c. Harald A.Prince <br /> � ( S�'AL) Notary Public <br /> , <br /> i Fi1ed for recor� this 24th c��,y of December, 1931, at 4:�0 0 � c�.ock P.��. �-J��/�d� <br /> � Re�ister of Deeds <br /> �i <br /> i <br /> I 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-C-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-C?-0-0-0-0-0-0-G 0-C?-Q-0-0 <br /> � <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RFNTS <br /> �. <br /> I KN'01A ALL I�ZEN BY TH�SE PRES'~R1TS: Tha� «e , the undersigne�. Leo E. Eg�ert and Id�, A.Eggert , hus- - <br /> � �� band and wife of Gr�,nd Is1�nd County of Hall State of Nebraska for and. in consideration of , <br /> � � <br /> � � Thirty-five Hundred and No/100 DOLLAR�, to us as a loan in hand paid by the UNION LOAN AND <br /> � SAVINGS AS'�OCIATION, of the City of Lir.coln, Lr,ncaster County, St�.te of Nebraska, and other go d <br /> v and valuable consideration, �he receipt whereof is hereby ackno�led.ged, d,o hereby assi�n,trans.-r <br /> � f er , and set over to the UNSON LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, as coll�.teral security for s�,id <br /> lo�,r., for so long a.s said loan or any �art thereof remains unpaid., the rents �,r.d revenue accr <br /> � ing �'or the period of the d.ur�,tion oi the loan above rr�entioned., upon the follo�ing described <br />', ` � 'i pxopert�r ait�uated in County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> � ! Northly Sixty-t�vo Feet (62 feet ) , of Lot Ten (10) , in B1ock Sixteen (16) in F�,irview Park <br /> `� <br /> Addition to t'ne city of Grand Island.,Nebraska <br /> � <br /> > And we he-reby au�horize �,nd em��ower the UNION LOAN AR?D SAVIN�S ASSOCIATION, its authorized <br /> I ' <br /> � agents and attorneys to act for us, and re�?t tne above described premises or an� pa.rt thereof , <br /> and in our place ccllect and recei�t for said rent , either monthly, quarterly or yearly, as <br />� i __ <br />