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I � s� � <br /> �� � <br />� <br /> ������������1�����1� ��'����� � <br /> _ _ _ -sI'�Ys.�IIIII13fi1�SL�II(dF1�Y.=LIAC8LR.14EH ' -_. _ --- ---._____._..�__ _ �_ <br /> �TO'rICE OF LIS PENDENS <br /> r <br /> IN THE DI5TRICT COURT QF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT <br /> II IN A�TD FOR TNE COUNTY OF HALL, STATE OF NEBRASKA. , <br /> I � <br /> ('Nebraska Loan & Trus� Corr,pany ) <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska, a ) <br /> iCorporation, ) <br />� j <br /> Plaintiff , <br /> vs. NOTICE OF LIS PENDENB <br /> M�.ren K.Nissen and Peter B.Nissen, <br /> Wife and Husband, John Doe and <br /> iMrs. John Doe, real names unknown, � <br /> I <br /> �� Def endant s. ) � <br /> � <br />� �ITO UGHO�i I� �dAY CONCER.N: <br /> ,� <br /> Take notice that on the 21st day of December, 1931 , an action t��,s commenced in the District <br /> ,Court of Hall County, Nebr�,ska, in which action the Nebr�,ska Loan & Turst Company, o� Grand ( <br /> i <br /> jIsland., Nebraska, A Corporation, tivas �l�.intiff , �,nd Maren K. Nissen and Peter B.Nissen, her <br /> � � <br /> ihusband, and John Doe and P,�rs. John Doe, real na,mes unknown, are defendants; that said action I <br /> � <br /> !is returnable to the next term, 1931, of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska; that the <br /> I <br /> purpose of s�,id action is to foreclose a certain mortgage m�,de and executed by Maren K.Nissen <br /> and Peter B.Nissen on the 2�th day of November , 192� , to the Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, of <br /> Grand Island,Nebraska, a Corporation, and recorded in Book 67 at Page 113 of Mortga�es in the <br /> office of the Register of Deeds in the County of Hall, Nebraska on th� 2'jth day of November , <br /> � <br /> i192� , to secure the payment of a note in the sum of �q00.00 and by the terms of said mortgage <br /> ithe fallowin� described re�,l estate was therein conveyed; <br /> � <br /> I Lot T�iree (3) , in B1ock Seventeen (17) , in Bonnie Brae Addi�ion to the City of Grand <br /> j Island, Nebraska,, as surveyed, platted and recorded, <br /> and to foreclose a certain mortgage made and executed by Maren K.Nissen and Peter B.Nissen on <br /> lthe 23rd day of November , 1930, to the Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, of Grand Island,Nebraska <br /> � <br /> �a Corporation, and recorded in Book 35 at Pa�e 1�j1 of Mortgages in the office of the Caunty <br /> Clerk of Howard County, Nebraska, on the 27th day of November, 1931 , to secure the payment of <br /> �a note in the s�am of �150.00, s�.id note being a part of the original in�ebtedness , and co1Z�.te - <br /> Ial there�o , and bv the texms of said mortgage the follo�ing described real estate was therein <br /> �conveyed: <br /> The ti'9e�terly Ten (10) acre� of the Northwest Quarter of the South�vest Quarter <br /> (NW� SV7�) of Section Thirty-one (31) in Township Thirteen ( 13) , Range Ten (10) <br />� I West of the 6th P.M. , Howard County, Nebraska. , <br /> � A.J.Luebs ' <br /> Attorney for Plaintiff <br /> Filed ior record this 21 day of December , 1931, at 11:00 o� clock A.M. C����c �u.� <br /> � � <br /> R��ister of Deeds '' <br /> �o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—a—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—a—a—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o— <br /> LEASE <br /> � <br /> n ,This agreernent made anc? entered into this 2�rd day of December , A.D. 193i, by and between John <br /> � <br /> Knickrehm and Raaxnah Knickrehm, his wife , of the County of I�all and State of Nebraska, of the <br /> first pa,rt and Food Centexs , Inc. , a corporation orga.nized under the laws of t he St�.te of Ne- <br />, . <br /> raska, of the s econd part , <br /> I <br /> ,WITN��SETH, that tn.e said party of the first paxt has �Ghis day leased unto the party of the <br /> second pa,rt , the follo�ving described premises , towit ; The ground floor and basement of the <br /> Easterly Twenty-t�ao (22) feet of the Southerly seventy (70) feet and the basement of the Cente <br /> Twenty-two (22) feet of the Sautherly seventy (70) fee� , both of Lot Eight , Block Thirty-one ( 1) <br /> . of the original town now City of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, to�ether vaith all the <br /> buildings and improvements on the premises �.� her�in before described, to�;ether �ith all the <br />�� _ _ _ <br />