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���.� <br /> . �'��������������'��� ������� • <br /> TATE OF COLORADO ) On this �th day of December , 193� , before me, a Notary <br /> )SS. <br /> ITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) Public, in a,nd f or said County, personally came the abov <br /> amed A.R.Wilson, Vice President �.nd J. C.Hudnall. , Assista,nt $ecret�,ry of said Texas Prod.uction <br /> Company, who are persanally kno�^n tr� me to be the identical persons t�hose names are affixed to <br /> �he above instrument as Vice Pr�sident and Assistant Becretary of said corporation, and they <br /> cknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the vc�lunt�,ry act and deed <br /> f said corporation. <br /> itness my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. _ <br /> y commis�ion expires on the 30 day of October, 1933. . <br /> John T. Nyetrom <br /> (SEAL) Nota�ry Public <br /> iled for record this 14 day of December , 1931, at 11:00 o � clock A.M. _ �� <br /> Re�ister of De s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> NOTICE OF LIS P�NDENS <br /> . � <br /> IN TH,� DIST?�ICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY N�'BRASKA. <br /> National Life Insurance Company, : � <br /> Montpelier ,Vermont , a corporation, : � <br /> Plaintiff , ; � <br /> ; NOTSCE OF � � <br /> vs. : LIS PENDENS � � ,k� <br /> ��\ � <br /> Hannah C.�►illiams , et al, . ` �ot �Q,`� � {�� " <br /> Defendants , ; � w 9,����r'�j <br /> /W�� Q� ��„q�" <br /> T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Q r� <br /> Notice is hereby 5iven that on �he 16 day of December , 1931, National Life Insura,nce Company, <br /> Montpelier , Vermont , a corporation, commenced an action in the District Court of Hall County, <br /> , Nebras'_�a, a gainst Hannah C.V�illiams , as executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas R. <br /> Wil.liams , deceased, Hannah C.�'Pi11i�,ms , M.Elizabeth Barnes , Hershel D.Barnes , Margaret H.Sandy, <br /> Pink W. Sandy, Rebecca L.Ki1ma, Ignatious Kilma, Salina R.Brown, VPalter Hrown, William T. Wil- <br /> �ena E.q��.11 i am <br /> Iiams , �walter S.�illiams , Lucile Williams , Thomas R.william�s,Jr. ,Woodward Brothers , a copart- � <br /> ' nership and John Doe , real name unknown, the object and prayer of which are ta f oreclose a <br /> ' certain mortgage deed executed by Thomas R.VGillia2ns , since deceased, and Hannah C.Williams , <br /> husband and wife, coverin� the following described real estate , to-wit : <br /> ~ The 8outh Half (32) of the Northeast Quarter {NE�;) and the southeast Quarter <br /> (SE�) except tne right-of-way of Union Pacific Railroad) of Section Twenty- <br /> six (2�) , in to�gnship eleven (11) ,north Ran�e ten (10) West of the 6th Prin- <br /> cipal meridian, in Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> Said mortgagE deed was dated the 24 day af November , 1926 , and was filed f or record in the <br /> ; office of the Register of Deeds�, �or Hall Co�a.nty, Nebraska,, on the lst day of December ,l926, a <br /> - was recorded in Book 63 of Mort�ages at p�e 195. <br /> �- Plaintiff alleges that there is due upon the note ivhich said mortgage deed was given to secur , <br /> � the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED and no/100 (��400) DOLLARB with interest thereon at th <br /> • rate of 10 per cent per annum from the lst day of March, 1931, and the further sum for taxes s , <br /> . <br /> � <br /> � alleged in plaintif� � s pet-ition. <br /> Plaintiff asks that the same may be de�lared a lien upon the said premises and that said <br />� premises may be sold to satisfy the same. <br /> � Dated this 16 day of December , 1931. <br /> NATIONAL LIFE INSURATTCE COMPANY ' <br /> ' " b�ONTPELIER, VERMONT, a cornoration I <br /> , Pldintiff <br /> - Field,Ricketts & Ricketts <br /> ' By Cleary,Suhr & ��,vis. <br /> Its a orneys. <br /> Filed for record this lb da.y of Decembex , 1931, at 10:00 o ' clock A.M. - � <br /> • Re�ister of Deed <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-a o-o-c;-o-o-a o-o-o-o-c;-r�-o-o <br />