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_ � � <br /> ��� <br /> � ��I(G���lJ'�1!��VJ�J�J�� �L�J�����' W � <br /> _ ------ __ <br /> �____---� �__ <br /> tainin� . 163 acres ;. moxe or ,,1ess; SE� Sec. 3; �'.ION. ,R.111,�. ,S1R� Sec. 32; T.11N. ,R.lOSR'. , , <br /> containing zn all 63� acres, more or less; <br /> Th��.t certain oi1 and �as mini.n� lease dated February 27, �19�0, executeck by Ira Gibson and Mart a <br /> Gibson, his ovzfe, as lessor, to Production Company, as Iessee, recorded on the 26th day <br /> ot Apri2, �930, in Book "Q" of the r�cords of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 44, covering the . <br /> follov�inn� described lands in said county and state, to-wit : <br /> ,. <br /> N2 Sec. 30; T.11N. ,R. 10�1. , containing 320 acres , rnore or less; � <br /> � <br /> That certain oi1 a,nd �as mining lease dated March l, 1930, executed by Au�ust Randecker , a <br /> widot�ver , as les�or, to Te�as Production Compwny, as lessee, recorded on the 16th c�ay of Febru�, y, <br /> 19�1, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 97� covering the followin� <br />� described Iands in said co�.�.n-ty a.nd state, to-�cvi�: ,� <br /> Lot� l, 2, 3, and �- on Isl�.nd and Lots I,2 ,� and 4 on Mainl�.nd and l�.nd added by accre- <br /> I tion, exceptin�; a narcel o� l�.nd containin� 100 �,n�. a fraction acres , off and along the <br /> N side of Lots 1,2,3 and. 4 on Mainland, Sec. 17; T.9N. ,R. 12W. ,described as foloows: be- ' <br /> ginning at tne NC� Cor of said section 17, runnin� •thence E to its NE C3or 5309 feet, the ce ' <br /> � along ii,� E line �+�0 feet , tnence in sou�h�resterly direction to a point in its TR line <br /> which lies 1203 feet S of �lace of beginnin�,thence N 1203 f eet to said place of begin- <br /> nin� , containin� 100 and a fraction acres , aIl �n Sec. 17; T 9N. , R. I?�. , �.nd contain- <br /> I in� in a,ll 240 acres , more or 1ess; " <br /> i That certain oil �,nd ��.s minin� lease dated March 1, 1930, executed by Walter S.Ashton and <br /> Edna B.Ashton, his ti�i.fe, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, �,s lessee, recorded on the � <br /> 15th day of October, 1930, in Book ��Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 96 ,cov- � <br /> ering the f ollowing described lands in �said county and st�.te,to-�it: � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> SE� 5ec. l7; N2S;Sec.16; Lot 2 on Island Sec.l6; T.9N. ,R.12�f. ,containi.n� 377 acres , <br /> � <br /> more or le;s; <br /> That certain oil and�.s mining lease dated I�arch 3 , -19�0, exec�ted by Dora Hill , -a wido�, as <br /> lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee , recorded on the 2E�th d.�.y of May, 1930, in Baok 1 <br /> "Q'� of the records of Hal1 County,Nebraska, on Page 66, coverin� the following described lands , � <br /> in said county and state , to-wit: � <br /> 3�SE , SE4 9W�. Lot 4, Sec. 7; T.9N. ,R. 12�fi. , NE4N��, NViT4NE�, Lot 5 in NE�: N�P�N�P�, <br /> Lot � in NE�, Lots 1 ,2 ,3 and 4 on Island, B2SE�, SE�S'�� Sec. 1� , T.9N. ,R. 12W. ,con- <br /> taining 66�.43 acres, more or 1e�s; <br /> , <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 2�-, 19�0, executed by Mnrion F.I?ubbs , a �j <br /> widot�ver , as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee , recorded on the 2�th d..a.y of �ay, I <br /> 1930, in Book "Q" of the r��cords of H�,11. County,Nebraska, on Page 65, covering the follo�ing <br />' described Iands in said coun�y and state,-to-wit: � <br /> 9E� 9ec. 3�; SW�SW� See. 33� T.IIN. , NW`�NE4 Sec.S; T.lON. ,R. 12VP. ,containing 240 acres , � <br /> more or less; � - <br /> � <br /> That certain oil and gas mining le�.se dated February, 25 , 1930, executed by Julius 5chuett and <br /> Amanda Schuett , his ;�ife, as lessor, �o Texas Production Company, as lessee , recorded on the ' <br /> 2�th day of May, 1930, in Book "Q�' of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on 6�-,covering ' <br /> the follo�rin� described lands in said county and state,tow�t ; � <br /> W2NE�, SE4NW� Sec. 27; T:12N. ,R. 11W. ,containing 1?0 aeres , more or 1ess; + <br /> That certain oil and �as minin� lease d�,ted Febru�,ry 27, 1930, executed by James A. Sprague and � <br /> Amelia Spr�.gue , his �cife , as lessor , to Texas Production Comp�,ny,a.s 1es�ee , recorded on the <br /> 2�th d�.y of May, 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 63 ,covering <br /> the fo11_ov�in� described lands in said county and state, to-v�it : <br /> SE4 Sec. 22; S2SE� Sec. 23; T.11N. ,R. 11l�. , containin� 2�+0 acres , more or less ; t <br /> That certain oil an� �as mining lease dated February 27, 1930, executed by John J.H�,nnon, a <br /> single man, as le�sor , to Texas Production Company, aslessee, recorded on the 2�th day of Ma,y, <br /> 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebra,ska, on Page 62, covering the follo�in.g <br /> described lands in said coun+y, and state , to-wit: _ - <br /> NGU�, N2SW� Sec. 32; �NE� Sec. 21; T. 10N. ,R.121�. ,S�P�NE�Sec.11; all the la,nd lying N of <br /> i�ain Channel of Platte Rzs,rer in S�`� Sec.22; T.9N. ,R.121�. , containing 500 acres ,more or <br /> less , except R R ri�nt of v�ay bein� U.P.?3R. <br /> That certain oil and gas mining le�.se dated Febxuary 27, 19�0, executed by Nellie F.Redington, . <br /> a widow, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on the 2�th day of May, <br /> 19�0, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 61, covering the follov�ing <br /> described lands in sazd county and state, to-�it: <br /> . _ <br /> Nw�', SE4 Sec. 21; T.9N. ,R.12W. ,containing 320 acres , more or less ; <br /> That certain oi7. a.nd gas mining Iease dated February 2�, 1930, executed by L1oyd Minor and Ru� ' <br /> Minor , his wzfe , as le�sor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on th� 2�th day o - <br /> May, i93o , in $ook "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on pag� 60, cavering the fo1- <br /> lowing described lands in said county anci st�,te ,to-wit ; <br /> � <br />, <br /> S�NW4 Sec. 10; T.11N. ,R.lOW. ,containin� �0 acre� , more -or less; � <br /> That certain oil azzd gas minin� lease dated February 2� , 1930, executed by John Martin and <br /> Carrie �artin, his cvife , as lessor , to Texa.s Praduction Company, as lessee, recorded on the <br /> 2�th d�,y of Ma.y, ig3o, in Book "Q" oi the recorc�s of Hall County,Nebraska, onPage 59 ,coveri.n� <br /> the follo�ing described lands in said county and st�.te ,to-�vit ; <br /> SW� 8ec. 6 ; T. lON. ,R.101�. ,�ess the TJ� RR ri�ht of u�ay, a.nd containin� 1�2 acree ,more <br /> or le s• <br />