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�� ��� <br /> � ��������������� ������� � <br /> � <br /> - x7NGG4LIQ.1`r� __ ___.__� _._..._�_' <br /> and Frances K.V�hitehead, his wife, as les�or, to Texas Production Company, as- lessee , recorc�ed <br /> on the 26th day of Ap-ril , 1g30, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, on Page <br /> 21, covering �he follov�ing described lands in said county and sta�e, to-wit ; <br /> I � -� �- 2W nta'ni 2 0 r � more o 1 <br /> W e • T. 11N. R.l . , co 1 n� 0 ac ew , r ess• <br /> S 8ec. 2• NE SE S c. 3 � ,, , <br />, �; � � 4 4 � <br /> � <br /> � That certain oil and ��,s mining lease d�,ted February 21, 1930, executed by Charles E. Taylor an <br /> Lillian A. Taylo-r , his �vife , as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee , •recorded on the <br /> 26th day of April, 1Q30, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, on Page 22, cove - <br /> , ing the follo�ring described lands in said county and state, to-�vi�: <br /> E2E�, SVG�NE� Sec. 16; T.11N. ,R.12W. ,containing 200 acres , more or Iess; <br /> That certain oil and. gas minin� Iease cla,ted February 1� , zg3o, executed by Rudolph Faller and <br /> Bertha Faller , his v�ife, as lessor, to Texas Production Company, a,s lessee, recorded on the <br /> 26th day of April, 1930, in Book "c�" of the record.s of Hall County,Nebras�a, on Page 23 , cover <br /> � in� the following described I�.nds in said county and state, to-�zt: <br /> NW� Sec. l; T.11N. ,R.12W. ,containing 160 �.cres , more or 1ess; <br /> � That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 21, 1930, executed by Charles C.Rasmussen <br /> and Marie Rasmus�en, his v�ife, as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessor, recorded on <br /> the 2b�h day of April, �g3o, in Book "Q" of the records of �ial1 County,Nebraska, on Page 24, � <br /> coverin� the f olloraing described lands in said county and state, to-wit; <br /> i SE� Sec. 5; T. 12N. ,R. 12W. ,containing 160 acres , more or less; <br /> � Tha,t certain ofl and gas mining lease dated February 24, 1930, executed by Fred J.Mi11er and <br /> Annie L.b�iller , his r�ife , as lessor, to Texas Fro�.uction Company, as lessee , recorded on the <br /> �6th day of April , 19�0, in Book "Q" of the records of Ha.11 County,Nebraska, on Page 25 , cover�- <br /> ing the following described lanc�s in said county and state, ta-wit; . � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> NVI1�, W2NE� Sec. 2�; T.11N. , R.121N. , 240 acres ,more or less; <br /> That certa,in oil and gas mining lease dated February 24, 1930, executed by Charles Baade and <br /> Anna Baade, his c�ife, as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on the 26th <br /> � day of April, 1930, in Hook "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 26, covering <br /> the f ollo�ving described lands in said county and state, to-wit; , - <br /> � S�P� Sec. � ; T. 11N. , R. 12W, , containin� 160 acres , more or less, �' <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 24, 1930, executed by Emery VG.King and <br /> Hattie G. Kin� , his wife , as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee, xecorded on the <br /> 26th day of April, 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 27 , cove <br /> ing the follov�ing described lands in said county and state , to-�vit; <br /> SS�� Sec. 26 ; T.Il N. , R.121iG'. ,containing 160 �.cres , more or less; � <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 24, �930, executed by Gilmore R.Wiseman <br /> and Augusta Wiseman, his vvi.fe, as lessor, to Texas Production Company, a�-:lessee, recorded on <br /> the 26th da,y of April, i93o, in Book l�Ql' of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, on Page 2£�, � <br /> insofar as said lease covers tre following described lands in said county and state, to-urit : <br /> NE4 �ec. 14; NV�µ Sec. 13; T.ION. , R.12VP. , con�aining 320 acres ,more or less; <br /> Tha,t certain oil �.nd gas mining lease dated August 12, 1931 , executed by Gilmore R.Wiseman <br /> � and Au�usta Wiseman, his �vife , as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as Iessee, recorded on ' , <br /> the 12th day of November , 1931 , in Book �'Q" of the rtco�ds of Hall County,Nebr�:ska, on Page <br /> 101, covEring the following described la,nds in said coun�,y and st�,te, to-�vit; <br /> SE� Sec. 32; T.lON. ,R.11W. , containing 160 acrea , more or less; <br /> That certain oil �,nd gas mining lease da�ed February 24, 1930, executed by Carl Johnson and ' <br /> Matie Johnson, hi� roaife , aG lessor, to Texas Prod.uction Company, a.s lessee, recoxded on the <br /> 26th day of Apri1. , 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on 29 ,cover� <br /> ing the follawin� described la.n�s in s �,id county and state , to-wit; <br /> SE� Sec. 19; T.11N. ,R. I2VP. , containin� 160 acies, mor� or . less; _ . <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 25, 1�30, executEd by Thomas Lan�an and <br /> Mary A.Langan, his wife, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on the , <br /> 26th day of April, 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 30, cove - �,, <br /> ing the f o�lo��ing described lands in s aid county and st�,�e,to-wit : , <br /> �i' NE�, N�S� Sec. 13; T.lON. ,R.12W. ,N�N2sec. 19; N 20 acres SE�NE�,N 20 acres $'��SE� <br /> Sec.. lg; T.lON. , R.Z1VP. , NE�NW�, NVP�NE� 8ec. 7; T.gN. ,R. 11W. ,containin� 520 �,cres, <br /> more or less; <br /> Tha,t certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 25, 1930, executed by James T.Brett , a <br /> th 2�th d of <br /> r 1 or to Production Com �ny, as lessee, recorded on e ay <br /> sin�le ma,n, as ess , P <br /> May, 1930 , in Book "Qi' oi the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 67,covering the fol- <br /> Iob9ing described l�.nds in said county and state, to-wit; - <br /> Lo�s 1 and 2 on Island; E 9.�+0 acres o�' Lo-� 3; Lot 4 on the Mainland, said Lot 4 <br /> more or less , all bein in �NE and NrySE sec. 1].• T. °N. , <br /> in n �+4 acres � �' � <br /> conta i . � � 2 <br /> � 75 1 �- <br /> n 4 on sl nd all in <br /> R. 12W. , Lots 1,3 and �- on Malnland and N2NW�,. Lots 2 ,3 a d I a , <br /> Sec. 12; T.9N. ,R.12V�. ,containing 319 acres ,more or less; SE� �ec. 30; T.11N. ,R.111i�. , <br /> SW� Sec. 20; T. 11N. ,R. 12W. ,containing in a11 �00 acres , more or less; - <br />�f That certain oil and. �as minin� ].ease dated February 25, 1930, executed by Paul Gudenrath <br /> and Hattie Gudenrath , his �vife , as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded <br />