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i <br /> I <br /> I ���3 �. <br /> I� �����'���,�! " ���' � ��' J ��D � <br /> �J ����� _������ � <br /> N2N1�� Sec. 17; E2S2NE4 Sec. l�; T. 12N. ,R. 11S�. ,containing 120 acres , more or less; <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 20, 19�O,executed by Ja,mes H.Hulett , a <br /> �vido�aer, a� lessor, to Texas Productian Company, a� lessee, recorded on the 26th day of April, <br /> , 1930 in Book �'Q" of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, on Pa�e 9 ,covering the following de- <br /> !� scribed lands in said county and state, to-v�it: <br /> , <br /> �'I SW� Sec. 30; NW4NE�, NE4NVG� Sec. 31; T. 12N. ,R. 11W. ,containing 240 acres, more or less; <br /> � • <br /> I Tha.t certain oil �,nd gas mining lease dated February 2c�,1930, executed by Jacob Brandt and <br /> Lena Hrandt , his wife , as Iessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee , recorded on the 26th <br /> day of April , 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraslca_, on P?ge l0,covering <br /> the following described lan�.s in said county and 5tate , to-wit: <br />' N2 See. 9; N2NE� Sec. 13; NW�9W� Sec. 15� E2SW4� W25E�, S�NVP4, NW�NW�, SWi�NE� Sec. 23, <br /> !� T. 12N. , R.11W. ,containing 760 acres , more or less; <br /> � <br />' I That certain oil and �as mining lease dated February 20, 1930, executed by 1�illia,m L.Heupel <br /> ' and Bertha Heupel , his wife, as lessor, to Texas Production Company, as lessee,_ recorded on <br /> the 26th day of ��ri1 ,1930, in Book "Q" of the records of H�.11 County, Nebraska, on Page 11, <br /> I coverin�; the followin� described la�ds in said county and state,to-�vit ; <br /> '', NzNW�, 5E� Sec.20; T.12N. ,R.11W. , exce..�t CB&QRri�ht of v�ay, and containing 240 acres � <br /> I mo-re or less; <br /> I Th�,t certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 20, 1930, executed by Charles A.Rick�,rd <br /> and Laura Rickard, hi.s wife, as lessor , to T�xas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on <br /> the 26th day of April, 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Ha11 County, Nebraska, on Page 12, <br /> coverinb the followin� described lands in eaid county and state, to-�vit; <br /> �, s�SE� Sec. 33; T. 12N. , R.11VP. ,containing �0 acres , more or less; <br /> , <br /> I, Tha-� certain oil and g�,s mining lease dated February 21, 19�0, executed by l�alter F.Johnson, <br /> �, a single m�,n, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee , recorded on the 26th da.y of <br /> � April, 1930, in Book "�" of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, on Pa�e 13 , covering the <br /> ifollo�vin� described lands in said county and state, to-i+vit : . <br /> N�� Sec. 6� T.11N. ,R. lOW. ,NE�NE� Sec. 1; T.11N. ,R.11W. ,containing 200 acres, more or <br /> less; <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 21, 1930, executed by James P.Klinkacek, <br /> j a sin�le man, as lessor, to Texas Production Comp�.ny, as lessee, recorded on the 26th day of <br /> i A�ri1 , 1930, in Book "Q" of �he records of Hall County, Nebras'�a, on P�ge 1?�,covering the <br /> followin� described lands in said county �.nd state, to=f�-it: <br /> l�'+Y� Sec.� ; T.11N. , R. 12W. ,containing �.60 acres , more or less; <br /> That certain oil and �as mining lease dated February 21, 1930, executed by Alfred Sorensen <br /> and Mary Sorensen, his wife, as lessor, to Texas Production as lessee, recorded on the 26th <br /> . day of April, 1930, in Boak "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 15 ,covering <br /> the f ollowing described lands in said county and state, to-wit ; <br /> I�VR'� Sec. 6� T. 12N. , R. 11T�. , containing 160 acres , more or less; <br /> That certain oil and gas mining lease dated February 2l, 1930, executed by Donalc� McNair and <br /> Ella McNair , his wife , as lessor, to Texas Prod�action Company, a`� lessee , recorded on the 26th <br /> day of April, 1930, in Book '�Q" af' the records of Ha,ll County, Nebraska, on Page 16, coverin� ; <br /> the following described lands in said county �,nd state, to-wit; <br /> . ; <br /> E2 See. 6; T.12N. , R. 11W. , except about, six acres*�:dee�d�dto Hall County for raad purposes ' <br /> containing 320 acres , more or less ; ' , _ . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> That certain oil and �as mining lease dated February 21, 1930, execu�ed b.y Geo�ge Christensen <br /> and Lizzie Christensen, his wife, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded <br /> on the 26th day of April , 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall Co�anty,Nebraska, on Page <br /> 17 , covering the follo�ing de�cribed lands in said county and. state, to-wit ; . _ ' <br /> . ' � <br /> NE; Sec. 4; T. 12N. , R.11W. ,containing 160 acres , more or less,• _ � <br /> . ., � I <br /> That certain oil and �as mining lease dated February 21, 1930, execut�ed by Henry Smithwick, a <br /> sin�•le n?an, as lessor , to Tex�.s Production Company, as lessee , � recorded on the 26th day of , <br /> April , 1930, in Book "Q'� of the records of Ha11 County,Nebraska, on Page l� , covering the fol- <br /> 1' • <br /> lowin described lands in s.aid count and s ���.te , to-a�it. , <br /> � <br /> Y <br /> I <br /> S�� Sec. 20; S2SE� Sec. 19; T.11N. , R,11W. ,cont�,ining 240_ acres ,more or less; ! <br /> , i <br /> That certain oil. and gas mining lease dated February 21 , 1930, executed b�r ,John $rnithwick and <br /> � Josie �mithwick, hrs wife , as lessor , to Texas Production Company, as lessee, recorded on the <br /> 26th day o#' April , 1930, in Book "Q" of the records of Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 19 , cover <br /> in� the following described lands in said county and sta�e , to-e�it : <br /> . N29E� Sec. 19; T. 11 N. , R.111�. , containing �0 acres , more or less ; <br /> That certain oil and g�.g minin� lease d.a,ted February 21, 1930, executed by William 9mith��ick <br /> and .Mary $mithwick, his wife, as lessor , to Texas Production Company, aslessee, recorded on <br /> the 26th day of April, 1�30, in Book �'Q" of the record.s o� Hall County,Nebraska, on Page 20, <br /> coverin� the following- described land� in county and state , td-�vit : ;,�,- , <br /> " W�SW� �ec. 2�; N2NUP�, SE�1VW� Sec. 33; T.11N. , R.11W. ,containing 200 acres,more or less; <br /> That certain oil and gas mining dated February 21, i93o, executed by Lloyd H.WhiteY�ead <br /> t "k <br /> ,i4 <br /> � � � � � �. � .���.G <br />