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_ <br /> ���� <br /> � ���r�;�����!��1����� ������� � <br /> --�— � �— iYA��riCtS .' _`---- .._._ <br /> _ � --1'�hn.ToL01Y -�l� ____ <br /> in the Village of Wood River, County of Hall , State of Nebraska, to-veitt : <br /> _ <br /> I� <br /> Lots 10 and 11 , Block 20, Origin�.l Tot�n oi Wood River , <br /> � u�ith the right of in�ress and. egress to and from same. It is understood that the above mentio d <br /> natural �as piping is to be used for the distribution �,nd _marketin� of natur�,l gas to costomer <br /> — <br /> Iin the Village of VPood ?�iver , Nebras'_�a. <br /> ( � <br /> The grantee herein shall , �.t his oti�an expence, repair �ny damage to above mentioned premi�es , <br /> — <br /> �' zncluding party v��,lls , caused. by the installation of s�.id na.tural �as pipes , or arizing in <br /> _ <br /> ration maintenance, re- re air , rernoval or replacement. � <br /> connectZOn with lts ope � _ P <br /> II� <br /> � ti9ITNE8S Edvaard E.Brittin <br /> � F.H.Wheeler � <br /> D. D.OKane Fa.rmers Sta,te Bk <br /> � by zts E.B.Persson Cashi r <br /> STATE OF N�'BRASKA ) On this 1� day of Dec. 1q30, before tne undersi�ned, a Not�.ry Public <br /> �st <br /> ; COUNTY OF HALL � in �,nd for the County and State afores�,id, personally �ppeared <br /> , Edward E.Brittin and E.B.Persson to me known as the identical persons tiVY10 exic�.ted the within <br />� � <br /> and foregoin� statement , a,nd_ ackno�aledged to me that they executed the same as their free and <br /> � volintary act and d. eed for tne use and purpose therein set forth. . <br /> , VPitness my hand and seal �his 1£� day of Dec. 1930. <br /> D.D.OKane <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires Jany 20 1936. <br /> � File� f or reccrd this 7�h u.a� of Dece�r.ber , lq�l , at 2:�5 o� clock P.M. , <br /> � �ti«�, <br /> R �ister of Deeds <br /> � <br /> e_, <br /> I <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_C)-0-0-C-0-0-C-0-0-G-0-0-�-f)-0-0-0-�?-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> ASSIGNMEVT Or RENTS <br /> A j <br /> j KNOW ALL I���'N BY TH:i��E PR�"S�TeTTS: That �ve , the under�i�ned, William H.Ehrsam �,nd l�arian �'hrsaml <br /> I <br /> husband and wife , of Gr?nd jsland County of Hall St�te of_ Nebraska for and in consid.eration <br /> of Twenty-seven Hundred and No/100 DOLL.4RS, to us as a loan in hand p�.id b,y the UNTQN LOAN I <br /> AND SAVITIGS ASSOCIATION, of the City of Lineolil, Lanc�,ste-r Co�anty, State of Nebras?.�a, and <br /> � <br /> I <br />� otne� �ood and. v�.lu�,ble con�iderat�.�n, thP receipt v�hereof is hereby ac�nowled.�ed, do hereby � <br /> i <br /> as�ign, transler , anc� �et over to the UNION L0,4N AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, as colla.teral se- <br /> curity for said lo�,n, for so lon� as s�.id loan or any part thereof remains unp�.id., the rents <br /> and revenue accruin� for the period of the duration of the lo�n above mentioned, upon the <br /> follotvin� described pro_�erty situated in County of Ha11 , State of Nebras'_�a tc�-wit t � <br /> � <br /> North half of Lot 1 , Block 5 , Gilbert � s Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska, otherwise known � �I <br /> i � as 1003 VGest 12th Street <br />� � And we hereby authorize and em,�oti�;er tne UNION LOAN AND SAVIRTGS ASSOCIATION, its authorized <br /> �,gen�s and. �,�torneys to a,ct for us , �.nd r ent the above described premises or any part thereol , <br />� • <br /> � and in our place collec� �.nd receirt for said rent , e�.ther monthly, quarterly or yearly, a.s , <br /> � <br /> ,� they may see f it , and in default of the payment of s�.id rent or any part thereof to proceed <br /> � <br /> in its ov�n n<�,me by suit or suits at law for the recovery thez°eof in suc3� m�.nner. as it sha11 <br /> I <br />�I � deem �it. <br /> . � This assignment of rent is bein� made fox the express purpose of havin� the rent collected <br /> o �. rnents of brinci al, interest and fines on the lo�.n of �2700.00 �.bove <br /> hereunder applied t p y p <br /> . <br />� <br /> described, �.s agreed by us to be paid in the bond executed by us to Assoeiation in the <br /> I <br /> � sum of �z700.00 �,nn tne rea.I estate mort�age on �he property � above described securing said <br />� bond. <br /> Said Associa.tion m-�.y, in its discretion, use the rents so far as necessary for the purpose o <br /> m�.kin� sueh rep�.irs u�on the �remiaes : �.s , in its judgment , may be proper and may use said <br /> rents �o �ar as nece��ary for the payment of insurance rremiums �nd. taxes upon said_ �remise� <br /> - � <br /> . <br />