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� <br /> 5�9 '� <br /> � Vj J ,)�r a �r J � � J �� �� W <br /> �����L�����1J���� ����l�� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> one a.nd the same person, notwithstandin� the discrepancy ir_ n�.mes. <br /> Henry J.Bartenbach . <br /> Subscribed a.nd sworn ta before me this 30 day of November , 1931. <br /> (SEAL) R. S.VPenger <br /> My commission ex�ires June 22 , 1935. Notary Public <br /> Filed for rECOrd. this lst day of December , 1931, �,t 4:00 0� clock P.�I. �j�����-��-c-�-P ��- <br /> �/ <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- A <br /> ASSIGNMENT , <br /> �HE��A�, �he Sanitary Plumbing Company on �he lOth day of November ,1931 , has agreed to furnis <br /> , furnace and material to Ed.A.Jo�1es , and Edith �ones ,Husband and Wife, and to Geor�e Bailey Jr , <br /> to be used in the erection ar_d construction of a d�ellin� house and the completion of same <br /> located. on Lot 5 , Block 7, Bo��� s � Hills Addition to +he city of Gxand Island,Nebra.ska, and <br /> to fuxnish plumbing materials also for the erection , construction and completion of a. d�vellin <br /> house , located on �the East one-half (2) of Lot 1�0 in Weat Lavvn add.ition to the city of Grand <br /> Island., Nebraska, �'or the a�ove narned p�.r�ies , and in consideration of �vhich the Ed. A. ' <br /> Jones , Jr. , and Edith Jones .Husb�,n� and Wife and George Bailey Jr. , agree to p�.y to the said �• <br /> Sanit�.ry Plumbing Company of Grand Island,Nebras'-�., the sum oi TWO HUA?DR�D SEVEN DOLLARS AND <br /> SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (�?07. 65) . <br /> NO�P THE���'FORE, in consideration of the furnishing of said furna,ce and materials by the said v <br /> S�,nitary Plumbin� Company of Grand Island, Nebras1�a,, �le , hereby assi�n , tra.nsfer and set � <br /> over all the rents and profits from the above mentioned properties for a period of (4) months <br /> � <br /> from the first payment of said rents , or so lono as saic�. indebtness remains unpaid. to Robert N <br /> � <br /> M.Kelly in trust for �ne use and benefit of the said S�,nitary Plumbin� Company, and he is her - <br /> by constituted and a���ointed our agent for the p�r.pose of collectin� the rent on said premise <br /> srom said property durin� said period arc� he iG hereby au�horized to act for us , and each of <br /> us , in all respects v�natsoever in connection �ith or in relation to the renting and leasing <br /> of s�.id premises and for such ;arices and on such terrns as he may think best , and he is hereby <br /> given �ull authority and Power to act for us in all re�pects concernin� the same as fully and <br /> to the same extent as either of us could do in our o�rn ri�ht. He is hereby a,uthorized to pa.y <br /> to ��e Sani�ary Plumbin� Company oi Gr�.nd Isl�.nd said rents and �rofits received from said <br /> real estate as he receives ther_� , the same to be ap��lied to the credit of indebtedness. <br /> Dated this lOth day of November, 1931. <br /> Edith J.Jones <br /> C. T.Flo�ver Ed_.A.Jones Jr. <br /> (Witness) Geo.Bailey Jr. <br /> (A�ent for George Bailey,Jr) <br /> State of Nebraska ) 1`�ow on this 10 day of November , 1931, personally came Ed.A.Janes ,Jr. , <br /> �SS . <br /> � Hall Coun��y ) and Edith Jones � His '�ii e, to me personally knovvn to be the identical <br /> person� si�nin� the fore�oin� instrument �.nd �,ckno�ledged the same to be their free ,voluntary <br /> act and deed. C.T.Flower <br /> (S�'AL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires September 9th,1937. <br /> Filed for record this 2nd day of December , 1931, at �:�+0 0 ' clock P.�I. ���� ��f <br /> . ReJister of Dee s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-!'�-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-n-�-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ,� <br /> EASEMENT <br /> 1`�ATURAL GAS PIPE LIr1E EASET�ENT. <br /> The undersi�ned in consid.eration of �1.O�J ar.d other �ood and valuable consideration� , receipt <br /> of which is hereby ackri�i��edged, does hexeby �rant to the NATURAL GAS DISTRTBUTING CO?��PANY, it <br /> succe:sors and assi�ns , the right �.nd easement to lay, install. , ma,inta,in, alter , reti�.ir , oper <br /> ate ,remove and rel�,y natural �as pipin� , valves , meters and accomp�,nying equip,ment on, under <br /> and throu��h the follozcin�„ described nrovert and re l. t. t in lud' <br />