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��� <br />�', r ��jL�L�11 ��� � PJ ���' � L��� �' <br /> ������-�� ����� � ��� <br /> - ----- <br /> -- - -----�-_____._.-- -------- <br /> transfer , and set over to said. Association as collateral security fox said lo�,n for so lon� a <br /> said loan or any part therAof remains unr�aid, the n,et proceeds arising from said rents a,nd I <br /> � revenue accruing for -�he period of the duration of said loan above mentioned from the follow- <br /> in� described premises situated in the County of Hall and state of Nebraska to-�it; Lot Two <br /> (2) , in Block Ei��;hteen (l�) , in Packer 8� Harr� s Second Addition to the city of Grand Island, <br /> as Gurveyed, �latted and record.ed. <br /> IThis agxeement is made for the express �ur�ose of� the net proceeds from the rent and i <br /> come collected hereunder ap��lied to the payments of principal , interest and fines on the loan <br /> above described, a.s a�reed in �aid note and mort,;age to be paid to said Association, and it i <br /> ,.: <br /> agreed that said Association shall firGt be reimbursed for- all sums paid for collection fees <br /> and for all costa , fees �.nd expenses in pratecting said premises and in recovering �aossession <br /> ( thereof from delinc�uent tenants or other persons. <br /> Said Association may , in its discretion, use the rents- so �ar as necessary for the purpose of <br /> � rria�ing such repairs u��on tiie premises �.s in its iud�ment ma.y be protier, and may use sa,id rent <br /> so far a,s necessary �or the pa.yrrent of insurance premiums and taxes an�. assessments upon said <br /> premises , or any other p�yments to be made by the undersigned under the terms of the note and <br /> mortga�e mentioned above, the balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues , interes <br /> and fines on said certificate and 1oan. <br /> I It is further agreed that s aid Associ�,tion shall in no c�.se be liable for failure to procure <br /> ' tenants for said premises or for failure to collect rents from sai�. tenants > or for any dar�ag s <br /> in handling said rent accounts and in carin� for said premises or any p�.rt thereof. <br /> IThe power and authority to collect an� apply said rents and revenue shall be absolute to the <br /> � <br /> extent of the total of the payments above mentioned from and after thi:^ date and shall not be <br /> termin�,ted vrithout the �ritten consent of said Association and shall be binding upon the unde - <br /> I signed and upon the heirs , representatives , successors and assigns of the undersi�ned. <br /> Dated this 17 day of November , 1931. - <br /> In the Presence of; <br /> C.T.Flower Joseph C.Sloss <br /> STATE OF NEBNASKA ) On this 17 day of November , 1931, before me , a Notary Public in and <br /> )ss. . � <br /> COUNTY OP' HALL ) for said County, personally came the above named Joseph C.91oss i�ho I <br /> ic personally kno�.l�n to me ta be the identical person �hose name is affixed to the above_ in- <br /> strument as grantor and 'ne ackno��ledged said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the �.�.te last aforesaid. I <br /> ( ( SEAL) - C.T.Flower � <br /> I My cornmission expires Sep�errlber 9th , 1937. Notary Public � <br />� <br /> Fi?ed for record this lst day of December , 1931, at 10:30 0 � clock A.M. (v����y� �J�� <br /> \ <br />� Register of Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-c-o-o-o-D-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> ' AFrIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATION. <br /> � � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A ) Henry J.Bar�enbach, bein� first duly sjroorn, upon oath deposes and <br /> )ss. <br /> HALL COUNTY ) says he v�as we11 and persona.Ily acquaznted v�ith William H.Platt to , <br /> whom Joseph Kilian and Laura Kilian, his �vife, conveyed t'.�e following described l�.nc�s in Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, to-��it ; Lots Numb�red One and Two (1 & 2) in Block Number Seven {�) of , <br /> Windolph� s Addition to tne town of Grand Island., as the same is laid do�m and r�corded in the I <br /> lClerk� s office of county by Warranty Deed, dated. Jan. 20, 1�77 � �.nd recorded in book ��E�' I <br />� o�' deeds on page 422 , in the County Recorder � s office of Hall County, and �vith �N.H.Platt �aho <br /> ti�vith hi� ti��ife Fannie �.Platt conve,yed said nremises to Ada,m Kleinkauf by Warranty deed, dated <br /> July 11, 1��3 , and afr�ant �os�tively knows that the said VPilliam H.Platt and W.H.Platt are I <br />� <br />