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� ;.f <br /> �z� <br /> �,��I i`�l��J������������ ��'����� � 1 <br /> � <br /> be the id.entic�,l persons �aho executed the foregoin� contract and acknoY�ledged_ the execution <br /> thereof to be their volunt�,ry act and deed. <br /> (SEAL) Harold A.Prince <br /> My commission expires March 15, 1932. Nota.ry Public <br /> Filed for record this 25th day of November , 1931 , at 3:?0 o � clock P.I�1I. <br /> Re�ister af Deeds <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o:.=o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o- <br /> ASS IGNP��'NT OF R^NTS "�, <br /> I '�'VHEREAS, the undersi�ned, C. E.At��rater Company, a co-p�,rtnership, is indebted to the Nebraska �� <br /> , National Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska, on one romissor note, date Nov.5 ,1931, in the sum � <br /> A <br /> Y <br /> of �6000, and due On Demand, 1931. r <br /> �PH�REAS, the undersigned have agreed to give to the said Neb�aska National Bank additional � � � <br /> C�� <br /> collateral security for said note and � � <br /> ` IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One (�1.00) Dollar and. other valuable consideration in hand ti H <br /> � v <br /> paid by the Nebraska National Bank to the under�igned, receipt �rhereof is hereby acknowled.ged � <br /> � � � � <br /> the undersigned,C. E.At�vater Gompany, do hereby assign a,nd transfer to the Nebraska National � <br /> � <br /> . Bank of Grand Island,Nebraska, all of the rentals a,nd income from and after the date of this � � <br /> � instrument of the f ollowing described properties , to-wit : � <br /> . <br /> � The North Fifty-two (52) f eet. of Lot Eight (�) , Block One Hundred Tvrenty-nine (1.29) , Koenig <br /> • and Wiebe ' s Addition; Lot Three (3) , B'lock Three (3) , Elm Place Addition to the City of Gr�.nd <br /> r ' <br /> � I�lan d, Nebraska. <br /> ,, Also , the .Atmar Apartments being located on the West Fifty-six (�j6) feet of Lot Seven (7) , <br /> ; Block Ninety-nine (9g) , in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island,in Ha11. County, Ne- <br /> � � <br /> braska. <br /> The intention of this �,ssignment being that the rents and incorne from all of the above described <br /> property sha11 be held �a.s security for the paymen� of �he above described note or extensions <br /> or renewals thereof. � <br /> ' VPe also assign additional c�llateral to �r1e above bank , all moneys due us from the Soldiers <br /> ���d Sailora Home at Grand Island, Nebras'.ra. <br /> ' Dated this 5 day of November,A. D. i931. <br /> C.E.Atu�ater Co. <br /> • WITI3ESS: � By Roderick Ma�tin <br /> ' Chas. F. Dryer ldella W.Atr�ater <br /> Sworn and s:zbscribed to before me , Chas.F.Dryer , a Notary Public this 5 day of Nov. Z931. <br /> Chas.F. Dryer <br /> (SEAL� Nota,ry Public <br /> My commissicn expires Jan. 23 , 193�, <br /> Filed for record this 2�th day of November , i�31, at 11;30 o ' clock A.M. � <br /> �������� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> d-d-�-o=�-t�-q-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ' RENTAL A�REE�RENT ^ '' <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TH�SE PRESERITS: That , the unders�.n�ed Jo-eph C. Sloss of the Coun�y of Ha11 <br /> and Sta.�e of Nebras:�:a, for and in consicleration of a lo�,n of �1�00.00 m�.de by the Occidental <br /> Buildin� & Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska, and otner �ood and valuable considerations , <br /> the receipt of �vhich is hereby acknowlec�ed, hereby gra,nt and convey to said association full <br /> pov�er and. authority, through .its authorized agents and attorneys , to rent the premises herein <br /> � aiter described, or any part thereof , a.nd to collect and receipt for said rent monthly, or in <br /> any other manner a,s said Association and its authorized �,gents ma.y deem best , and in default ��, <br /> of the payment of said rent or any part thereof , to proceed in the name of the otvners of said � <br /> premises , or �.n the na,me of said Association, to recover said rent by a suit at law or in I <br /> equity in �uch manner as said As�ociation sha.11 deem best• �.nd �he undelsi ned further assi �n <br />