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� a <br /> �'����-� <br /> � ��r���J�J��1����j �.�J�� L51��J��J���.�.J�� ^' <br />------- _.- - -- �nns�att -- r.H�. — <br /> � AGREEMENT • - <br /> This agreement made and entered into this 25th day of November , 1g31, by and. between Charles K. <br /> IGarrison and �va Garrison, h�s c�ife, of Hall County, Nebraska, herein after designated as the <br /> first par�ie� �,nd Jasper J. Eldrid�e of Hall County, Nebraska, herein after designated �.s the <br /> Isecond party, VPitnesseth: <br /> The said first pa,rties do hereby sell and agree to sell to the second party the followin�; de- � <br /> scribed real est�,te, towit; The East Ha1f (E2) of the Northwest quarter (NW�) of Section Elev <br /> '(11) , Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) �Pest of the 6th P.M. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> f Pay�b/e <br /> �In consideration whereof the second party agrees to pay the sum of �b400.00^ as follows , tovait; <br /> The sum of �1500. �n c�,sh in hand paid, the receipt �hereof is hereby acknowled�ed. By assumin <br /> and agreein5 to pay the mort��age to the Forgan Investmen,t Company on said premises in the appr x- <br /> , <br /> 'imate sum of �33�-5.55 cvith interest from September � , 1931, (it being understood that the fi�s <br /> parties are to pay the instalment due on September l, 1931, with all interest thereon) . The � <br /> balance to be paid in ca,sh by the seccnd party upon the delivery of the warranty deed after th <br /> title shall have been approved as herein after set forth. � ' <br /> The first parties agree that they vaill , as soon as possik�le, submit to the second party an ab- , <br /> stract of title extended to dat� for his inspection; that the secondrparty sha.11 have a rea�on <br /> , <br /> . r- <br /> J�able time thereafter �vithin �chich to have said abstract exa,mined and the, title approved; and K`� <br /> t ha t tne firs t par ties s ha l l h�.ve a reasona b 1 e tlme t he�ea f ter �vt t hln �v h�.c h to correc t fi h e de- * <br /> � <br /> fects �nich may render the title unmarketable and the first part�es further a�;ree th�.t �rhen <br /> , , ; <br />� ��ie same nas been done, they ��vill convey s�.�.d prer�ises to the second narty by a, taarranty deed <br /> . . � .� <br /> conveying said premzses free and clear from all liens a,r�d encumbrances whatsoever except said I ; <br /> mort�age to the Forgan Investment Comp�,ny and will clEliver to �he� second party f or his examina <br /> tion, the abstract showin��� a market�.ble title to be vested in the first parties (it being unde - <br /> I ° - <br />, !stood th.�t said abstract is on deposit with the Forgan Investmsnt Com}�.any with the Ioan) . <br /> � . <br /> �It is further understood and a�reed that the first parties will surrender possesgion of said <br /> premises to the second p�,-rty on or beiore 1;he ls� day of Ma.rch 1932; but tPat the sec�nd party <br /> i <br /> shall have the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of inspection, for the pur- <br /> poses of making repairs or �or �,ny other puruose vahatever that sha11 not , in any manner, inter <br /> fere with the first pa,rties in farming sai�. place. <br /> It is further agreed that tirne is of the essence of this contract and that should the second <br />' �party fail, neglect or Z'8i11$@ to comply v�ith the terms of this contract , that the first partie <br /> - I <br /> without waiving �he equitable remedy of specific perform�,nce, in the event they elect so to I <br /> i <br /> exercise, may keep all sums of money p�.id to them as full and com�lete liquidated d�.mages for I <br /> the failure of tne second party to perform his part of the contract , and in the event the firs <br /> parties snall f'ail, neglect or refuse to perform their p�,rt of the contract , the second party <br /> at his election, without �:�aiving the remedy of specific .performance , in the event he elects so . <br /> to use may require the pa,yment f rom the first parties of the sum of �1500 as full and complete <br /> liquidated damages for the f�,ilure on the party of the first parties to perform the terms and <br /> conditions of this contract. � <br /> In witness whereof c�e h�,ve hereunto set our hands this 25th day of November, �931. <br /> Witness : Charles K.Garrison <br /> � Roberta Pr ince Eva �I.��.rrfiaon <br /> Parties of 'the First P rt <br /> Jas er J.Eldri e <br />, Party of the Second P�, t <br /> State of Nebxaska ) Now on this 25th clay of November, 1931, before me the undersigned, a <br /> )SS <br /> Ha11 County ) Notary Public,duly commissioned for and resi�?in� in said county, person- I <br /> �.11 came Charles K. �*�rrison and Eva Garrison, his tnife , and J�,sper J.Eldrid�e, to me knov!m t � <br />