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��a� � <br /> ������'��������'��� ��'���)� � ^� <br /> __ _ � A ___ __ ____ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ___ _ <br /> __ ___________. _________________ <br /> � . <br /> � ASSIGN?�I�NT OF RENTS <br /> Copy , <br /> Sta,te of Nebr. ) Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> ) S� <br /> County of Hall ) November 25, 1930, � <br /> H.T.Brown Realty Co. , � <br /> Grand Isla.,nd;�Tebr. <br /> Sirs: <br /> You are hereby authorized to cc�llect all ren�s on our pro�erty located as follotivs ; <br /> East 2 of Lot 5 , a,nd the S�est 20 ft. of Lot 6 , B�_ock 10, Kernoh�,n �,nd Decker' s Addition to � <br /> the City of Grand Isl�.nd. <br /> Commencing on November 26 , 19�0, the rent is to be paid to F.A.Terxy. This a,�reement and � <br /> assignments of rents are made in consideratlon of a loan no�� bein� held by the said F.A.Terry �� <br /> and this rent shall be collected by you and paid to the said F.A. Terry until such time as all �� <br /> taxes and interest and back payments due said F.A.Terry are paid in full. <br /> " � <br /> � �, <br /> Upon the fulfillment of the p�,yment of the past due interest and taxe`s and all having been p�. d�� <br /> ` or the ent�.r� indebtedness taken up and paid in full then �,t that time, this ag�eement shall e <br /> terminated. `� <br /> Dated this 14th day of October, 1930, zn tne nresence of � <br /> Julia E.Plank � <br /> Edi th Co Q�.nb s. Chas. L.Plank <br /> �o <br /> � Subscribed and sworn to before me tnis 25th day of Nover^ber, 1930. Q <br /> �SFAL� H.T.Brovcm �1 . <br /> My commi.ssion expires Nov. 21 , 193b. <br /> Notary Public ��a <br /> Filed for record this 21st d�,y of November , �931 , at 2 :15 o 'clock P.M. ;� � <br /> � • � <br /> Re�ister of eed � <br /> 0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> LIS PENDENS <br /> �, <br /> IN TH� DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NESRASKA. <br /> THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY j <br /> OF AMERICA, a corporatzon, <br /> Plaintiff, ,►� <br /> vs. LIS PETJDENS. <br /> EMILIE BUDDE, Et Al. , <br /> Defendants. ) <br /> Notice is hereby given tha,t on the 24th d.ay of November, 1931 , an action was commenced in the <br /> District Court within and for Hall County, Nebraska, �vhe-rein The Prudential Insurance Oompany <br /> of America, a corpor�.tion, is plaintiff , and Ernilie Budde, Friedrich Budde, Otto C.Beyersdorf <br /> Belle Beyersdorf , ��alter D.Boyll , John Doe and Mary Doe , real names unkno�n, are defendants, <br /> the object ai�d prayer of which petition is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage in the <br /> sum of �3 ,200.00, which mortga�e was executed by the defendants Emilie Budde and Friedrich <br /> Budde to The Prudential Insurance Company of America on July 1 , 1927. Said mortgage covered <br /> the followin� described property, to-�vit: Lot One (1) in Block Three (3) of Schimmer' s Addi- <br /> tion to the City of Grand Tsland,xall County, Nebraska, a,ccordin�; to the official plat there- <br /> of of r�cord and. on file in the o=fice of the Re�ister of Deeds of 9aid County. 8aid mort- <br /> gage was filed for record in the office of the Re�is�er af Deeds of Hall County Nebraska on <br /> July 1, 1927 and recor�ed in Book 63 of Mort�;a.ges on page 433. Plaintiff further prays that <br /> the ri�;ht , title and intereat of the defendants above named, and each of them, in and to the <br /> mort�aged premises above described be foreclosed and f orever barred, a.nd that the defendants , <br /> a.nd each of them, �.nd alI persons claimin� by, through or under them be forever enjoined fro � <br /> assertin� �.ny right , title, lien or interest in and to the a.bove described property and for <br /> equita.ble relief. <br /> T'�E PRUDrNTIAL INSURAA?CE COU+IPANY OF <br /> Dated this 24th cl�,y of November, 1931. Ar,SERICA, a corporation,Plaintiff <br /> By St e�rart ,St e�a & two th <br /> Filed for record this 2 th da.y of Nover:,ber, 1.�31 , a.t 9:1 o cloc . . ' <br /> F�e�i s�'e"3�'o7'�� <br />