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���� ` <br /> n ����������������� ��'���� . <br /> ____� =sr�Ta.��a�.,,,�,.,.,..� __ _._.. _----------------- <br /> grantor� s land aforesaid adjacent to the hi�hways on the west side of said land so that the <br /> roadside of the pole i�ill be even v�ith the bound�,ry line of said hi�hvsay as same appears on <br /> � record. in said coun�;y, together with the rieht to maintain its crossarms , wires , a,nd cables a <br /> � <br />� { dist�,nce of five (5-) f eet from the telephone po�e extendin� �ver said property, and the ri�ht � <br /> � I <br /> i� to enter said x�remises for the purposes of re�airing, replacing and maintaining said telephone <br /> !I � <br /> I� lines; also the ri�ht to keep the �aires and cables free from interference from trees , pxovided <br /> �` that said Company sha11 maintain aII �vires , c�.bles , and crossarms , at ].east ten feet above the) <br /> i� <br /> � <br />, ; ground and shall pay grantor for all da.mages , if any, done to crops or pasture , in repairin�, <br /> I I <br /> ; replacinV, or maintainin�; said line. <br /> « D�.te this 29th day of June 1931. i <br /> � Witnesses: <br /> � VGm.G. La.rsen Mrs. Anna Uden <br /> I State of Nebr�.ska ) Before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned anc? qualified in and , <br /> � )ss. <br /> � County of Adams ) for said County, St�,te of Nebraska, appeared Anna Uden Widow, to rne <br /> � personally knoti�n to be the �ersons aforesaid, who hereby acknow2edgs their signatuxes to the . <br /> � <br /> for�goin� instrument and acknowled�e s�,me to be their voluntary act and deed, <br /> �� I <br /> � Dated June 29th, 1931. Earl L.Hun��r <br /> � ( SFAL) Notary Public <br /> i My commission expixes the 2n� d�y of Au�;ust , 1932• � <br /> , <br /> � Filed for record this l�th �ay of November , 1g31, at 9 ;30 o' clock A.M. <br />� � ����� <br /> ' Regi.ster of Deed <br /> + 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-(�-0-0-0-0-0-0- I <br /> LIS PENDENS <br /> � i IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF NEBRASKA, IN AI�TD FOR HALL COUNTY. <br /> ' THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a ) � <br /> Corporation, I <br /> � Plaintiff, <br /> i I <br /> � vs . <br /> PATRTCK BRETT, a �ridower; Edward F. LIS PENDENS <br />� � Hannon; First Natzonal Bank of - <br /> ! Wood River, NebrasYa, a Corpora.tion; <br />' � Henry Brett and Brett , � � � <br />�� � husband and �vife, tenanzs in ) <br /> � pos�ession of land described herein, ) . <br /> � } <br /> i Def�ndants . ) � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> NOTICE IS HER?�'BY GIVEN, th�.t there ia an action pending between the above named pla,intiff i <br /> � and tne above named defendants , the object and purpoae of which is to foreclose a certain ' <br /> ' imortgage dated Jamzary l�+th, 1R30, given by Pa�rick Brett , a �idower , to THE FEDERAL LAND i <br /> I � I <br /> „ <br /> � BANK OF OMAHA, which Mas filed for r�cord in tre office of the Register of Deeds of , <br /> , <br /> � Ha11 County , Nebraska, on the 17th day of January, 1930, and said mortgage appears on record <br /> I <br /> ' in Book 66 , on 6�2 of the records in the �ffice of the Register of Dee�.s of Hall Count,y <br /> i Nebraska; that the land described in plaintiff � s mortgage , which is to be foreclosed, is � <br /> 1 � <br /> ! situated in Hall Coun�ty, Nebraska, and is more particularly described asf o11o�s: � <br /> I , � <br /> � Northwest Quarter (NW;�) of Section 36, Township 10 Nor-�h ,Range 1z t�est of the ( <br /> � 6th Principal Meridian, containin� 160 acres , more or less. <br /> I� DATED this 21st d.ay of �ctober, A. D. �193Z• <br /> ; <br /> � THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF Or�2AHA, i <br /> ' By J.M.Gurnett <br /> Its At�orney <br />' � Filed for record this 19th day of November , 1931, at 9:�0 o� c�ock A.M. (`��� �� <br />; \ �� <br />� Re�ister of De s <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-C)-0-0-0-0-�J-C-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> ! <br /> 1 . <br />