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� ��3 •� <br /> � J 1 J � ,J � � J � <br /> �������������� ������� � <br />___ _ _________ ____.________ <br /> � <br /> - - __.______ _____ ____________ _ . <br /> � <br /> for said County, state of Nebraska�appeaxed Charles A.Porth to me personally known to be the <br /> persons aforesaid, who hereby acknov,�ledge their signatures to the foregoing instrument and ack <br /> nov�ledge same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Dated this 27th d�.y of June, 1931. Earl L.Hunter <br /> (SEAL� Notary Public <br /> My commission expires the 2nd day of Au�ust �932. <br /> Filed for record this l�th day of November , 1931 , at 9:30 o' clock A.M. . <br /> d'�-u-�- <br /> Register of Deed <br /> o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-�PAY <br /> For and in consideration of the payment to be made by the �xantee herein to grantor of fifty <br /> cents (�.50) for each pole placed in grantor � s land and the further permission by grantee of t e <br /> ri�ht to grantor �o a�tach wires for f ence to said poles so long as pole line of grantee remai s <br /> on l�.nd of grantor, the undersi�ned, being the o� of following described land, to wit : <br /> N2 S.W.�. Section 21, Township 9 .Range 10 Hall County, State of Nebraska, on behalf of themselv s , <br /> their successor , heirs and asSi�ns , do hereby gr.�,nt and convey to the Lincoln Telephone and <br /> Tele�raph Cornpany, a corporation, its successors and assi�ns, perpetual right to construct and <br /> maintain its telephone lines , poles , crossarms , cables , vcires , and braces on �rantor� s 1�,nd <br /> aforesaid adjacent to the highways on the west side of said la.nd, so that the roadside of the <br /> �ole will be even with the boundary l�ne o� said hi�htvay as same a�nears on record in said <br /> county, �ogether with the ri�ht to main�ain its crossarms , �rires , ar.d cables a dis�a.nce of <br /> �ive (5) f eet from the tele�hone pole exter.rAin; over said prone�°ty, and the ri�ht to enter sai <br /> premises for the ��urboses of repairing, replacin� and ma.intaining said telephone lines; also <br /> the ri�ht to keep the wires an� cables free from interference f rom trees , provided, that said <br /> Company sha11 maintain all wires , cables , and crossarms, at least �en feet above the ground a <br /> shall p�,y grantor for all dama�es , if any, done to crops or pasture, in repairin5, replacing, <br /> or maintainin� said line. <br /> Date this l�th day of July 1931. <br /> Witnesses : Cha,rles A.Porth <br /> �m.G. Larsen Anna Uden. <br /> State of NebrasUa ) Before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and <br /> ss. <br /> County of for said County, Sta�e of Nebraska, a�peared Charles A.Porth and <br /> Anna Uden, widow, to me personally knov�n to be the persons aforesaid, �ho hereby <br /> their si�natures to the foregoing instrumen� and ac�cnotvledge same to be their uoluntary act <br /> and deed. <br /> Dated July l�th, Z931. <br /> Earl L.Hunter <br /> (SEAL) Not�,ry Public <br /> My commission expires 2nd day of August 1932. <br /> Filed for record this l�th day of November, 1931 , at 9:30 o � clock A.M. <br /> ���,���.,[ �`��,�,_ <br /> Register of Deeds' <br /> 0-0-n-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0- <br /> _ EASEMENT FOR Fi.IGHT-OF-�IAY � <br /> For and in consideration of the payment to be made by the grantee herein to grantor of fifty <br /> cents (�.50) for each pole placed in grantor ' s la,nd and the further permission by grantee of <br /> the ri-�ht to grantor i;o attach wires f or fence to said poles so lon� as pole line of grantee <br /> remains on land of grantox, the undersigned, b ein� the owner of follo��in� described land, to <br /> wit: South Half of SC�� Section 21 To��nship 9 Range 10 Hall County State of Nebraska, on behal <br /> of themselves treir successor, heirs and assi�ns , �'o I hereby grant and canvey to the Lincoln <br /> Telephone and Te�.egraph Company, a, corporation, i�s successors and assi�ns , perpetual right <br /> to construct and maintain its telepnone line` , poles , crossarms , cables , v�rires , a,nd bra.ces on <br />