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�• y <br /> ����� <br />,� ��r��'����������� ��'����� � <br /> _- -�.���-��_- -- __ _ -_ <br /> remains on land of gr�.ntor , the undersi�ned, bein� the ov�ner of follo�ming deacribed land, to <br /> v�i�; �T2 of SW� Section 2� To�rnship 9 Ran�e 10 Hall Coun�y, State of Nebraska, on behalf of I <br /> tnemselves ----- successor , heirs and assigns , do herelxy �rant and convey to the Lincoln Tele--'+ <br /> phone and Tele�raph Comp�.ny, a carporation, i�s successors and assigns, perpetual right to con <br /> struct and maintain its telephone lines , poles , crossarms, cables, wires , and braces on gran- I <br /> �; <br /> tor' s land aforesaid adjacent to the highways on the west side of said land so tha� the road- <br /> Iside of the pole will be even with the boundary line of s�id highv�ay as same a�pears on record <br /> iin said county, to�ether v�ith the right to maintain its crossarms , �vires , and cables a distanc <br /> l� of five (�j) feet from the telephone pole extendin� over said property , and the ri�ht to enter <br /> I; <br /> � said premises f or the pBrvoses of repairing, xepl=�,cin� and maintainin� said telephone lines; ' <br /> � <br /> � also the right to keep the ti�rires and cables free from int�rference from trees , provided, that i <br /> said Comp�.ny shall main-�ain a11 v�ires , cables , and crossarms, at least ten feet above the <br /> � <br /> i �round and shall pay gra.ntor for all da,ma.ges , if any, done to crops or pasture, in repairing, <br /> replacing, or maintainin� said line. <br /> �� Da.te this lOth day of July 19j1. <br /> � <br /> � VPitnesses : . <br /> i� Wm.G. Larsen Mrs. C. C. Christopher <br /> � <br /> IState of Nebraska ) Before me , a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qua.lified in and f <br /> � �SS• <br /> ; County of Adams ) said County, State of Nebras�a, appeared Mrs. C. C. Christopher v�idow, <br /> i to me personally knon�m to be the oersons aforesaid, who hereby acknowledge their si�natures <br /> to the foregoing instrument ar.d ackno�vledge same to be their volunt�,ry act and deed. <br /> � Dated this lOth day of July,1931. <br /> Ear1 L.Hunter <br /> (SEAL� Notary Public <br /> My commission expires the 2nd day of Au�ust,1932. <br /> Filed for record this l�th day of November , 1931, at g;30 o� clock A.M. (-J����� <br /> � <br /> � _ _ _ _ Re�ister of D�e� <br />� � o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o 0 0 0-o-o-ao-o-o a-o o-o-o o ao 0 <br /> �.. � EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-T�AY <br /> � For and in consideration of the payment to be made by the grantee herein to grantor of fifty <br /> cents (�.50) for each x�ole placed in �rantor � s land and the further permission by �ra.ntee of <br /> the right to grantor to att�,ch wires for fence to said poles so long as pole line of gr�.ntee <br /> nd of �ran�cor , the undersignea, being the owner of follov�ing described land, to � <br /> remazns on 1�, � <br /> wit : N.W.� Section 21 Toc�mship 9 Range 10 H�,11 County, 8tate of Nebraska, on behalf of them- <br /> Iselves , their successor , heirs and assigns , do I hereby �rant and convey to the Lincoln Tele- <br /> hone and Tele�ra h Cornpany, a corporation, its successors and. assigns , perpetual ri�ht to �i <br /> p v � ', <br /> construct and maintain ii�s telephone lines , poles , crossarms, cables, t�*ires, and braces on <br /> I <br /> grantor� s land aforesaid adjacent to the hi�hways on the west side of said land so that the I <br /> roadside of the pole will be even tivith the boun�.ary line of' said hi�hv�ay as aame appears on i <br /> record in said eounty, together with the ri�;ht to maintain its cross�,rms, �ires , and cables � <br /> I <br /> dista.nce of five (5) f eet from the telephone pole extending over said nroperty, and the right <br /> to enter said premises for the purposes of repairing, replacin�: and maintaining said telepho <br /> lines; also the ri;ht to keep the vcires and ��.bles free from interference frorn trees , provid , <br /> � tha� said Company shall ma,intain all �vi.res , cables, and crossarms , at least ten feet above tY�e <br />' ground and shall p�.y gr�.ntar for all dama,ges, if any, done to crops or pasture, in repairing <br />! <br /> replacin;.J� , or maintaining said line. . <br /> � Date this 27th day of June 193z. Gharles A.Porth � <br /> Witnesses : <br />'; VGm.G.Larsen <br />� state of Nebraska ) �� <br /> County of Adams ) Before me, a No�ary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and <br />� • <br />