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���� <br /> � ���������������'�t�� ������ • <br /> ______ _��_��:�.�� _ _ ___ _____ _ _ <br /> �he 6th P,�. , in H�,11 Countp, Nebraeka. - <br /> GRAND ISLAND TRU�� CO�FANY <br /> ; BY CLEARY,SJHR � DRVI3, <br /> II � - BY VPm 3uhr � � <br /> 1� Its Attorneps. � <br /> ; �� <br /> ; Fi1e� for record this 5th day of NovembEr, 1932, at 10:30 0� cl.ock A.�l. �i� <br /> �J� <br /> e�ister of Deeds <br /> � o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-ao-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> i LIS PENDENS <br /> �1 1 <br /> jj IN THE DISTFtICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY NEBRASKA. _ I, <br /> i' � <br /> ' HOrdE SAVTNGS & LOAN ASyOCIA- ) <br /> � <br /> ,; TIf?N, a corporation, <br /> � �� P1.aintiff, � <br /> � <br /> Ii -vs- . LIS PENDENS I <br /> �i <br /> i LUF�A M. HATFIELD, et al. , ) <br /> � Def endants. ) <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> i NOTICE is hereby given �h�.t a petition has been filed in the office of the CZerk of the Distr'Ict <br /> � Court of Ha11 County, NebrasYa, wherein the Home Savings & Loan Association, a corporation, 3. <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � plaintiff, and Lura M.H�.tfield, Andrew F.Hatfield, American Securities Compa,ny, a corporationl <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � �,nd John Doe, first and real name unknown, are def endants; that the object , purpose and praye � <br /> of said petition is to f ore�lose a certain mortgage made, executed and delivered to the plain <br /> .� �iff by the defendants Lura M.Hatfield and Andrew F.Hatfield,v�ife and husband, on or about th <br /> � lOth day of April ,lg2� , covering the following described real estate, to-�vit : <br /> ;i The Easterly 2.� feet of Lot Nine (9) , and all of Lot_ Ten (10) , in Block Nineteen (19) <br /> � in Wallich�s Ada.ition to Grand Island,H�.11 County, Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> � �rhich said mortgage is recorded in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds of Hall County, Nebras a, <br /> � on the llth day of April, 192� , in Book 66 of I�Zortgages on �1 thereof. <br /> � <br /> Plaintiff seeks to foreclose said mortga�e for the reason that the defendants Lura M.Hatfield <br /> �� and Andrew F.Hatfield have made default in the payment of principal and interest due upon sai <br /> �I <br /> mortgage. <br /> 'i HOrIIE SAVINGS � LOAN ASSOCIATION, <br /> ' a corporation, Plain�iff, I <br /> By G.E.Ha.�er <br /> Its Attorney <br /> � Filed for record this 17th day of Nover�ber, 1931, at 9:?��� o � clock A.M. ��'��� <br /> 1 , <br /> � Re�ister of Dee s <br /> I� I 0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> �`, � EASErd�NT FOR RIGHT-OF-CVAY � <br /> I � <br /> � For and in consider�,tion of the payment to be m�.de by �he grantee herein to grantor of fifty I <br /> I <br /> I cents (�,50) for each pole placed in grantor �s land and the furthNr- permission by gra.ntee of ,I <br /> ( ' <br /> the right �o �rantor to attach wires f or fence to said poles so lon� as pole line of grantee <br /> � (� <br /> � remains on land of grantor , the undersigned, being the owner of following described 1and, to <br /> wit : Nz of N.W.4 Section 2� , To�.�nship 9 , Range 10 Hall County, State of Nebra.ska, on behalf f <br /> themselves , their successor , heirs and assigns , do S hereby grant and convey to the Lir.coln <br /> i Telephone and Cnmpany, a corporation, its successors and a�signs , perpetual right t <br /> construct and rnaintain its telephone lines , poles , crossarms, cables ,wires , and. braces on <br /> � grantor� s land afores�.id adjacent to the highways on the west side of said land so tha.t the <br /> ' ro�,ds�.de of the pole wi1� be even with the boundary line of said highvaay as same appears on <br /> I � record in said_ county, together with the ri�ht to maintain its crossarms , v�ires, and cables <br /> a distance of five (5) fee� from the telephane pole extendin� over said propert,y, and the <br /> I � ri�ht to enter said premises for the purposes of repairing,replacing and maintaining said <br /> j � � . <br /> �� telephone lines; also the ri�ht to keep the wires and cables free f rom interf erence from tree , <br /> ,� <br /> provided, that said Company shall maintain all vaires , cables , and crossarms , at leas� ten f ee <br />