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__ i <br /> ��� <br /> ����1��'����,���'��� ��'������ � � <br /> monthly dues on my ehares, Certi.ficate No. 25107, �,nd interPSt and fines on a ].oan of One � <br /> thQ�asand t�1000.00} �L�LLA,??S, made to us. on the above de�cribed property by the s ai� 1�EBRASI{A <br /> STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. <br /> 3a�d As�ociation m.ay, in its discretion, use the rents so far as necessary for the puruose of i <br /> makin� such repairs upon the premises as, in it� judgment , may be proper and may use said rent <br /> so far as necessary for the p�.yment of in�urance premiwns a,r.d taxes upon premises, the <br /> balance to �.e �.pr�lird upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and finea on said certificate <br /> and 7.oan. <br /> This assi�nment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute to the extent of the monthly <br /> dues, inter�st and f ines on s�.id. lo�.n until the time �hen said loan shall be fully paic? or thi <br /> instrurnent canceled Y�y �he Association. . <br /> Dated this 23rd day of September A.D. 1931, <br /> �ITNESS�'S: <br /> Irma Yungblut _ Ernest R.Doan (Seal) <br /> Esth er R.Doan (Se�.l) <br /> S`''ATE OF �'FBRASKA ) On this 23rd da,y of Septemb�r A.D. 19�1, before me, the subscriber , a <br /> COUNTY OF' HALL � Notary Put�lic, duly commissioned and qualified for and in s�.i <br /> Caunty of Hall, per�anally a�peared Ernest R.Doan and Esther R.Doan, �iusband and 'Wife, to me <br /> knoum to be t�� identical persons d.escribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument as <br /> grantor and they acknowledged the said instrizment to be their �oluntary act and deed <br /> IN �YITNESS '�HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and I4otarial Seal at Gr�,nd Isla,nd in said Coun y <br /> the day and year last above written. - <br /> My comm3.ssion expires January 16 , 1935. Irma Yun�blut <br /> nee Raddick <br /> (g�L)- Notary Public <br /> Filed for record this �fth day of ATovember, I931, a,t 3:40 o� clock P.M. <br /> �-����-� � <br /> Register of Deed <br /> o-aao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-a c�-o-a-r�-o-c�-o-a <br /> I�0'�'TCE 4F LIS P�'ND�'�1S - '� <br /> IN '1'HF� T?IS`��.ICT COUF�T 0.� HALL COUNTY <br /> PT�' RASKA. <br /> Grand Island Trust Comp�.ny, ) <br /> a corpora.tion, <br /> Plaintiff , <br /> vs LIS PEI�DENS <br /> Ellen 1?�nphy, et als. <br /> Defenc�ants. <br /> TO �PHO�I IT �AY CONCERN: <br /> Take notice th�t an the 5 day af ATovember, 1931, an action v��,s commen ced in the District Cour <br /> of Hall. County, Nebras�a, in �vhich �.ction Grand Island Trust Qompany, a corporation, �as <br /> plaintif�, and Ellen Dunphy, Edward J.Dunphy, �dartin Brett , Texas Production Oompany, a cor- <br /> �oration, Nebraska N�.tural Gas Com�any, �. corpora.tion, �.nd The Farmers State Bank of �Pood Riv , <br /> Nebr�zs:�a, a corporation, were defenclants; th�,t the purpose of said suit is to foreclose a cer <br /> tain mortga,�e made and eRecuted by E�.len Dunphy, Ec�.ward J.Dunphy, �.nd Mar�tin Brett, on the 27 <br /> . day of April, 1929, ta Grand Island Truet Company, and. recorded in the o�lice of the Re�ister <br /> of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, on A�ril 30, 1924, and recorded in Book 62 of �dort�ages at <br /> pa,�e 37� , to secure the payment of note therein described,p�.y�.ble in the a.mount of �4000.00, , <br /> and interest coupon no�es in the amount of �100.00 e�,ch , a.nd by the terms of said mortga�e <br /> the following described real estate wa$ thexein conveyed;. The north ha7.f of the southeast <br /> quaxter of �ection Thirty-three (33) , in Townshi� Ten (10) North, Ran�e Tweive (12) West of <br />