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��� <br /> �.. <br /> �������'�j�������� � ��� �����"���DJ I� <br /> � <br /> --- -- <br /> . __---- <br /> S`:'A'IE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 23rd �a.y of Oc�ober A.D. , 1931 , before me , the subscriber, a <br /> )ss. <br /> I COUi�TY Or HALL ) Notary Public, �uly commissianec� and qualified for and r esiding in sai <br /> � <br /> „ � <br /> � Coun�y of H�,11 personally appeared George Allerheili�en and Cora L.Allerheiligen, husband and <br /> wife, to me knotivn to be the identical persons described in and who executed the fore�oing in- <br /> � <br /> strument as grantors and they s everally acknot�ledged the said instrument to be their volunt�.ry <br /> I <br /> i act and deed. <br /> i <br /> IN 1�YITNESS WHE��EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, in said <br /> . <br /> I � County, the day a,nd year last above �ritten. � <br />, (SEAL) Andrew �f. Campbell <br /> I My commission expires October 2�th 1932. Notary Pzzblio <br /> � Filed for r ecord this 2d day of NovembEr , 1931 , at 10:40 0 � clock A.M. � <br /> ; �ister of Deed <br /> '� 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> h� �1 A�'�IDAVIT � � <br /> �� IN TH�' rd;ATT�R OF THE TITLE TO LOT T�fO (2) SECTION THIRTY <br /> � TWO (32) IN TOVU?�TSHIP TEN �l�j) NORTH OF F�ANGE ELEVEN (11) <br /> �' ZVEST OF THE 6mH P.M. <br /> I' <br /> I <br /> ST�TE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> � ) ss : AFFIDAVIT <br /> II COUNTY OF HALL ) � <br /> i <br /> ' B.J, Cunningham, being first duly svaorn on his oath, d.eposes and says that he was well and <br /> I <br /> personally acquainted with M.L.'�iseman, trie grantee in a certain warranty deed conveyin� the <br /> � <br /> � above described premises recorded in Book 2�j of Deeds at Pa�e 366 of the Deed Records of Hal <br /> ' County,NebrasKa; th�,t he is also �,�ell and per�onally acquainted �vith Martin L.Wiseman whose <br /> � <br /> � estate was probated in tne County Court of Ha11 County, Nebraska and the f .in�.l decree entere <br /> i' therein on April 14, Zg�3 in �hich decree the above described premises passes and descends t ' <br /> � <br /> ' the heirs of Martin L.Wiseman, deceased, and affiant further states that the said M. L.Wisema , <br /> above referred to and Ma.rtin L.Wiseman, above referred to , is one and the same person, not- <br /> withstanding tne discre�ancy in said names AND FURTH.�R AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. <br />, <br /> B.J. Cunningham <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before r�:e this 3rd day of November , 1931. <br /> John McLellan <br /> ' � (SEAL) Nota.ry Publie <br />�� . <br /> My corrimission expires Sept. 27 , 1933. <br />� Filed.. for record this 3rd c�ay of Novembex , 19?l , at 10:00 o� clock A.M . � i <br /> Register of Deeds I <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- � I <br />' � ASSIGN�N"T OF RENT� _ I <br /> . <br /> KRTO�' ALL MEN BY TH�SE PRES�NTS: That we, the undersigned �rnest R. Do�.n �.nd Esther R.Doan, , <br /> i Husband and �Pife of Gr�.nd Island County of Hall State of �tebraska, for and i� cx�nsideration o <br /> � <br /> One Thousand DOLLARU, to us as a loan in hand p�,id by the NEB�.ASKA STATE BUILDIIdG Ai�TD LOAN <br /> ASSOCIATION, of the City of Fremont, Dodge County, 9ta�e of Nebraska, and other goad and valu <br /> , <br /> ab2� consideration, the receipt �hereof is hereby ackno^led�;ed, do hereby assi�;n, tr�.nsfer, d <br /> iset over to the NEB�ASKA STAT� BUII,DING AND LOAN AS��CIATION, as collateral security for s�id <br /> loan, �he r�nts and revenue accruin� for the period of the duration of loa,n hereof, upon the <br /> follo�ring described pro�er�y situated in Grand I$land, Q�unty of Hail, State of RTebraska, tov� t: <br /> , I,ot ten (14) , block six (6) , Bo�gs �.nd Hill�s Addition to the City of Gr�,nd Isla,nd, Nebraska. <br />; i <br /> And we hereby authorize and empower the NEBRASKA STATE BUILDING A�?D LOAN ASSOCIATION, its <br /> authorized ab�nts and attorneys to a ct �or us, a.nd rent the a,bove described premises, and in <br /> � our �lace cc311ect and recei�t fox said rer_t, ei�her monthly, qu�,rterly or yearly, as they may� <br /> see f it. (l <br /> This assignment of rent be�.n�; mad.e for the express pur,r�ose of beir� apnlied to payments o� <br /> i <br /> I <br />