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p���� ! <br /> �����`�l��j'��!��IV���� � ' � ��'����)�' �.11 <br /> ��.�J � � <br /> Notice is hereby given that an action has been commenced in the district court of Hall county, <br /> Nebraska, �y �he above name� plaintifi agair�st the above named defendants , for the foreclosure <br /> of a tax sale certificate an� the taxes paid thereund_er a.nd for eauitable relief; that sa,id <br /> tax s�,1e certificate tinas is�ued on the lst day of November,1926 , by tne County Treasurer of <br /> Hall county , Nebraska, and is #9�23; that the real estate covered by said tax sale certificat <br /> described in the petition and a.�fected by said action, is described as folloevs: _ <br /> North 62 feet o� Lot Eight (�) , B1ock Two (2) , Spaulding� s and Gr�� s <br /> Addi�ion to the Or?ginal Tovun of Grand Island,Hal1 County, Nebraska. <br /> Dated this day of October, 193i. <br /> C. C. Carlson, <br /> Plaintiff <br /> By Fred J. Cassidy <br /> Hi� Attarney <br /> Filed for record this 31st day of October , 1931 , a.t 10:00 o� clock A.M. . � <br /> � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> A9�TGNMENT OF RENTS � <br /> KNOW ALL P��EN BY TH?+�SE PRESENTS: That �ve, the undersigned, George Allerheiligen and Cora L. <br /> Allerheiligen , r.usband and ro�ife, each contr�,cting in their ov�n ri�ht , and as spouse of the <br /> otnzr , of Grand Island County o�f Hall State of Nebraska, for and in consideration of Two Thou� <br /> sand and 00/100 (�2000.00) DOLLARS, to us as a loan in hand by THE �TATE SAVINGS AND LOA <br /> AS�OGIATION, of the City o� Beatrice, Gage County, Sta��e of Nebraska, and other good and valu- <br /> a�le consideration, the recei�t �vhereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assi�n, transfer , an <br /> set over to TH.� STAmE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCI^�.TION, as colla.teral securi�y for loan, the <br /> rents and revenue accruin� for the period of the duration of loan hereof , upon tne follotiving <br /> described pr�mises situated in Grand Island, County of Hall State of Nebraska, to-wit : The <br /> Westerly one-half of Lot Seven (7) , and the Easterly Eleven (11) feet of lot Six (6) , in Bloc <br /> Fifteen (15) , in Russel Wheeler' s Addition to the City of Grand Island, as sur veyed, platted <br /> and recorded. <br /> And we hereby autY�°rize and empower THE STATE SAVINGS AI�TD LOAN ASSOCIATION, its authori�ed <br /> agen�s and attorneys to �ct for us , and rent the above described premises , and in our place <br /> collect and recei?�t for said rent , either monthly, �auarterly or yearly, as they may see fit. <br /> This assignment of r ents bein� made for tne express purpose of being apz�lied to pa,yments of <br /> monthly dues on Stock Certificate No. 35730, assigned to said assoeiation as collateral secur <br /> ity on s�,id loan� and to tne payment of interest and penalties on a loan of T�vo Thousand and <br /> 00/100 DOLLA��S, (�2000.00) made to us on the above described property by THE STATE SAVINGS <br /> AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. <br /> Said association may, in its d.iscretion, use the ren�s so far as necessary for the purpose of <br /> makin� such repairs upon the premises as , in it� jud.gement , m�,y be �roper and may use said <br /> rents so far as neces�ary for the payment of insurance ,:�remiums and taxes upon said premises , <br /> . <br /> the b�.la.nce to be applied upon the payment of monthly dues , interest and penalty on s�,id <br /> certificate and loan. <br /> Tnis assirnment and transfer of rents and revenue to be absolute for the purposes hereinb�for <br /> expressed until the time v�hen s�.id loan shall be fully pai� or this instrument canceled by th <br /> associa.tion. The release by said associatian of the mort�aJe , date of October 21, <br /> 1931 , upon sa,id real estate shall operate as a full and complete discharge of this assignrnent <br /> of r ents. <br /> Dated this Ttiventy-First day of October A.D. ,193i. <br /> George Allerheiligen jSeal) <br /> WITNE�5F5: Cora L.Allerheili�en (Se�.l) <br /> A.VG. Campbell <br />