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� ���� <br /> � <br />� a ��������������'��� ������ � <br /> ____ <br /> __ .__ ____ <br /> _ _ ______ _!__ _ , ._ __ ___ ___ <br /> said mortga�e was execut�c? by Henry C.Gideon and Alice Gideon in f�.vor of the Occidental Build <br /> in� and Loa.n Association, conveyin� said premises above described as security for the payment <br /> �of a promissory note; that said mortga�e was dated the 21st day of October , 1g25, and was duly <br /> I � <br /> Ifiled for record in the of�fice of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, on the 23d <br /> : day of October , Z9�5, and recorded in Book 61 of Mort�ages at Page 2�1. <br /> OCCID�NTAL BUILDING A1VD LOAN ASSOCIATIQ <br /> i Plaintiff , <br /> By Ellery H.�Pesterfield <br /> i Its Attorney <br /> f - <br /> Filed for record this 23d day of October , 1931, at �-,00 o' clock P.M. (`l�--G�2°��,`���f <br />' Register of Deed <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> �,. I ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. <br /> � ASSIGNMENT. <br /> I <br /> j Know all men by these presents that I , Grace Fay of Grand Island,Nebraska for and in consider <br /> � <br /> � ation of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration to me paid by Hernon B.F�.y of <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i Grand Island,Ha11 County, Nebraska, do by these presents, sel1 , transfer, assign and set over <br /> I <br /> j unto tne said Hernon S.Fay a contract for the sale of certain real estate and articles of <br /> � <br /> j a�reement for a warranty deed to zhe property described as follows , towit : <br /> I <br /> � Lots 3� and. 39 of Frank P.Barks 8ubidvision No. 3 of E� of th e NE� of $ection Ten (IO) Town- � <br /> � shi Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) VPest of the 6th Principal Meridian all in Hall County,l� <br /> � P i <br /> ( Nebraska, which said contr�,et �.�as made and executed by �'.D.Mills of Lexington, Nebraska and <br /> I <br /> ' <br /> Gr?ce Fay of Grand Island, Nebraska and bears the d�,te of day of �ay, 1924, to have and <br /> j to hold the same unto the s�,id Hernon S.Fay, his heirs, executors , admin,istrators and assigns�; <br /> � subject , nevertheless to the covenants , conditions , �,n� payments therein mentioned., and I ± <br /> ! fu11y authorize and empower the said Hernon S.Fay, upon his performance of the said covenant I <br /> , <br /> and conditions , to demand and receive of the said W. D.�2ills the deed covenanted to be �iven � <br />� in the said cont.ract , in the same manner, to all intents and purposes as I myself might or � � <br /> � <br /> � could do were these presents not executed. - <br /> i <br /> � In witness �vhereof we h�ve pla.ced m3� hand this 15th day of J�,nuary, 1927 , A.D. <br /> i <br /> � Ir. the presence of _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> � B.J. Cunningham as to - Grace Fay <br /> � State of Nebraska ) On this 15th day of January, 1927, before me, �. Notary Public, duly <br /> ss. <br /> � Hall County. � commissicned and qualified for and resi.ding in said County, person�.l y <br /> � <br /> c�.me Grace F�,y to me per:=onally kno�n to be the identical person whose names are affixed to <br /> � tne above instrument and acknowledged the execution of the said instrument to be her volunt�. , <br />, � � <br />'� act and d eed. ' <br /> i <br /> I Witness my ha,nd and sea1, the date aforesaid. + <br /> Henj .J. Cunningha.m <br /> I (SEAL) Notary Public � <br /> � ( <br /> �Fy commission expires Au�. 5� 1929• I <br /> � ` � ' <br /> � Filed for reco-rd this 26th day of October, 1932 , at 3:00 0 ' clock P.1�R. ( <br /> ���=�� �✓�'-�.��� <br /> � � <br /> I i Register of Deeds <br /> � � <br /> i o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a <br /> � NOTICE OF LIS PEND�NS <br /> '` C. O. CARLSON IN THE �I�TRICT COURT OF HALL COJNTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> Plaint iff, � ! <br />� ( <br /> vs. � <br /> i EVA FREEMAN and CHARL�S � <br />���'f B.FRE�MAN, ��if e and husb�,nd, � <br /> LINCOLN TKUST COfl2PANY, a � NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS <br /> corporation; JOHN DOE and � . � <br /> I�ZARY DOE, husband and v�ife , � <br /> real names unknotvn, � i <br /> Def end.ant s. � <br /> . ( <br />