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��� <br /> ���GJ�J�j�LJ!��\��J���� �L��J�� ��� �' �; <br /> __ _�,� <br /> � � �� � <br /> OTICIE QF LIS PENDENS <br /> � <br /> In the District Court of the -- --Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, within and. for <br /> tre Couni;y of Ha11. <br /> THE PRUD�'PITIAL INSURANCE COMPANY ) <br /> ) <br /> OF AP,�ERTCA, a Corporation, <br /> Plaintiff , <br /> vs. � NOTICE OF LIS 1P�'NDENS <br /> ) <br /> NILS CHRISTENSEN and MARTHA ) <br /> ) <br /> CHRIST�'NSEN, } <br /> Defendants. ) <br /> TO �PHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br /> Notice is hereby �iven th�.t on the 13th day of Octobex 1931, an action v�as cc�mmenced in the <br /> District Court of the State of NebrasYa, within and for the County of Hall , wherein THE PRUDEN <br /> TIAL I�TSURANCF COMPAT�TY OF AM��ICA, a Corporation, Plaintiff , and NILS G`HRIST�'nISEAT and MARTHA <br /> CH�IST�NSEN>Defendants , the object and prayer of �vhich petition is to foreclose a certain mort <br /> �age an the real est�,te hereinafter described and for other equitable relief. Sa,id mortgage i <br /> dated Jizne lst , 1926 , was �iven by NILS CH�ISTEDtSEN �.nd h�RTHA CHRISTENSEN, husband and vai�e, <br /> THE PRUD.?+:NTI�i�, INSTJRANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, the above named pl�.intiff , and was fi.led for <br /> record in the Office of �he Register of Deeds af Hall County,Nebraska, �on June lst , 1926 , and <br /> recorded in Book 61 of Mortg�.ges, on Page 5�7. <br /> The following is a description of the real estate sou�ht to be affected by said action Part of <br /> Lot l, of the County Sub-Division of the S28Ew Section 16 , Township 11 ,North of Range 9, West � <br /> of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows , to-wit: Be�inning at the SW corner of <br /> said Lot 1 runnin� thence northvaesterly on the vresterly bound�.ry line of said Lot 1 a distance <br /> of 4�.� ft. , ther.ce turnir� a ri�ht angle and running northeasterly on a line parallel with th <br /> southerly bound.ary Iine oi said Lot 1 to a point on the West boundary line of Locust St. , then e <br /> South on the Westerly boundary line of said Locust St. to a point on the southerly boundary li e <br /> of said Lot 1, thence �outhwesterly on the southerly bounda-ry line of said Lot 1 to the SW cor er, <br /> Lhe place of beginnin�, all accordin� to the official plat thereof. <br /> Dated at Lineoln, Nebraska tnis 13th day of October , 1931. <br /> THE PRUDENiIAL IN�U?�ANCE COMPANY OF <br /> AMERICA, a corporation, Plaintiff, <br /> By Frank A.Peterson <br /> Its Attorney <br /> Filed for recard this l�th day of October , 1931, a.t 11: 15 o' clock A.M. . <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�`-0- <br /> ASSIGN MENT OF R?!NTS. <br /> ` � <br /> ASSIGNMENT <br /> ti'PHEREAS� the Sanitaxy Plumbin� Company on the 21st day of September, 1931� has a�reed to furni h <br /> _ <br /> plumbin� materials to Ed.A.Jones Jr. , and Edith Jones , Husband and ��ife, and to George Bailey <br /> Jr. , to be used in the erection and construction of a dwelling house and the completion of sam �� <br /> located on Lot 5,B1ock 7, Bog�'s & Hills Add.ition to the city of Grand Island,Nebraska, and to °> <br /> � truction and com letion of a d�aellin � <br /> furnish plumbing materials also for the �erection, cons P � � <br /> house, located on the East One-Half (-�) of Lot 1�0 in West Lawn addition to the city of Grand � <br /> � <br /> Is1�,nd,Nebraska, for the above named parties , and. in consideration of which the said. Ed.A.Jone � <br /> Jr. and Edith Jones ,Husband and �1ife, and George Bailey Jr. , agree to pay to the said Sanitary N <br /> � <br /> Plumbing Comp�,ny of Grand Island Nebraska, the sum of �43�.00. <br /> NOI� THEREFORE, in consideration of the furnishing of said materials by the said Sanit�,ry <br />