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���J � <br /> � ���������������� �������� � <br />------ ..__ .—STA'f4_JD�i71CAL .__.._7vY,LtF.7CaLN..N.fiB.. � ._ __ ._. . ._.__.�_—.__.,..._..--' --�-- --'-- - <br /> in the last SlPill and Testament of William Judson Porter aforesaid, and CLAUDIA Z.PORTER men- <br /> � <br /> , tioned in the probate proceedin�s had on the estate of said William J.Porter ,Deceased, in the �, <br /> �� County Court of Hall County,Nebraska, and that said Claudia Zoe Porter and Claudia Z.Porter a e <br /> , <br /> y one and the same person, notwithst�.ndin� the apbarent discrepancy in names. <br /> � <br /> !�� Grover Long <br /> ; <br /> ; � � � <br /> � Subscribed in my presence and sworn to bef ore me this 5th da,y of October, 1931. <br /> �1 � � � <br /> �!,, (SEAL) Herman F.Buckow <br /> Ii My commission expires Apr. 16 , 1932. Notary Publ3c <br /> } � <br /> '� Filed for record this 5th day of October, 1931, at 3:30 o ' clock P.M. __ � � <br /> i! ������C ��c"e�,�` <br /> �� Register of Deeds <br /> �� �� �-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> � LIS PENDENS � I <br /> �. <br /> (� IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br /> I� <br /> �� The North�estern Mutual Life Tn- ) Case #71�-1 <br /> � surance Company, a corporation, ) . <br /> �� Plaintiff, ) Doc. 27 Pg. 21 � <br /> � , , <br /> � <br /> � ve. ) LIS P�r�DENS. ! <br /> I � <br /> � 3 <br /> � Martin Kenney, William Kenney, <br /> � �nna Kenney, Margaret McDermott ) � <br /> ' and Frank MeDermott , her h��sband <br /> �� De�'endants. � <br /> !; <br /> i <br />� �� TO �1HOM IT 1�4AY CONCERN: <br />�'� �' '�ake� not�ice that on the 6th day of October , 1931, an action ro�as. commenced in the Distric <br />� � <br /> �; Court of the Eleventh Jud.ici�.I District of Nebraska in and for HaII County,Nebra.ska, in r�hich� <br /> �I <br /> ' The North�estern Mutual Life Insurance Company, a corporation, is plaintiff and Martin Kenney�, <br /> I � _ <br /> ; <br />', ; William Kenney, Anna Kenney, Margaret MeDermott �,nd Frank �'eDerm�tt ,her Yiusband are def endant . <br /> I <br /> ; That the purpose of said sui� is �o foreclose a certain mortgage made and executed by Martin � <br />'� i'' I <br /> : <br /> �; Kenney, William Kenney and Anna Kenney on or �bout the 12th day of December , 1923, and recor � <br /> ; <br /> �; ed in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds of Hal1 County,Nebraska, on the 26th day of Decembe�r <br /> ! , <br /> , 1923 , at 10:00 A.M. , in Book 5�+ of Mort�aged on page 472 of the record.s of said eounty, to �� <br /> � <br /> ;; secure the payment of a certain promissory note therein described in the sum of �9 ,000.00,an � <br /> ; � . <br /> ; by the terms of said mortg�ge the following described real estate w�,s therein conveyed: <br /> �� � � <br /> �i <br /> The Northeast Quarter o� Section Nineteen (19) Township Eleven (11) North, <br /> ; � <br /> �� Range Eleven (11) West ,Hall County,Nebraska. <br /> � ' THE NORTHV7ESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GOI±�iPAR�Y <br /> I By Fred C.Foster and P�rry �G.Mor bn <br /> Its Attorney� ! <br /> i � <br /> t Filed for recoxd this 6th d�y of Oetober , 1931 , a-� 11:55 o � elock A.M. � <br /> ' � ��� � I <br /> � . -�, <br /> ! Register of Deeds � ` <br /> I 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0•-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> , <br /> f � � � <br /> �,, i LIS PENDENS � <br /> � <br /> � TO I�PHOM IT MAY CONCERN: i <br /> � ; ` <br /> � � Notice is hereby given that D.P.VPetzel, a.s plaintiff has filed his petition in the District �, <br /> � <br /> � Court of Hall County, Nebraska, a�ainst Charlotte Alexander,et al. , the object and p�ayer of (I <br /> � i said petition bein� to est�.blish and f oreclose a tax lien based upon tax sale certificate No. I{ <br /> � I I r <br /> � i <br /> i10057 , execu�ed and delivered to the plaintiff by the County Treasurer of Hall Coun�y,Nebrask , <br /> � Delinc�ue�r�t. <br /> I on the let day of November, 1926 , at County Treasurer� s � u lc Tax Sale , for subsequent taxes <br /> f � � <br /> . � � paid under said certificate , and for general equitable relief. i <br /> i �� � <br /> ! The re�.l estate sought to be ef�`ected and upon which plaintiff claims a first lien is .des-crib� d <br /> as follo�vs ' <br /> i <br /> �, '�o-�citt Lot 3 , Block 1, Loan' s Sub Addition to the ori�inal town of Grand Island,Ha11 Count , <br /> \� ' D,P.Wetzel ,Pl�,intiff ! <br /> Nebras'_�a By Shur leff & Splllma.n � <br /> , , �s Attorneys ! <br /> • �� • <br /> ffegis er o eeds <br />