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`'���. �' <br /> �` ��i`�CC�'���������'i'��� ��'�'���.�` � <br /> LIS PENDE�3 <br /> � IN TNE DISTRICT COUR.T OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL DIST�ICT <br /> � <br /> j OF NEBRASKA IN AI�� FOR HALL COUIQTY t <br /> { (Grand Island) <br /> 'Tne F"remont Joint Stock Land Bank ) <br /> I of Frernont,Nebraska, - <br /> Plaintiff <br /> II vs LI � PEND � A13 <br /> (John '�.Dangler and wife, Etta B. �5o3-a - I <br /> , I <br /> IDan�Ier. Farmers state Bank of <br /> il � l�iood River,i�ebraska; Texas � 4 <br /> �q �Production Company <br />� � � <br /> � Def endant e i <br /> � � <br />'�� � Notice is hereby given th�,t an actian has been commeneed and is pending in the abovs named <br /> ry ; couxt upon tr.e complaint of the above named plaintiff againat the above named defendants: the <br /> � ob�ect ,purpose and prayer of said action is to forecloee a mort�;�.ge dated December 23,1922, <br /> � �iven by John W.Dangler and Etta B.Da.ngler to plaintiff securing a note of said mortgagors of <br /> � � Isame date in the swn of �39;000; said foreclosure is to collect the amount delinquent only and) <br /> � involves the following described land: <br /> ! Southeast Quaxter of 8ection 10, excepting those certa,in portions of said premisea <br /> � deseribed as follov�s: Oommencin� at the �vutheast corner of s�.id 9ection 10 and <br /> � running north 30 rods, thence in a southwesterly direction 62 xods to a point on <br /> � the south 7.ine of said 9ection 55 rods �vest of the said Southeast corner of sai.d <br /> 9ection 10, thence east 55 rods to place of beginning, containing 5 acres more or <br /> � less, Exceptin� also the following to--wit: Qommencing 5� rod� north of the south- <br /> east corner of said section 10, thence west 13 1/3 rods thence south 12 rods, thence <br /> I east 13 and�l/3 rods, thence naxth 12 rods to place of beginning, �nd the East HaIP I <br /> ' of Section ;, Township 10,R�,n�e 11, �lest of the 6th P.M. , in Ha1.1 C7ounty, Nebraska. <br /> � s�.id mortgag� was filed for record on February 19,1923, �.nd is recorded in Book 54 on Page <br /> � � � <br /> 1 1 of the records of Hall Count , Nebraska. <br /> 7 Y <br /> THE FREMONT J�IIdT STOGK LAND BANK OF <br /> FREMONT,NEBRABKA. <br /> ' , Fred M.Dev►eese <br /> Attorney <br />� Filed for record this 21st': day of April, 1931 , �.t 4:30 o'cloek P.M. �`.���� � <br /> � Re�ister of Deeds <br /> ( o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o- <br /> � AGREEMENT-SALE OF R�AL ESTATE _ <br /> THIS INDENTUl�E, Made this lst day of April , A.D. ,1931, between Edith J.Jones ,Ed.A.Jones ,partie <br /> E <br /> of �he first part , and Jaseph J.3hrove and Bdae 8hrove,parties of the .second part , �ITN�BSETIi: .` <br /> That the party of the first part h�s this d.a.y sold to the party of the second part , the follo ing ', <br /> described property,to-wit; I�ot Four (4) Block Seven (7) in Bogg's & Hill�s Addition, Grand ', <br /> Te7.and,Nebraska,in Hall Cvunty, together with a].1 appurtenances tY�ereto belon�in� and no�s ther - <br /> on, for which the party of the s econd part agrees to pay the sum of Ei�ht Hundred Fifty and <br /> no/100 Dollars,��50. payable as f ollows; Cash in hand One Hundred Fi.fty and No/100 Dollars , <br /> receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed. Balance to be p�,id Ei�ht Dollars May let. 1931 and <br />� Eight Dollars on the first of each and -every month thereafter until full amount is paid to�eth r <br /> �ith interest. The Eight Doll�.r monthly payment includes intere�t at 7� per annum. <br /> The par�y of the first part is to fuxnish to the party of the seeond part , or assi.�ns , a war- <br /> ' r�,n�y deed and a good and sufficient abstract of title, showin� a good title of record to the <br /> premises herein described in the� party of the first part , when total amount is paid, and carr <br /> fire and tornado insurance on said buildings for $500. payable in case of loss to said first <br /> party, and pay a17. taxes and assessments against said real estate, and if there is a mortgage <br /> on said pro�erty, pay intere�t and taxes tnereon up to 1931 and previous thereto and �ive pos <br /> ; session by May lst 1931 or sooner. It is mutually agxeed that �ime is an eesential element i <br />� <br /> o�tract and it i:s further a reed that in case either of the parties hereto sha2l fai7. t <br />� _ 1 __- <br />